How do you differentiate between modernism and postmodernism, Veeky Forums?

How do you differentiate between modernism and postmodernism, Veeky Forums?




thing is real and I can prove it
thing is not real and I'm being oppressed by the insinuation that it does

What intellectuals thought modernism was
>Make it new!
What modernism was
>My totalitarianism is better than your totalitarianism! Always stir the lumpenproletariat counter-clockwise!
What intellectuals thought postmodernism was
>We must destabilise metanarratives and power-knowledge!
What postmodernism is
>Holy shit, if you completely erode all "arbitrary" value structures, you can stir the lumpenproletariat SO much faster. This is the best totalitarianism yet!

Modernism: post Descartes. This is significant for a number of reasons - Descartes broke out of philosophy-as-theology that was a meme post-Hellenisric age, Descertes's cogito...
Postmodernism: Americans will say everyone influenced by Hegel (including in response to Hegel). Continentals may agree with that but some who are more into Bataille/Foucault will say anyone who has been influenced by Sade.

You're lumping 500 years of western thought under the banner of modernism

There is no higher purpose but fuck it lets try to find it

There is no higher purpose budabee budabee yahoooo

In a nutshell


super wrong

technically correct

actually correct


Postmodernism is disillusioned modernism.

from what i can deduce from 20 pages of frederic's ramblings postmodernism is a big "other" that is akin to some sort of cultural godel's incompleteness theorem i.e. instead of being about abandoning metanarratives it's the very sort of distrusting knowledge in and of itself

i'm most likely wrong and don't understand him but i find his writing utterly fascinating.

holy shit this is so wrong it hurts

Modernity and modernism aren't the same bruv

By using a dictionary.

Have always gone for this model. However don't really know how accurate it is.

Modernism is for the guys and po-mo for the gals

It's not outright terrible, but its super reductive. For one thing, Postmodernism isn't 'antirealism' in the sense that it denies all objective realities - its a sceptical approach to history which considers each metanarrative as the way one group identity consolidates its power over all other identities. It doesn't deny objectivity per se, but rather testifies against the objectivity of claims made concerning historical narrative.


modernism is for the robots
po-mo is for the meme-buoys

yeah this is bad

jesus christ this is so succinct and perfect

FPBP as always

post modernism is simply a descriptor for the state of affairs in the industrialised West following the end of modernism with Wittgenstein