What Canadian works of literature have you been reading recently?

What Canadian works of literature have you been reading recently?

do people actually look into the nationality of the authors of their books? jesus

generally yes

its not that important but whats the harm of having a themed thread

I've always wondered, why does the fagbow have six colors instead of seven? Any story behind this?

Leonard Cohen's Beautiful Losers

of course

how else are we going to nurture the school of resentment

quite honestly your post is a thought crime

I am Canadian and have never read a Canadian-authored book.

Not even Jacob Two-Two when you were a kid?

When he becomes president, I hope the God Emperor annexes Canada and purges its land of all the liberal degeneracy that has plagued it for so many generations.

not even the ones they snuck into the school curriculum?

I remember reading at least 3

>liberal degeneracy that has plagued it for so many generations

you mean since last October?

Why The Prince of Nothing of course. The finest work of gay rape incest fantasy on the market

david cronenberg - consumed

It originally had eight colors, but, two were removed due to the cost of the dyes. Each color has a unique value assigned to it, IE: happiness, sexuality,love...

Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate

As a resident as the multicultural experiment collectively designated Canada I'm offended that you think there is something like "what it is to be" Canadian, as if there is some kind of phenomenological experience of being Canadian, a Canadian identity into which one can be inducted, or some set of interrelated values making up a polythetic Canadian ethos. Canada is the long-awaited death of subjectivity and self-consciousness. It is a utopia where people of every race and creed can get together to live in true, posthistorical, post-Hegelian harmony, by populating mutually exclusive ghettos, consuming neoliberal post-capitalist diarrhea from unisex fountains, and having confusing transgendered orgies in front of children. If you think there is something like a "Canadian," or a "Canadian literature," with some kind of innate "Canadianness," I invite you to travel the world at a whirlwind pace sucking off as many different coloured penises as possibly in as short a span as possible, while listening to a babel of foreign languages all trying to negotiate with the TTC driver to open the fucking door when there are already six Chinese women standing beyond the white line, who all refuse to remove their backpacks or position their bundle-buggies ergonomically. Only then can you truly understand what it is to be "Canadian," at which point you will be ready for the true experience of "Canadian" "literature:" reading corporate advertisements for American commercial products while waiting for a crowded train and surrounded by an indistinct smear of bobbing brown-and-yellow heads.

what would the 7th color be?


The very same person who blames Donald Trump's popularity to hypermasculinity? Yeah nah.

The last piece of canadian literature I ever read was some short story from sinclair ross I read years ago.
I didn't like it.

is that the one he wrote on an island on drugs or something?

>Cohen wrote the novel in two eight-month spurts while living on the Greek island ofHydrain 1964 and 1965. He fasted and consumedamphetaminesto focus his creativity on the novel.

