Can anyone tell me what this is? I've had it for years now, since I was in high school...

Can anyone tell me what this is? I've had it for years now, since I was in high school. I've never been able to tell if it's some sort of balding or just part of my hairline. I'm in college now, can't really tell if it's gotten worse over the years but any info would be appreciated.

hair receding

too bad you look like a fag

I'm afraid you have terminal JUST

That doesn't make much sense. Hair doesn't recede at that spot.

you're a hairlet OP
stock up on rogaine

have you ever had a scalp injury?

That looks fucking disgusting. The hair part looks also bad.

thats balding friend. hope you are ready to look like friar tuck when you are 30.

kek underage op is already balding

No clue OP, I have that as well.

>that hairline

Same here user, it just means we're telepathic

Rogaine dont work on the front, only the back

Dont listen to the balding meme guys. This is what balding looks like. It starts on the top, then the back, then both areas start clogging the drain.

It doesnt start with some stupid little patch on your forehead.

It's a hairline fracture.


These balding patches are either genetic or have and underlying cause, could be psychological problems like anxiety. They don't receed, unlike normal baldness. Don't worry.

Looks like you have the super aids.


go and see a doctor about it.

This If it's just a patch (not a receding widow's peak shaped like a W), so it's probably alopecia something. It isn't necessarily permanent.

you should ask

I'm 26 years old, have the same thing, and am not concerned about it being a sign of balding because it appears in my photographs of early childhood

the infamous reverse-widow's peak. you need to get your chakra checked out pronto, user.

Head cancer

This or you have a mild form of a rare autosomal dominant condition called Myotonic distrophy.
It includes prefrontal baldness but if you have kids, it can be as bad as muscular distrophy and cardiac problems.

Do you also have cataracts or did any one in your family have it at an earlier age?

i have the exact same thing, ive always attributed it to baldness, but i still have hair everywhere else