Why do people try to act like it's cool to be a physicist? They're like...

Why do people try to act like it's cool to be a physicist? They're like, "Look! I have discovered the true shape of nature!" Meanwhile, the mathematicians are like,

"Sheesh brutha, a magician ain't supposed to be given away his secrets!" And then he shrugs it off and goes back to his work, and laughs internally to himself.

He thinks, my only regret is that I won't be alive when they learn the purpose, the reason behind my study of algebraic geometry. But at least I have laid them the building blocks behind how to study it.

Physicists are the people who are advanced from mathetmatics. You just couldn't pass the babby level maths stage and can't get in the big boys league which is why you're stuck with your chalkboard doodling pointless hypothetical problems you made up that has literally zero applications in the real world.

Physicists > Mathfags

Haha, but you fail to realize one important fact, my Newton-thumping friend, that your entire system of belief is based upon the structures that have established. You are just using OUR tools. OUR TOOLS.


step it up


Which means it gets less complex as it goes to the right LMAO

>You are just using OUR tools. OUR TOOLS.

Physicists have regularly invented the necessary math need to suit their needs--going all the way back to Newton.


fool, Newton was ONLY interested because he was curious about the behaviours of curved lines, as ignited by the planets.

If not the planets, it would have been something else. He was focused on the maths. Think about it

Actually don't think about it, because clearly you are too lax with yourself to not let this truth sink true to your core.

Gauss and Leibniz were physicists?


That's not funny. THat's not even truthful. Take it down. Take it down, damn it you idiot. You're going to turn away someone from mathematics because of its innate childishness

And when did I say they were?
Your arrogance is leading you to see things that aren't there--otherwise known as hallucinations.

how about this one then

I'm a mathfag, but honestly, this.

>not doing based mathematical physics
>doing shit that is rigorous yet also meaningful


>a magician ain't supposed to
>be given away his secrets
"A scientist is a magician who
shows you how every trick is done."
– Sandy Shaw
(chemist, "Life Extension" author)

must we go through every permutation?


>engineers playing with dick toy


Anyway, there are headcrabs

is this a problem you wish for mathematics to solve for you? Ok. State your problem.

top kek

What's this plot made in?


Basically, if you like tinkering and experiments, do physics.

If you like anything theoretical go math.

One is not better than the other, math is just cheaper to do.

And engineers take orders from mathematicians and physicists. Engineers just improve and maintain, not discover.

looks like something I did in R a few years ago

Talking with some math professors about what they actually do for grant funding. Just about fuck all. Some travel, maybe bringing in a post doc or visiting prof for a bit. That's pretty much it. Some I've talked to have not applied for any grants for a decade. The uni provides journal access, books even some travel etc. Sounds nice.

That sounds heavenly. Is being a maths prof the comfiest job you can get?

It might just be. Most job satisfaction polls have Mathematician as the top spot if not the second spot.

>t. Ariane 5 Flight Control Computer developer

ooo the burnnnnn
> bernie sanders

psychology is just bullshit?
you know experiments done on addiction, isolation e.g. harry harlow.
these experiments revolutionzed the world, your father would be tyrone if it wasn't for the monkey dependency experiment.

>engineers don't discover
you are one stupid fuck, i really want to bash your skull with my mechanical engineering degree

>Engineers just improve

Improvement = discovery, dickhead.

you just wrote a sentence that implies the second spot was more desirable than the first

Literature > all

If not the second spot I meant as a fallback. But yeah I guess that's not how it's used. Nice meme

Can you faggots please go fuck up some other board?

You don't understand why physicists think so highly of themselves but you yourself think so highly of yourself despite both being very important
All this arguing over who is better and more pure is pointless, you should respect all branches of maths and work together to better yourselves.
The modern world we live in was only possible by working together.
All this hate and arguing will only lead to selfishness and failure





I think highly of physicists. They're the first group of people to take our work, OUR WORK, and at least put it to some use. As opposed to those salty engineers who might, MIGHT use something as complicated as a differential equation, once in a blue moon.

Take this down, now buddy.
