There's nothing in quantum physics that can't be easily explained with classical logic

There's nothing in quantum physics that can't be easily explained with classical logic

>muh double-slit experiment

>muh entanglement

Anything else?

post more kirino




spectral emission and absorption lines, go

If you are using Bohmian mechanics, why invoke different bullshit to explain phenomena Bohmian mechanics is already capable of explaining?

What's anti-logical about those?

I misunderstood you, thought you meant explain quantum with classical mechanics

Explain how pilot waves explain QM. Explain how worm holes solve entanglement (Bonus: define a worm hole). I expect rigorous derivations and experimental proof supporting your claims.

>In Bohmian mechanics, the entire universe is governed a wave equation incorporating the entire history of the universe and all the particles in it. So, there's no entanglement -- the detectors are governed by the same equations so the correlation can never be removed by experimental configuration.

Because that's awful

They are 'interpretations' of QM, not models to replace QM. These interpretations fit the QM formulas just fine.

>pilot wave

But even the uncollapsed portion of the wave function still exists in Bohmian mechanics. Not to mention it isn't even Lorentz invariant



Lorents effect is just gravity



The reason pilot-wave produces the same results as Lorentz QM despite not being Lorentz invariant is that gravity at quantum scales is negligible

>I don't like the consequences of the phenomena I invoked to remove spooky quantum behavior

Then why did you invoke it at all?

pilot-wave =/= the entire package of Brohmian theory

Unless you want to also describe collider experiments, this works

[gravity also isn't always negligible in quantum stuff; look up the effects of gravity on cold-atom laser traps]

It's still not Lorentz invariant. Bohm himself conceded that his interpretation could never be Lorentz invariant. If it were true, it would require reintroducing the concept of absolute simultaneity

>muh Bohm is the only possible way to do pilot-wave

pilot-waves have been observed, the formulas are secondary

Given that Bohmian mechanics is the generalization of pilot-waves into a real theory and not just a specialized toy model, it really does.

Bouncing oil droplets are not deBrooglie pilot-waves unless you invoke formal equivalence through all those messy formulas you don't like.

The only people to bring up Bohm and deBrooglie are the deniers