I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that these are the only 4 philosophers that matter

I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that these are the only 4 philosophers that matter

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You forgot one

Devil worshipper be gone

Means Aristotle

Means Stirner

Means Hobbes

>Veeky Forums trying to philosophy
Where the fuck is Quine, Lewis, Putnam, Kripke, and fucking Parfit you pleb

plato hobbes kant hegel tbqh

Kill yourself


Suicide is fun. I kill myself daily.

I knew I'd get slack for Kripke. He is the memiest meme in the analytic camp (next to Lewis who is salvaged for his Possible Worlds stuff which is pure logical gold intermingled with critiques and expansions on Hume *my fav*).

But to say he is not among the most important philosophers of all time is to ignore sheer data that he is still like the most referenced philosopher of the 20th century as far as formal papers go. His influence is undeniable.

why is he important

Read all but Lewis (kek) that you mentioned and none of them could handle the Neech it's fuckin pathetic (I mean, Quine is probably on neech's side but who gives a fuck)

Nick Land looks a shitload like Ted Bundy. On phone. Don't feel like putting two pics next to each other.

Pynchon is number uno desu fame


>Implying Nietzsche didnt plagarize Stirner

Naming and Neccessity, bud. Not to mention Kripkenstein (one of the few intelligible interpretations of Wittgenstein out there). He changed the way we logic, and gave Lewis a run for his money. Though, I reiterate, Lewis is too fun to concede.

I'll trade you a Heideggar for a Hobbes and we've got a deal.

>Old cunt
>Vengeful hypocrite

In what world are all these dudes teachings compatible?

Slightly off topic, but does anyone have that "start with the greeks" flowchart?

Do you even dialectics bro?

>Vegeful hypocrite
>le communisme = moralisme xDDDD
Jesus Christ

understanding them doesn't mean adhering to them
despite being about as far right as you can get (and then some) Land's work has a lot of basis in Marx



the 4 that matter to ACTUAL people

Camus, Dawkins, Darwin, Tesla

These philosophies are all in direct opposition to one another. I think you just fucking wrote out all the ones you've heard of.

The only philosophers you need are Aurelius, Kierkegaard, Augustine, and Nietzsche. Before you say "user, you can't have Augustine AND Nietzsche", yes I fucking can. Augustine is about embracing religion, Nietzsche is about the fundamental change in human nature now that religious morality has been subsumed by materialism.

Only one of those is a philosopher

While I am of the opinion that a 'proper Nietzschean' (lol as much as one can exist) cannot adhere to Judeo-Christian values---not without such a radical facelift we wouldn't even call it that anymore---people do miss the importance and embrace of religion in N.'s thought.

>I swear, it's History man, it's just going to happen because muh dialectics, i-it's not like I want those filthy bourgeoise to burn in Hegell, there's nothing I can do, the Revolution has to happen, muh supestructure can do nuffin!
You're right, it's not moralism. It's much worse.

Are you fucking stupid? Go back to BGE's preface. Drop the "materialist" bullshit. Neech's problem with Christianity is the same problem he has with Plato.

It offers weak, insufficient metaphysics that is ultimately destroyed by a commitment to the logic of the will to power.

Your morality is useless in the face of true vitality.

Neech would laugh at you.

Aside from that glaring contradiction

Really? Do you realize how fucking contradictory and messy the logic/metaphysics/most basic arguments of Stoicism are? Sure, if you want a "muh down to earth" meme, you've got it, but c'mln if you remotely give a shit about "truth" and all that (which obvs you do as implied by your commitment to the Jewish-slave-morality version of The Forms) you can't possibly sack up with the likes of Aurelius.

le I pulled this shit out of my St.Paul dick sucking ass meme

Quite literally a waste of time. I could read Hegel, or Job, to get everything he ever said. A beautiful writer, but a weak thinker bound by his own bourgeoise upbringing and sexual repression.

But what gets me the most about your list is that it screams conveniance. You want philosophers that you can interpret as offering some day-to-day self help-gyide for your life. But that's a shitty reading of any of those thinkers, let alone Neech who would bitch slap dat ass for speaking his name in the same sentence as the likes of the weak-willed Kierkegaard and the dogmatic Augustine.

>fedora tipped


Marx is retarded garbage. If only we can remove all his influence, the world would heal.

I'm not a Marxist, my friend, but calling trying to call Marx/Engels hypocrites completely disqualifies anything you have to say tbqh.

christ, you're a retard

why? Marxism was probably the biggest blunder of the last century

>implying the greatest philosophers of all time aren't Aristotle, Aquinas, Nietzsche and Heidegger

U dun goofed OP.

Analytic philosophy is mostly garbage, and is ironically heavily politicized despite protestations to the contrary. You're all basically useful idiots of out-dated Cold War politics. You'll never read this book because the result would be narcissistic injury, but for anyone that doesn't believe me, Time in the Ditch lays out the history well.



The way which Nietzsche deals with religion is what sets him apart from the New Atheists, who are mostly just godless Christians who have replaced Christ and God with Utility and Humanity.

Nietzsche rightly recognizes that religion is part of a healthy human condition. His problem with Christianity isn't that it's untrue (after all, the truth isn't even shallow, it's not a worthy thing-in-itself) but that the values it promotes weaken us. New Atheists harp on the first point but are in many cases better Christians than the churchgoers themselves are.

He is against metaphysical religion because he thinks the promise of heaven and the like have a bad influence on how people live. ER was largely his way of dealing with the question of what happens after death without separating the realm of the dead from the realm of the living.

People like Dawkins and Hitchens read like fucking whiny teenagers by comparison to the N-God.

>The way which Nietzsche deals with religion is what sets him apart from the New Atheists, who are mostly just godless Christians who have replaced Christ and God with Utility and Humanity.

Muh Cathedral.

Kill yourself reactionaryfaggot, do the world a favor.

>uses buzz words like reactionary in a bombastic matter

Calm down /pol/

People like you literally want the era that spawned shit like /pol/ back.

lol just stop

I feel like this is definitely the most interesting direction the New Right is taking. Really hard to underestimate the dependence of Land, and his blogging clique in general, on Marxism. It would be no exaggeration to call Land a Right-Wing Marxist. It all ends in fuggen Mega Death, but at least he's honest in fighting the class struggle on behalf of the bourgeoisie.


What a fucking tool.

the cathedral is a loosely adapted culture industry of Frankfurt school fame.

Kill yourself.

lmao, do you really think that one must be a neoreactionary to see that humanism is becoming a new religion?


Scroll to the bottom to see exactly what I mean, these guys are on the bleeding edge of progressive movements. Also their 'seal' is hilarious since it's basically the mason's compass. Not even trying to hide that shit.

observe as the acolyte squirms

>Era back

You're so retarded this is an oxymoron

>humanity party

Wow, you really proved your point with those bunches of nobodies.

This is argument made by Nietzsche, Heidegger, Marx, Adorno if you think this is limited to NRx you need to study more.

right again


Putting them on the same list as Kant should be a capital offense.

Move over, losers.

No, Kant is still amazingly influential wtf are you talking about


You're retarded

Also, the list goes:
Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Wittgenstein

>sheer data
>most referenced philosopher
this means nothing you sad analytic

Heraclitus, Christ, Kant, Stirner.

D&G are only good for better understanding Land and maybe impressing arty girls

Chomsky, Zizek, Land and Foucault.

That's why they are cannon

Whoah..... This.... Is..... Perfect.....



will oldham, stalin, bjork, and chloe sevigny


What is this, alliteration hour?

Tfw no Kant

Don't listen to me, ask yourself if Marxism has ever made anyone happy.

Even though they were pretty pathetic attempts at socialism a lot of eastern Europeans miss the living standards of Yugoslavia and the USSR.

Get rid of Marx and we shall be fine.

I meant personallly. Are there any thinkers or artists that have been possitively affected by knowing Marx's ideas, that have found any solace or new found love for life in Marxist ideas, and not a pneumatically diseased, spiteful wreck? Brecht maybe? But even he wanted to take catharsis out of theater.

Jesus and Buddha are the only two philosophers that matter

>catharsis out of theater.
Did he really?
Mutter Courage shows no sign of this


>"knowing Marx's ideas" could ever contribute meaningfully to the personality.

it takes a very special kind of stupidity to think the reading forms the man, rather than the man chasing after the reading he seeks to be formed by. readers of marx are already upset; marxism is just the finest and grandest way of articulating it.

Quiet down. I was planning on spearheading a Right rehabilitation of Marx, don't need people giving away that Land already did.

How can this be true if
OP is a faggot?

You're being extremely reductionist. Often writing touches parts of us which would not even have come to consciousness without it, and therefore not developped as a result. I don't disagree at all that their previous conditions lead them to it, but if the writings in question did not affect their personality, then writing, and the whole of art really, are completely pointless.

>I'm not a Marxist, my friend
Literally right there. I don't care for your arguments regarding Marxism, for it or against it.
My only point was that by calling out Marxists for being "hypocrites", you just make a fool of yourself and show your lack of even basic understanding, rather than criticizing them.

>My only point was that by calling out Marxists for being "hypocrites", you just make a fool of yourself and show your lack of even basic understanding, rather than criticizing them.
And you base this on...?

That's because Nationalism was fully done then. Same reason why italians, greek and spanish people have nostalgia for their fascist periods

excellent bait, also


is right about everything

>a Right rehabilitation of Marx
You mean neoliberalism?

said no one with at least half a functioning brain.

>brain-based insults

i outgrew this in 1st grade

I'm really really smart and I just said it

i don't think the "personality" as it has been constructed in this brief discourse is something that can be meaningfully altered after the age at which it is able to approach marx, let a lone capital-l literature

I'm not sure the bourgeoisie is very eager on a return to some kind of pre-French revolution social order.

What is your text from? Sorry if I come as a newfag.

I disagree, character is something that is always changing, expanding and contracting.

books.google.com.ar/books?id=AzssomBIDRIC&pg=PA426&lpg=PA426&dq="the article you sent me is a plausible lie"&source=bl&ots=pmYoBcKfeW&sig=_G7ee61ra8efxu0DqkJ7PwNPFSw&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizpvzG3-XNAhXCGZAKHauGDIkQ6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q&f=false




Non-fedora Master race.

>Nietzsche is about the fundamental change in human nature now that religious morality has been subsumed by materialism.
delete this

all downhill from here

Or did they reach the bottom and start going up?