I want to challenge myself, increasing the value of myself by bettering myself. I'm thinking of reading philosophy...

I want to challenge myself, increasing the value of myself by bettering myself. I'm thinking of reading philosophy. But i'm not a christian. What are some good philosophy books that aren't christian based ?

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Guise help me



Thomas Ligotti - The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

Doesn't sound like you actually want to challenge yourself, mate. Are you not going to read Plato because you don't believe in forms?

Spinoza (he is actually a christian but not really)
Obviously all greeks

You seem like an edgy faggot so you will probably enjoy Ayn Rand

I thought Spinoza was Jewish

most modern and/or leftist philosophies actively reject religion, or only bring it up to criticize it.

aside from a few American nutheads - religion, and especially christianity has lost every bit of relevance it once had.


The obvious answer, OP, is the Greeks. But not being a Christian shouldn't stop you reading even heavily Christian philosophy if it's important.

Spinoza was born jewish but argued with the rabbis so much that he got kicked out of the jewish communities that fleed the inquisition.
Read the appendix to book one of Ethics if you want to claim him as a Christian.

Good job on being either a) a complete fucking retard or b) using successful bait to loop in so many

If you're not 13, kill yourself; you'd be beyond saving

ethnically, but he wasn't really a jew or a christian theologically


I'll even say Halberstam, he has a few good pieces
it really never ends, become a leftist, god willing

>Atheist Manifesto

Pre and post Christian philosophers. Epicurus being the best of the pre, People already mention, Nietzsche, Marx, Stirner etc. for post.

>You antichrists give me hemorrhoids

>I want to challenge myself
>but not any of my beliefs plz

>increasing the value of myself
>current year
>believing in value

>bettering myself
>ew christianity xD

op gb2highschool



Start with the Greeks, you won't understand Nietzsche or Schopenhauer without them anyways.

>Recommending both Marx and Stirner.
>Implying Marx did not completely fucking eviscerate Stirner in the last third of the German Ideology.

>Complete Works of Plato

>Aristotle's Ethics

>Marcus Aurelius's Meditations for cozy philosophy

At this point you can say fuck the rest because most post Platonic-Aristotilean philosophers are responding to the above in some form or fashion

>Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

>Hegel's Phenomenology of the Spirit

>Nietzsche's Gay Science and slim trimmings of Beyond Good and Evil for fun and a break from Hegel's shitty prose

At this point, again, you can say fuck most Modern thinkers because they are responding to the above in some fashion

>Maybe Heideggar's Being and Time for muh 20th Century philo feels
>Maybe Sartre's Being and Nothingness for muh Existentialism
>Maybe Quine's Word and Object for Analytic stuff

Read Russell's History of Western Philosophy to fill in the gaps and learn why only the above texts really matter for understanding the greater movements in philosopy

Oh and do expand on the above, desu you can just eschew Nietzsche and read Stirner if you want the real feels

They're both anti-spiritualists.


>Complete Works of Plato
>Complete Works of Aristotle
>The Epicurea (Collected Fragments of the Philosopher Epicurus)
>Cicero - On the Republic
>Seneca the Younger - Letters from a Stoic
(Fun Fact: Bruno Bauer proved in the 19th century, that large parts of the New testament are quoted from Seneca's works directly, thus proving that Christianity has its origins in Greco-Roman philosophy, and not the other way around.)
>Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
>The Essential Plotinus (Again, collected Fragments)
After this, St. Augustine fused Neo-Platonist, and Nazarene thought, and created Christianity as we know it. Christian theology, and Western Philosophy were effectively synonyms from then until Descartes.
>Descartes - The Meditations (Christian as fuck, but infuential enough on Atheistic philosophy that you can't really afford to ignore it).
>Hume - Everything here, basically: davidhume.org/
>Kant - Critique of Pure Reason
>Hegel - The Science of Logic, The Philosophy of Right, and The Phenomenology of Spirit
In 1835, Hegel's followers broke into two distinct groups, the Pro-Religion "old" Hegelians, and the anti-religion "young" Hegelians. The Young Hegelians are arguably the most influential secular-philosophical school of the 19th century, so even if you have no interest in religion, you still need to read Hegel, despite how Christian he, and some of his works were.
>Stirner- The Ego, and its Own.
Young Hegellian affiliate.
>Marx - A contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, A Critique of Critical Criticism, On the Jewish Question, and the German Ideology.
Originally a Young Hegellian, but ultimately grew dissatisfied with the movement, and went off to create his own thing. The Critique of Critical Criticism, and the German Ideology are basically just bitching about how stupid the other young Hegellians are.
>Nietzsche - Also Sprache Zarathustra, The Gay Science, Beyond Good, and Evil, The Antichrist.
Nietzsche was anti-Hegel, to be fair. He drew heavily from both Goethe, and Dostoyevsky, but the former is largely forgotten, and a vehement anti-Christian probably wouldn't like the latter.
>Heidegger - Being, and Time.
The Creator of Existentialism. Heavily drew on both Nietzsche, and Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard was Christian as fuck, though, and unlike Descartes, or Hegel, you can probably afford to skip him.
>Sartre - Being, and Nothingness
Created a fusion of Heideggerian, and Marxist thought. That's really all I have to say about that.
>De Beauvoir - The Second Sex
Like Sartre, but smarter, and feminist.
>Camus - The Outsider, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Rebel
>Bertrand Russell - Principia Mathematica, Why I am not a Christian, What I believe,
>Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations.

>Complete Works of Aristotle
Yeah all the outdated (i.e wrong) physics and biology is totally essential.

Alright, the Nichomachean Ethics, On Rhetoric, and On Politics then?

>>Bertrand Russell - Principia Mathematica
Oh, you're meming. Carry on.

I'm not.

victoria was the cutie-est but the movie was absolute dogshit and not even very impressive


you're so dumb it hurts

>no Metaphysics
>no Logic


Fuck you.

Wtf are you stupid

Christinity is abstractly the exact same claim as The Forms. Both are fucking inferior dogma you god damn pleb

Stop baiting asshole.

Not him, but he's right. Wow.

your priest is calling you, alter boy. shoo shoo

Why recommend PM?

There's no such thing.
>they're bad because im too stupid to comprehend them

where would 'Meditations' fit into this chart?

are you talking about the meditations of marcus aurelius? he wasn't a greek

why are you here?

Read the preface to BGE by Neetcheese. Shits a waste of fucking time. Objectivity is abstract bullshit meant to distract you from the fact that you're wasting you're time not doing anything worthwhile.
>says user on image board

Nichomachean Ethics is an excellent discourse on value and the purpose of life. I'd also recommend many of Emerson's letters and essays, as though they are deist, many are quite secular.

>Manifesto for not believing in something
Shall I shelve it next to my don't-cookbooks and Abstinence Kama Sutra?

Fuck off, the point of the post is asking if he won't read Plato because of the same reason he won't read Christian philosophy.

Nietzsche is not particularly atheist tho I can see how some of his shit would fit.

>don't-cookbooks and Abstinence Kama Sutra
So Roald-Dahl and... what would be an abstinence Kama Sutra? Note that the Kama Sutra isn't a sex manual as much as a dating manual.

Start with Augustine's Confessions

Oh wait, I know. Roald-Dahl and Twilight.

This guy gets it

>I want to challenge myself
>I want to read what's already in accordance with my belief system

Intricate bait right here.

Also: philosophy books aren't "christian based", Christianity is mostly "philosophy books based"

If you're an atheists either learn the basic principles of theology or just admit you're an agnostic pussy and do not wish to take an effort to handle the whole god thing.


lol slaughterdick

>implying Paradise Lost doesn't belong under protestantism

50 shades of gray

nigga what

read the Book of Mormon

also lol shit thread REVIVED