My life as a rich white kid is so hard: The book

>My life as a rich white kid is so hard: The book

Kind of agree. How can you dispute that fact of the book? But there's still more to it and you know that's true.

Rich white kids can have problems just as much as any other kid.

The lower level problems (getting food etc) are boring as fuck to many people.

Let's be honest. Holden doesn't have any problems, except being a stupid cringy teenager who has a high opinion of himself, and who's not able to see his own flaws.

Wow it's almost like that's what the book is about.

He has ptsd

Quoth the black rich boy to the poor white boy: "You're a fucking white male!"

you either didn't get it, or are batiting.

Holden feels misplaced in this world and has no sense of direction, he is also confused about his sexuality . He sees in the world empty gestures and lies, but he doesn't (want to) recognise these aspects of his own personality. Holden is a complex and realistic portrayal of a teenager. If you think the book is just an edgy rant of a teen you are clearly unable to read critically, and put holdens words into perspective.

Well, it's really annoying.

Might as well read The Stranger instead.

Did you forget that his younger brother died and that his college friend killed himself right in front of him? or do those not count as actual traumas?

It annoyed you because you were too stupid to understand the persecution of his character throughout the book, so it did nothing but frustrate you. You hate people like him and the book agrees with you, but again, you didn't pick up on it so you felt like the book was beneath you, which is very ironic.

People are quick to forget this.


>parents always absent
>brother died
>school life has gone to shit
>the entire society has turned to shit due to war
>lacks a role model
>bothered by universal doom of young children at such a young age

Are you retarded?

Not many people can take seriously

I don't think Salinger's point was "wow lookit this genderfluid minority lowerclas character, got some real problems here, folks". Holden had little to do with the book's theme, he was just it's vehicle.
He wasn't making a social statement, his target audience was clear, his character was fully realized, his theme was resolved.
The reason Catcher is highly appreciated is because it acts as a "baby's first literature" in that sense because it's theme/character driven unlike most YA novels.

Why would you dismiss a character's narrative over his race/class? You read the book, you've been shown that a person is more than their race and their wallet, and yet you started this thread because he'd lose the Struggle Olympics, like that's some sort of shortcoming in the book

Why did you have to bring race into it?

#blacklivesmatter #tumblr

No, but I believe you only have real problems if whitey enslaved you a couple hundred years ago, or you have nothing to eat or nowhere to live. Those are real problems, not your trendy made up "clinical depression" and the like.

White people don't have real problems. They can really do whatever they want. I've been oppressed my whole life. My cousin, who is blaxican, was homeless for sometime, even there the whites have it easy.

Im not sure if you're trolling but please go back to your liberal arts school campus.

Veeky Forums is so easily triggered

why is this?

They're rich white kids.

Jesus Christ, the cringe in this thread man.

>Noble problems
It's just art.

I've noticed that the people who most strongly dislike this book are often very similar to Holden themselves

Replace whitey with Moor and you have a Spaniard.
Replace whitey with Mongol and you have a Slav.
Replace whitey with a Babylonian and you have a Jew.

What's your point? Quit baiting.

Is Holden Reddi t and Alex DeLarge Veeky Forums??

>Nobody has posted "he rapes his sister phoebe" yet.

Veeky Forums has truly been taken over by newfag idiots from /mu/

>hated this book in highschool
>talking to fat chick who likes reading, tells me im basically him
>be like fuck no
>say i wouldnt be friends with him in real life
>basically just talk shit about and dont read the book
>read it again years later
>i was exactly like him, with the struggle for innocence, idealism, phoniness, delusion, loneliness, and lack of direction
>where's my cool red hunting hat

Are you implying any of those are white?

"I can make myself sound smart by grossly over simplifying books and making it seem like I'm above anyone who reads books critically."

Rich white kid detected

>he rapes his sister phoebe
It's been a while since I read the book, never realized that, could you please elaborate your comment and tell me either where in the book this happens or what brings you to this conclusion, not triggered just asking

its just a meme


Hi /pol/, Caulfield's an Irish surname :3
I was thinking I was going to have to post this.
kek, he fell for the it's just a meme excuse.

This whole thread sounds new and dumb. Whatever happened to lurking until your new wore off?

Is that the issue at hand?

you fell for the meme

>missing the point of the story: the post

Guys, I think I found the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard

life is hard for everyone, its just different problems but everyone has got them.

Stop privilege shaming!

dude you're trying way too hard to make yourself not look like a newfag

Don't try to reason with them. They're not capable of empathy even though they extol it as the highest moral virtue.

You'd get along very well with my high school English class, they were sociopaths too.

>things can't be bad unless they are the worst they can be
>biology isn't a science because it isn't chemstry
>chemistry isn't a science because it isn't physics
>physics isn't tangible because it isn't maths
>maths isn't anything without logic
>logic needs philosophy

this is you
it's retarded

stop pls

White men accounted 7 out of 10 American suicides in 2014, so clearly they are capable of suffering. They might be the group with the least economic problems but clearly are more prone to loneliness and depression.

He raped his sister, Phoebe.

ffs you took my bait lad

Wealthy white people deserve books that they can relate to just like any other demographic.

>They might be the group with the least economic problems
Nope, that's Asian males and females.

And those problems are largely not found in the Western World.

Loneliness and depression come with going to university, getting a stressful career, and trying to better yourself in general. Japan has a high suicide rate, too. Niggers and Mexicans who work manual labor and entry level jobs, get off at 5pm, and get drunk every night have no cares in the world.

So yes, while whites are the most privileged, we are also one of the only races that actively tries to better itself

He's a fucking whit male! Are you kidding me, how can THAT be interesting?

Poor black kids have literally zero problems