What branch of Science is best if I want to become an evil scientist and destroy the world?

What branch of Science is best if I want to become an evil scientist and destroy the world?

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nuclear physics or some shit idk

whatever exxon employs

Political Science.

oh sorry you said science
my mistake

artificial intelligence

The branch that contributes most to VR sexbots

Biology, some kind of super disease is the most plausible way to wipe out all of humanity

Have you read Dan Brown's 'inferno'? Make a virus that instead of sterilizing the population, it kills them, then follow the rest of Zorbrist's master plan :^)

Petroleum Engineer :^)

Do music theory and step into the court of the crimson king.


Good luck making a fission trigger


Basket Weaving


re-invent AIDS

molecular biology

A lot easier than it used to be. Electronics are much more precise and even afghanis and iraqis are making shaped charges,

Destroying the world wouldn't be science unless you keep half safe to measure difference. What you really want is engineering.

You'd be well off going for demolition engineering. You get to access bombs and you learn how to destroy structures.

The moment you decide to be a evil genius, the idea of a super human will appear.
*the universe balances itself and flies away*

Villainology, specifically super branch of it:
applied psychopathy
unabombmanship 101
lectures on phlosophy of chaos

>unabombmanship 101

That'd be mathematics.

Hasn't happened in reality. We've already had supervillains like the Unabomber and Pogo the clown but no legitimate superheroes. Closest thing to a superhero that's existed has been faggots like Phoenix Jones whose super power is using pepper spray.

Science fiction






Microbiology. Virus, bacteria and that kind of little basterds. Good stuff.

Climate research seems to be a good way to total the world economy... 8-)

political science

>chemical ingenieer
You could stock pile some sarin or vx gas, it doesn't have the potential of let say a super virus but its not anyway near as hard


Good luck, OP. Make us proud.

One of the hardest sciences there is. Only facts when you walk through that door.