Why does Veeky Forums hate Kant so much?

Why does Veeky Forums hate Kant so much?

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because the phenomenology is a better transcendental deduction than the transcendental deduction and kant is an autism slave to his newtonian weltanschauung

Because Kierkegaard is bae.

But Kierkegaard, like other existentialists, has committed philosophical suicide

Go away frog.

Sisyphus is sad

how many people here have actually read the metaphysics of morals and not just the groundwork

he's an insecure manlet

Because he's a Chinaman from Konigsberg obviously.

I love Kant and would love to talk about Kant with anyone else who is interested :)

How come Kant was so influential?

Veeky Forums wants to justify all their actions through nihilistic moral relatvism

but what's wrong with that?

Because he made the subject qua self-conscious-knower the center of philosophical enquiry. plus his methodology etc. anyway it is almost impossible to imagine any decent philosophy after 1781 that isn't post-kantian in some serious way.

His ideas were unique for the time, and, while open to sometimes back breaking criticism, those ideas remain poignant for students of philosophy to build their knowledge base just like the works of plato and others.

I don't want to compare him to Newton since Newton's achievements are possibly unrivaled throughout all humanity, but his concept on gravity could be likened to Kantian notions. Guiding for a time, important within the framework of the study, and good food for thought when supplemented with more current knowledge.

yeah, um, kant has not been superseded......

Because he Kant be stopped.

because much of his philosophy is rule-based, technical, and doesn't have much overlap with the sloppy inhumane art that existentialists and absurdists seem to like so much, which for the average underachieving 20-something that frequents Veeky Forums equals "muh no fun allowed." plus no-one here actually is interested in the history of ideas or reads at all

I have.

Kant has no poetical value whatsoever and ethical imperatives are gay

I have. took a grad seminar on it.

>no poetical value

Representation, freedom, and ethics have no poetical value?

Cause he's methodical af


This covers it pretty succinctly.

Ich habe so getan.

we must imagine him happy

I should say that I found the MM pretty tedious while both the GM and CPrR were very stimulating reading.


I love Kant. Don't agree with his meta-ethics but Inclination vs Duty, kantian retributionism and contradiction of the wills and reality are all grouse concepts with profound and workable insights.

>can't have access to noumena
>but noumena are accessible through reason

Life is not absurd. Camus is absurd.

Nah. Immoralism.


I thought Veeky Forums liked Kant, whence all the tsun Schopenhauer posters.

>But Kierkegaard, like other existentialists, has committed philosophical suicide

everyone justifies themselves to something they believe in

Not him, but i'd assume he meant taking a leap of faith, rather than acknowledging skepticism and retaining intellectual integrity.

Because Ayn Rand hates him, therefore I hate him as well.
I used to be a deontologist using applied Universality until I realized that it's based on the concept of duty rather than rationality.

>others commit philosophical suicide by not retaining integrity
>we must imagine Sisyphus happy

Is the psychology level separable?