What's an extremely kink, extremely gay, extremely well written and subversive novel with an actual plot...

What's an extremely kink, extremely gay, extremely well written and subversive novel with an actual plot, and not some dennis cooper shit with senseless abuse and murder, please.


Foucault does Bataille: Through The Eye and Out Again (A Love Story)

I do wish story of the eye was gay,

In Search of Lost Time

Anything by Bret Easton Ellis.

I read Closer by Dennis Cooper and I liked it. Unsubtle in the extreme but effective.

The novel you are looking for is called Hogg by Samuel Half-NigNog Faggot Delaney

Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders

Moby Dick.

Hey fellow delaney fan! He's the shit. I got to take a course with him a few years ago when he spent a quarter as a visiting prof at my university. Dude is fucking brilliant. He taught a course on Flaubert's sentimental education and the graphic novel From Hell. Really amazing dude.

This novel isn't just sexual excursions? It actually has a plot, or at least some interesting style?

my dairy desu

Back to tumblr, sweetheart



Confessions of a Mask

Not exactly kink, but his fetishism of death and the young male body certainly has a beautiful aesthetic to it. And there's no degenerate shit behind it like so much LGBT sjw writing

Naked Lunch

Came here to post this.

>With an actual plot

I really like "degenerate shit" though. I do plan on reading confessions of a mask.

fuck you

Hogg is pretty gross but I mean y'know like uh haha ah yeah well...