Can geothermal energy be used to aquire infinite amounts of energy or would it eventually "run out"?

Can geothermal energy be used to aquire infinite amounts of energy or would it eventually "run out"?

It won't "run out" anytime soon but in the several hundred million years range. The real problem with geothermal is how difficult it is to access.

So you could possibly cool down the earth's core?
isn't gravity keeping it warm?

>gravity keeping it warm
Not as long as there isn't any fusion going on there

>isn't gravity keeping it warm?
I'm legit curious how you got to this conclusion

I tough huge gravity force down there would cause friction which in turn would produce heat

most of the heat in the earth is from the decay of uranium.

It doesn't output enough energy to power what we already use, over the entire surface of the planet. How do you think it will power what we use now and will be using in the future?

Remember your basic equations? Energy is force times distance. What is supposed to be the distance along which gravity can be exerted and tapped in this case?

There is no such thing as infinite energy. Maybe to us it would seem infinite, but it would definitely dissipate eventually.

Plenty of heat indeed is produced this way, but it's not an unending process. That is, heat is released as core material compresses, but once that particular material has released its heat, it doesn't release more unless it's compressed further.

A lot of the heat of the Earth is also due to friction, but it's friction that happened a long time ago, when Earth first formed. Earth was once a band of dust as wide as our current orbit around the Sun. The dust spent a long time attracting closer and closer together, becoming denser and denser until it began to form into a planet. As all that dust collided, each with slightly different velocities and trajectories, a lot of heat was created, and some of that heat *even now* has not yet escaped the planet. It's *still* cooling.

Lastly, there are a lot of radioactive isotopes in the mantle and core of the planet. As they break apart, they also release heat.

>Not as long as there isn't any fusion going on there
That's actually not true at all. Gas giants like Jupiter that have no internal fusion are still warm in the middle.

It's all about conservation of energy. Planets are made from huge clouds (later, discs) of material that gradually forms up into a ball over timescales measured in the billions of years. All of that matter has a huge amount of potential energy relative to the center of mass, so as the planet forms and matter falls inward, all of that (formerly) potential (now kinetic) energy has to go somewhere. Some of it gets sent away by flinging out small pieces of material at very high speed, but most of it turns into heat. It takes a very long time for that heat to radiate away from the center of a large planet, because there is such a thick blanket of shit on top of it. Additionally, more heat is brought down to the core any time material falls inwards within the magmasphere.

I think it's about half, maybe a little more. So you are probably correct. But I just want to point out that gravitationally bound bodies without significant radioactive output are still hottest in their cores, and remain that way for a very long time even after "formation."

No man, just no. I saw a lot of people making this kind of mistake when I taught intro physics to pre-med students. Equations don't tell you what energy is. That equation will tell you how to find the energy associated with a force acting over a distance, I guess, but that's not the only way energy is expressed in the physical world. Anyway, in this case you could say that the relevant distance you are looking for is the distance over which the matter making up the Earth fell in from the protoplanetary disc/cloud.

Thank You

Insufficient data for meaningful answser.

Oh good, someone else knows what's up and explained it right.

In addition to the normal cooling and radioactive heat, some bodies also have internal heating driven by, for example, tidal deformation. Some of Jupiter's large moons (particularly Io) are probably extra-warm inside because they have been repeatedly squeezed and squashed by tidal forces caused by Jupiter's pull. Think of squeezing a stress ball over and over again until it heats up from all the rubbing.
That's just an aside though. The Earth's heat comes from the sources that user mentioned.

Everything eventually ends in the beginning

>core made of molten metals
>magnetic field
>nothing to do with heat

user went full rere

lol moron

>several hundred million years range

the core will probably be completely cool in about 7 billion years though

Wont the sun swallow earth in 4 billion years?

yes this gives you an idea of how big and hot the core is

Jelly of my knowledge?

Molten steel doesn't create heat you shitter