Whats it

whats it

That is a 3D shape, generated by a computer, that has been animated with a rotating motion and also subtle shifting of the structure of said 3D shape.

Any other answer is wrong and a meme.

Wrong, it's 2D.

It is projected to a 2 dimensional surface.

The actual object that is sitting in some random faggot animator's computer is represented in 3 dimensions.

Do you have any evidence for this?

Not user but, reality is 3d, and anything that exists in the universe is 3d.

Since that picture exists in the universe, it is 3d.

Conceptually, it is a 3d "shadow" of a 4d object. Notice the skewed angles between the inner edges and outer corners. If a 4d object could exist physically (which it can't) they would be 90 degrees.

Just like how the shadow of a cube is a parallelogram with no 90 degree corners (conceptually 2d)

It's a 2D projection of a 3D projection of an imaginary 4D object. If we're saying it's 3D because my screen has thickness, then that's just getting into autism territory.

I think I like the old version a little better. Plus it shows simultaneous rotation in two orthogonal planes, which is something that doesn't happen in 3 dimensions.

it's a super-duper square

A 4D cube.

a tesseract or hypercube

I'm gonna name my son Tesseract.

That if some fucking 2d animator sat down to do that shit then it took him 40 years of his shitty disgusting life and then probably shot himself in the dick.

This is obvious 3D animation, stop being a faggot.

>stop being a faggot
Assuming you were , now you know what you sound like to others. This is a depiction of a 4D object, projected into 3D, with some cute effects added with a 3D animation program before projecting it into 2D. If you have reason to doubt that, say so instead of being a faggot.

Also, if it would take you 40 years to create that without using preexisting 3D software, you're a fucking moron.

Wrong, it's actually 1.585D.

is it possible to draw a 4th w axis?

Yes this is a tessaract, hypercube, 4d cube.
We are all familiar, i hope, that a square has 6 equal sides, and 12 edges of equal length. But when you draw a 3-d cube in 2-d then you get unequal sides and edges.

This is a 4-d cube, yes in 2 dimensions technically, but as if it were in 3-d as someone already said.

So imagine this photo as a 3-d object. In 4-d all sides and edges would be equal, but because it is expressed in pseudo 3-d they are unequal.

>Ceci n'est pas une pipe
oh come on.


What bugs me is trying to find the surface area of that thing.

No harder than finding the perimeter of a cube.


hint: every length and wvery angle is the same

It's a 4D object rendered in 3D shown on a 2D surface.

4th dimensional hypercube


16 vertices, 4D hypercube, rotating