Book discussing Tetrachromancy?

Book discussing Tetrachromancy?

Tetrachromacy is the condition of possessing four independent channels for conveying color information, or possessing four types of cone cells in the eye

Tetrachromats really do see things differently. I wonder what this will mean for design in the future

...I strive to show my own version of the moment...

The Cauda Pavonis, or Peacock's Tail

...changing many colors before the eyes of the adept...

The Eye sees into my heart and my heart goes out to it


The colors shift and merge, wink

nobody cares about your meme disease, you freak

...prior to the creation of the Philosopher's Stone...

>Philosophic Dubs

>Majestry of Alchemy

Squaring the Circle


The 'squared circle' or 'squaring the circle' is a 17th century alchemical glyph or symbol for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone

>Cultural Dubs

"Subculture: The Meaning of Style", Dick Hebdige discusses how an individual can be identified as a bricoleur when they "appropriated another range of commodities by placing them in a symbolic ensemble which served to erase or subvert their original straight meanings"

Reality is at a very deep level a set of interrelated and self-referential symbols

Alchemy has had a long-standing relationship with art, seen both in alchemical texts and in mainstream entertainment. Literary alchemy appears throughout history

Visual artists had a similar relationship with alchemy.

...worked with the alchemists themselves or integrated alchemical thought or symbols in their work.

Music was also present in the works of alchemists and continues to influence popular performers

Some contemporary artists use alchemy as inspiring subject matter, or use alchemical symbols in their work

Several subcultures have been inspired by cyberpunk fiction

Cyberpunk's protagonists are hackers, rockers, and other cultural rebels, clinging to a cult of individualism

What makes you you is what makes you beautiful, not the materialistic world we live in!

Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective

Words occupy a semiotic space. Words are symbols that refer not to things, but to our ideas about things

>Perceptive Dubs

These moments are not flukes, or momentary delusion, or insanity. These moments of opening or awakening to a higher awareness, are in fact normal, healthy and profoundly desirable experiences and are in many ways the most important events of a conscious life

A Serendipity Spiral is accidentally stumbling upon something fortunate

The usual definitions of serendipity are concerned with ‘good luck discoveries,’ ‘making happy accidental discoveries, chancing on an innovation without knowing it,’ or ‘accidentally stumbling upon something fortunate

...Place of the Singing Spirits...

“Symphony Chaco: A Journey of the Spirit"

...sacred geometry of the music...

...musical temples...

A story in time

Narratives, structures, complex systems

...“Matrix Energetics… a huge morphic field that allows you, with minimal effort, to step into a unified field of consciousness….and amplify each other’s desirable momentum and abilities, in service of the collective good” ...

Artists' skill sets allow them to "work beyond existing markets and create entirely new opportunities for themselves and others."

...altered their reality...

For it is they who surf the waves of Cosmic
energy, pulling from it what they need to create what they desire

...'The Temple of Success'...

...collective understanding to be the door to the Temple of Success...


It is the door, which separates ordinary consciousness from higher states of consciousness, mundane thought from genius.

In the distant past, mysterious ancient cultures including Ancient Egypt who represent man at his proudest moment, understood the importance of finding the door and accessing the power that lie just beyond, More than that they took special care to communicate a timeless record of the process that could bring about a certain higher state of consciousness that was attainable by all who understood how to open the door

The greatest hope for humanity is that those who have found the door, and those who have been through the door, hold out your hand to those who have not, and show them, by sharing their experiences, what secret and strange treasures are waiting for others when they discover and learn to open their own door. This could be the evolutionary event that humanity has been waiting for...

...begin a new stage of growth, splendor and fulfillment of our awesome untapped and perhaps even undreamed of potential

report, sage, move on


>Beyond Dubs

As the stories began to accumulate, it became clear that the stories themselves were important, and that the collection of stories was a strange and wonderful garden that we could all explore, to marvel at the further frontiers of human consciousness, from what the ancients believed to be our highest purpose


Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde

also pic related

is everyone in this thread stoned?