Put down payment on house near a school

>put down payment on house near a school
>live in house and rent out the spare rooms while attending the school
>invest extra rent $$$ in crypto
>sell house and graduate with six figures

is this a good plan?

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As long as your roomates arent craigslist druggie axe murderers i think you have a solid plan.

Thanks user! Any tips on curing a receding hairline? Asking for a friend.

Attached: 1512876117611.jpg (540x540, 33K)

>great plan
>asking for biz validation

validate me

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How old are you?


Okay, you need to go to a dermatologist and he will give you recipe for some medications you can use to retard the effect.
I'm on minoxidil and it's helping.

thanks user

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>buying a vehicle, starting a family, owning a home, starting a business and paying off all debt before making an emergency fund