What fictional character do you most relate to? From literature, film, tv, anime etc

What fictional character do you most relate to? From literature, film, tv, anime etc.

the main nigga in notes from underground

Quentin Compson

Light Yagami, I've never encountered another character that is a direct representation of me aside from him. L almost was me as well due to his intelligence, but his being on the side of "justice" aka the government made us incompatible. The justice system is a joke and should be abolished, nobody with a working brain can disagree.

My favorite book is ASOIAF btw

kiyoaki spring snow.

I was the autistic guy in college, who everyone saw as really pretty, im from a rich family, and i act like a manipulative cunt so nobody goes near me, my best friend is also someone really into philosophy, who is smarter than me and was the only person that saw my fake persona, and basically all my past relationships were really manipulative like his.

I am Larry david from curb.

Marley from Marley and Me

the girl with the dick in her mouth from looking for Alaska

Winston from 1984, for I too am a pretentious cunt.

Fiction relates to books.
Cinematic relates to film.
Television relates to tv.
Crap relates to anime, etc.

Let's try to be a little more careful with our nomenclature, Veeky Forums.


beautiful b8

It's a hard one, but I've always felt a deep affinity with 'The Joker' from Christopher Nolan's Magnum Opus: The Dark Knight Returns. I am a nice guy, but I have a real psychotic dark side...


I want to identify myself with Reinhard, but I can't. I know I will never be that based



Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

Late eighties Dylan

I'm really close to just giving up the poor attempt at being redpilled and going full on normie

Prince Myshkin from Dostoyevsky's The Idiot

I just finished that book 5 minutes ago.

Bro, not memeing, but i kept agreeing with everything this man was doing, and actually felt the emotion he expressed, especially in the dinner section.

I think this means i'm becoming a reclusive anti-social, and should probably go out more.

Do you have sisters?

I searched it, it seems original


I'm Sasule btw

Me too. You got a BPD SO as well?

harry haller, from steppenwolf

The underground man.

David Kepesh

Kirito from Sword Art Online

Mizoguchi from Temple of the Golden Pavillion

Daniel Holden

self-aware faggot
huge faggot
boss as fuck
weeb faggot
cool but also faggot (the gay kind)

fucking this

Seymour Glass from Salinger's A Perfect Day for Bananafish

No one currently but awhile back I was really stressed out because of an asshole professor and I found myself heavily identifying with Holden Caulifield and Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII

I know I'm not as handsome or smooth. I just feel like we see the world in the same way.

I haven't been feeling too good lately. I started watching Mr. Robot and it's hit me pretty deep. I'm five episodes in and, besides having sex and doing drugs, I see way too many similarities.