Anyone smoke marijuana before writing?

Anyone smoke marijuana before writing?

no but on days off, when I set an entire day for writing aside, I take adderall.

no, it makes me too content with life. i drink instead.

It gives makes me think dumb thoughts that end up noiding me every time
>dude what if i actually took acid and just forgot
>but what if

I've got a love hate relationship with it

Yeah. I've written some of my best stuff while drunk and high. It makes me less self critical so I can actually get something on the page and keep flowing without getting caught up in some bullshit.

Although it's not always effective. Moderation is key.

fuck, this happens to me too
>what if there's a camera on my porch and everyone's watching me do drugs
>what if I never come down
>that guy's definitely calling the cops
>what if I'm too high to get back inside and I'm stuck out here forever

"Weed legitimately makes you a bad writer," I typed drunk peering through the collar of my shirt hanging over my head

i have the opposite reaction, drink is the only thing to make me feel content and weed makes me hate myself.

let's switch brain chemistry senpai

i've been applying for jobs that mandate drug tests so i'm trying to stay away from the stuff. also wanted to get clean because i felt i was becoming too reliant on it. i feel kind of shitty right now though and wish i had some, or at least something else to bring me to a different mental state. i'm fucking bored of alcohol.

I try, but I get too wrapped up in my head to actually put anything on the page. It's fucking phenomenal for brainstorming though, especially for fantasy.

For journaling or anything else I drink.

I should probably stop doing drugs.


Why is it so much easier to write in a alcohol fueled self hating stupor?

if you're not writing out of hate for yourself, then I don't know what the fuck you're trying to accomplish desu

I was an alcoholic sine 16, I used to show up to school drunk so I could talk better to females. I feel like as humans we restrict ourselves and when we drink alcohol we're more careless in effort

>what if I never come down
>that guy's definitely calling the cops

These ones always get me. I can half convince myself of the strangest things. Like I'll be high and have deja vu of a past high and sort of feel like I've actually just been in that first high the whole time. Occasionally I'll think about my past and the whole thing feels like fiction and that reality just began.
And then yesterday I was observing myself as just a thing of organic matter, also getting weirded out about the nature of sound.
Drugs are fucking weird.

I start "remembering" past sober experiences as if I was high during them. Really fucks with me man.

lmao at all these worthless druggies and alcoholics in this thread


>I've found that there's only one thing that I can't work on and that's marijuana. Even acid I could work with.
Hunter S Thomspon


Yeah, you seem like the type to find this gif amusing


Man had it right. Never have been able to write with weed. Acid writing is all terrible, but you can usually skim a few ideas from it after the fact.

writing on acid is great. i wrote like 20k words in one night tripping.

>"In Nevada: Possession - 20 Years! Sale - Life!"

i smoke when i edit. gets my creativity at maximum.


Smoke weeeed

God fucking damn I miss Twin Peaks, and fuck me, I miss her the most.

I don't. I went back to re-watch and the nostalgia just shatters.

Does it really? Why?

It's television. Not exactly high art. But, Twin Peaks was as close as it got. At the time, it was a shot of adrenaline straight to the pineal gland.

Now, in the "golden age of television" it's all "good storytelling" with "interesting character development" and abysmal visual styles.

this is Veeky Forums

Are you familiar with the gospel of microdosing, that will lead humanity in to a new era of light?

They're saying it's as close to a cure of mental illness as they've got.



Dank kush haha

Haha ;)

Often when I smoke weed I just end up listening to music.
I will admit that it is fantastic for ideas. It is particularly hard to write them down though - these thoughts consist of rapid-firing images and I always reach the conclusion before I write anything down, so I miss out some of the steps in the reasoning.
This is even worse on LSD but I haven't tried writing anything literary on either.

No, but I smoke tobacco from my pipe or enjoy a nice cigar when I read or write.

someone post some quentin to shut this cuck up

Looks crazy, I know, but it's true

>he doesn't write after snorting a gram of ketamine

I know that was a joke but Goddamn son, I can't even perceive fewer than 5 dimension after that much. Really depends on how LONG after you do some k.

Fall backwards endlessly into the chair you're already sitting in. Reconstruct reality from basic mathematics. Is this how reality worked before you took it?

Mathematics and your own personal biology are diametrically opposed, except for the binary potential--which, as we know, is limited.

Meaning, don't excel past basic algebra if you want to stay sane.

>Meaning, don't excel past basic algebra if you want to stay sane.

Wait till you have to run down hyper dimensional calculus

I studied up through Calculus. I didn't know what I was getting into. it seemed innocent enough. Nobody warned me.

Now I'm fucking insane. I know too much. I think too much. Nothing can stop me now.

Here, have the proper version.

>tfw stuck in a long term pattern of self harm presently consisting of weed and tobacco

fuck. Need a spliff.

There's something very transcendental and religious about high-level mathematics.

It was like that, at first.

Euphoric. Then the pendulum swings an equidistance the opposite way...

>the pendulum swings an equidistance
Only if it's in a vacuum.

My headspace is in a vacuum..

However, you just made that up: pendulums on grandfather clocks, metronomes. C'mon son..

Newton goes in for the kill

I usually smoke before I head to the forest and most of the time I have so many thoughts on books nad novels or just stories. I usually write them down in english (despite not being amerifag or english) but they are totally shitty and I cringe a lot when I try to read them afterwards. I usually delete them because they are too much but I can post some I haven't if anyone is interested in a cringefest.

Smoking weed makes me very hedonistic. All I care about is listening to the right song or talking about the right thing.

I much prefer amphetamines, I feel so explosively happy no matter what when I've had something like Maj or Charlie

I have it backwards. Pot in the past has made me overthink things and come to incredibly negative conclusions about silly topics that don't really matter. Alcohol turns me into a bantering fun machine, even when I'm alone.

>However, you just made that up: pendulums on grandfather clocks, metronomes. C'mon son..
Those have internal mechanisms that keep them swinging and are irrelevant to the conversation.

How much amphetamines do you take and which? I have some Ritalin lying around but I´m not sure how to dose. I tried half a pill and it felt like coffee, but better.
Also, how is reading on amphetamines? In terms of recollection and understanding the text.

Brah. There is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. You must know this.

Pills are doses. Depends how many milligrams are in each. Take one and don't expect to sleep for 8-12 hours. Have a look on erowid.
How well you function on it will be unique to you. You may find yourself highly focused or more distracted than usual.

How is kratom, friends? I might buy some soon.

newton's cradle

Stimulant in low doses, sedative in high doses.

...eventually comes to a stop due to energy loss, like all other systems outside of a vacuum.

Very factual, but scroll up. I was talking about one to-and-fro swing. Silly to argue against that.

It's not an equidistant swing though.

How did you like it?

>what if I never come down
I never worry about this while high, but goddamn if it doesn't take up 99% of my time while tripping

What tool did you use to measure my mental state? An e-meter?

What does your mental state have to do with anything? Newton's Cradles do not have an equidistant swing.

It was ok, about the same as a Vicodin, maybe less

I guess you don't know how to scroll up. The original post was about a figurative mood swing. You either have facts about physically measuring that or you don't. I'll accept either.

I guess you don't know how to read threads because the topic changed to physical swinging.

>hurr durr measure my feelings
Nigga you can't objectively measure them either. Your own argument applies against you.

I get it because of the newton physics joke.

Nerd humor doesn't even fall flat or with a thud. It just evaporates.

I tried but then I just ended up eating cookies and watching Netflix with my husband

>newton physics
Yes, if jokes go over your head you're unlikely to find them funny.

It was hilarious. Definitely worth the discussion.

Me too man, went on a shopenhauerian trip a couple months ago and thought I was never coming back.

>Noided every time
I can't even have my phone in the same room as me because I'm convinced I'm being watched through my front camera and being audio recorded. If I do need to text someone I always hold my hand over the camera and stay quite

same. its hard to ignore the public perception of weed and not think it may apply to you. I've been on stimulants like a mad man however since quiting weed. i still think i functioned better with it as a depressant.
edibles would really sit me down to write large quantities of ideas but goddamn it needed heavy editing once i regained competency.

I only got properly noided once when I went to visit a friend of mine in Eastern Europe. We smoked all the time, in his flat, in parks, in the street. First I was convinced that the police would pick us up and beat me and extort me for bribes. Then he told me some story about a guy he had insulted online who was some kind of gang leader or something in Turkey and I became convinced that this guy was going to come round with his goons and break our legs.

Fun trip though.


can't write fiction on it, but read stoned all the time. i can write academically while fried but seldom poetically or in other respects

schopenhauerian? explain!

>he gets anxiety from weed
>he doesn't live in a legalized state
>he doesn't realize it will be legalized globally in the next 10 years


The world became an ephemeral dream I had been hallucinating since birth, all that really existed was the dark presence of the will that underlines everything. It was either that or God, not sure which.

doesn't help

I hate you for being stupid.

post some " dude weed lmao" thoughts please. I'd like to see how cringey