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Science #83
No Mars thread? What do you guys think about Elon Musk sending humans to Mars 20-40 years from now?
Is he our guy, sci?
Psychological reasoning behind grammar nazism?
Is this the right place to discuss fossils? I've never seen fossils/paleontology threads here...
How can I tell if I'm a philosophical zombie?
Physics n00b here
If B then C, thus if (A and B) then C
What changes should be made based on this information?
Professor doesn't provide practice exams
Field Theory guy
What happens when we die?
Who's the smartest?
Here are Newton's writings digitized
How come if a car traveling at constant velocity hits me I feel a force? You physicists are dumb...
Is Complex Analysis a meme? I really enjoy it and I am thinking about specializing in it...
Mfw there are people on sci RIGHT NOW who don't know calculus
Linear algebra
Veeky Forums meme thread
Scientifics Process Effected by Social Concerns
Common Core
GMO discussion
Is there any evidence for the benefits of psychedelic drugs that isn't pseudoscience...
I got a question for you
Ace the tests
Actual physics PhD
Some of you know a thing or two about your professions so here’s my question...
How can something so infinitely complex as the universe, the brain, DNA, brain cells...
Well ?
Gamma rays have been discovered that will destroy earch by the end of 2016
Hard problem of consciousness
What causes one to be gay scientifically?
ITT: We post cool space photographs
Proof by induction
I'm bored as fuck, Veeky Forums. Give me some math problems
Sit in on analog signal processing class to see how much of a joke engineering classes are
I have always wondered
Is Veeky Forums mad that China has built the world's largest radio telescope and no other project will surpass it for...
Does it concern any of you that everything that has exists and will exist will one day just be gone...
ET Life
How do waves look in 3 dimensions? every representation i've been exposed to seems to reduce it to 2 dimensions
Is it scientifically possible for aliens to look like Humans?
Which scientific field is the closest thing we have to real-world magic?
Is This Really Happening?
Por Veeky Forums ^.^
Hey Veeky Forums a question that I was wondering about the other day
/nobel/ prize
Genetic modification
Common Core puts those who are ahead or smarter and lumps them with retards who don't know shit. Pic is very related...
Will interstellar travel ever be possible? Is this planet the only one we will ever have?
Is lucid dreaming real?
Thoughts on this?
Strong suspicions of sabotage of the Falcon 9
Help me make Veeky Forums the best science resourse on the Internet!
Why are people's IQs rising? Redpill me on the Flynn effect. Is it bullshit (bad tests)? Or some epigenetic shit?
Maths jokes
Could we slowly let out tanks of oxygen on the moon...
Conventional current defines current as the flow of positive charge
Millenium Problems
Post your IQ, Veeky Forums...
Veeky Forums anime
How do you take the limit of a radical function if x is under a radical on both the numerator and denominator...
Why aren't we going to jupiter
Have you ever met an actual child prodigy? How good was he?
Grow taller
Tfw I easily taught myself tensor analysis, differential equations, organic chemistry, analysis, complex analysis...
"No New Information Added"
Dark "Matter"
Gain intuition
Someone posted this in a /pol/ thread
I want to believe
Undergraduates complaining that the course i'm TAing is hard
The apple dropped on his head and he invented gravity
This is the smartest person to ever have lived
How to get my head around combinatorics?
Has anyone a funny / interesting / pedagogical proof or illustration of Pythagora's theorem?
What is the ultimate life form?
Is there a confirmed way to stop having wet dreams?
He majored in STEM
I have an economics exam tomorrow and long story short I skipped a lot of classes...
Daily reminder that the Pi vs Tau debate is for brainlets
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
I'm taking the SAT tommorow...
I was wondering why can't smartphone chargers have jack connectors like in headphones...
Why is Veeky Forums so butthurt over CS?
Why has this cost $8 billion - and is that a price worth paying?
What are some feasible avenues for wireless energy?
Whats his endgame?
Measuring Concentration
times it by
If I have a GPA below 3.0 should I just end it?
What is the derivative of this function
Basic maths
Explain complex numbers to be like i'm a highschool dropout that found algebra hard
Is There Still Life on Mars?
Saw this on /b/. Is it legit science?
Bragging thread
You guys seeing these pictures?
Will anyone be staying up tonight to watch the Rosetta probe crash into a comet tonight?
Rounding errors
People who write in textbooks
Shit undergrads say
How close is science to unlocking Immortality?
Legacy Ramanujan a greater mathematician
Can we end quantum mysticism once and for all?
I just realized that there are an infinite number of algebras and an infinite number of abstractions of those algebras
Irregardless of your nomenclatic preclivaties...
Tfw i use a,b,c instead of x,y,z in Calculus
What is your major/specialization and why do you love that subject?
Looking to share a new insight in particular with Animenon-kun regarding spectral sequences from the nPOV
Biology vs physics vs chemistry
What, in your opinion, are the smartest boards on Veeky Forums? What about the dumbest?
If a drug could increase your IQ by 15% or your motivation by 30% which would you boost?
So in my engineering degree, first year, there's a CS/programming course and the language used is C...
Some sort of memedrive
Serious questuon: Do you think you're you smarter or stupider than the average Veeky Forums user...
Terraforming Venus
Pleb hate
Science of pseudohypothermal bowel sensations
Is this mad monk and SENS hacks like Musk...
When/where does your smartphone's GPS no longer work?
CS Cringe
His favorite area of math is category theory
Triple Integrals
Is Veeky Forums mostly right wing?
How is this allowed?
Veeky Forums Ordained Reading List:
How do you recover after doing bad on your exam?
Is there a way to lower IQ? I really want and need to become fucking stupid...
Solar Panels?
Cryptology Publications:
Tfw uninterested in math but too smart for other STEM subjects
Won't graduate with an engineering degree until I'm 30, but it'll be from a uni with 25 Nobel winners
/nobel/ prize
For anyone who cares about Veeky Forums
Sleep 10 hours
Whats it like to be a brainlet who cant do algebra?
Ph.d in mathematics, finance or economics?
What do you think Veeky Forums- whats going to be the absolute final humanity invention in the future...
Your favourite element? Let's see which element is the winner
Why is it that we aren't afraid of the creation of true Ai?
Start learning math
What is Veeky Forums's non verbal reasoning like
Is "you must be autistic or severely socially handicapped to be a genius" a meme?
Trying to get out of academia
To get the morning going... Are all races equally intelligent? Please corroborate your answer with actual evidence...
He studies about something that doesn't even exist
Blow up a billion dollar rocket in the testing phases
Fucked up my first calc 3 exam
Human Replacements
Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke...
How do you guys deal with the fact that there have been so many gifted people to have existed that we will never be...
Starting to feel like there's something more to psychedelics
Post your IQ with proof (NO FUCKING INTERNET TESTS) and then tell us your occupations...
If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is there to see it, does it have color?
Tell me about climate change Veeky Forums
Can anyone explain why (speed of light) ^2 ???
I think this image says it all about hillary supporters
How am I supposed to deal with just not being smart enough for a higher-level maths degree...
The truth is ternary
Space X - Mars Travel
Why are men attracted to boys who look like girls so much?
Can Medical Anons Help?
SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System
Dr. Zhang creates first Genetically Engineered Baby in Mexico
The liver
Von Neumann was smart
What is the Dark Souls of mathematics?
In foundations class
NASA is a lie
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
Is "racial realism" valid or is it pseudoscience?
I know this board is terrible at probability, so let's see if anyone can solve this
Sophie's Choice: BSR Edition
Functionally tailored to be a hunter
Hi sci , which engineering can i study to contribute more to the world? I have to decide in one week
Teach me math
Biology professor firmly believes Viruses are living things
True Randomness
Reminder that there is a bigger gap in mathematical skill and level of abstraction between Mochizuki and you than there...
Is China going to become the new scientific hub of the world?
Can we consider that antimatter is already discovered?
Tfw both parents are simpleton high school dropouts who never read an entire novel cover to cover in their whole lives...
It's a "we have no idea why our rocket exploded so lets quickly change the topic" episode
Are master degrees a meme if you want to work in the industry ?
Physical Attractiveness
Fundamental Forces of Nature
Objectively speaking, philosophy is above any other science
When will our brains be uploaded to the Internet?
I open this thread to comment the NASA's conference about Europa in real time
How do we end poverty?
Anyone else a machine learning researcher...
There are an infinite number of real numbers between any two real numbers
Will we ever have a real complex conversation with an AI?
University isn't fun...
How deep have you gotten Veeky Forums?
Any F# programmers out there?
SpaceX Tests Raptor Engine
What are your favorite simulation tools?
Best Calculator
Is world peace attainable?
ITT: Veeky Forums methods for learning/note-taking
Hey Veeky Forums, I recently found out about the flat earth conspiracy...
Do you create an inner voice in your head when you read?
Is college a meme?
Real world STEM
Is it possible for a plant to grow inside your body in principle?
What does Veeky Forums think of the recent update to the radial acceleration relation for spiral galaxies?
Study music thread
Is agriculture discussion allowed on this board? Or is that not a science
Gee user, I wonder why we spend so much money to research space and stuff! After all...
Is consciousness reducible to psychological/neurological concepts/processes or does it require more fundamental ones?
Sources on AI
There will always be someone better than you
Guys I think Andrew Wiles is doing it
What is the exact value of pi?
Is this you, Veeky Forums?
Which social science major is the most useful? Which is the least? Which is the hardest major and which is the easiest?
He thinks he can reach human-level AI by the end of 2017
What is the intellectual equivalent of surviving a fucking plane crash in the Andes mountain...
How can a Circle have an infinite amount of points, that together and individually, hold no space...
Thoughts on racial segregation in academic institutes, good or bad?
Python networkx library help
Does cell damage even exist?
Terence Tao is on track to solve the Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness problem before the end of the year...
Is Humanities harder than STEM?
Can anyone defend the species concept as scientifically useful? Why do we (and I suppose, more commonly...
Will humans ever become a type II civilization?
Fermat: mathematical troll?
For the engineers on this board, what was your senior engineering project?
Why can't I hallucinate?
Exponent Math Question
Psychology psychiatry
Daily reminder that if you don't have a comprehensive understanding of Hume's ideas...
Philosophy is dead. It is an infinitely recursing rabbit hole of questions
Who are the modern big names? Which modern scientists will still be famous centuries from now just like Einstein...
Realistically how close are we to making superhumans using CRISPR...
Was nutritional science a mistake?
Carbon Dating
Non STEM Courses
Every function passes the vertical line test, but is everything that passes the vertical line test a definable function?
Falcon explosion is due to a breach in the helium system of the second stage...
Can't find x&y
Is it feasible to fry in water if the atmospheric pressure is altered...
Oh, you like Einstein? Name 5 of his songs
Who actually contributed the most
Massive computing power
ITT: we determine what makes one a brainlet
Should brainlets be sterilized?
Best science in your opinion? chem is best science
There isn't a college coursework board
Do you believe in God?
How can I develop confidence?
Veeky Forums video games
Which field requires the highest level of brain power?
/CG/ - Chemistry General
Does Wi-Fi increase the risk of developing cancer?
Hint: The way you solve this problem determines whether you belong on Veeky Forums or not
Is free will an illusion?
Mathematicians of Veeky Forums
Why doesn't the Theory of Evolution come under more scientific scrutiny?
Is mental illness the demons of today?
An analog clock displays the time 3:15. What is the angle between the hours and the minutes hands?
Can Zuckerberg and his qt genius wife really cure all disease?
Ive been battling this bible fag i know irl for a few weeks and this week im going to try and crush him with examples...
Good looking (relevant) mathematicians
The Tritone Paradox
For a faggot like me who is planning to attend Medical School, is it possible to be as good as this guy? If not...
So, what is the consensus on the cause for homosexuatily?
LOL Mental Health
See black person at uni
Why is maths so based, bros...
Now that the dust has settled, was the Moon landing faked?
What are the chances evolution is real?
Is this where we can talk about tornadoes? Let's talk about tornadoes, Veeky Forums
Professor's PhD thesis is unoriginal
Social Psychology published results proven false
How close are we to developing a general artificial intelligence?
Tfw finally thought I understood what derivative and integral functions are on an intuitive level but it turned out I...
He said that scientists are not the "cool-headed logicians" they are presented to be in the media and cultural canon...
Race and Intelligence
ITT: we write my masters thesis 1 word at a time. Chem eng major btw
Swedish Scientist is editing healthy Human Embryos and developing them
Help I'm graduating with a BS in Stats this year, never had an internship...
SQT Stupid Question Thread
Genius here, 199.97IQ verified by multiple online IQ tests
Let's see how smart Veeky Forums is
When was masturbation invented?
Mathematically, what's the best way to learn computer science or programming from literally 0
Mercury pollution in the US
Remember this? It turned out to be a huge flop even possible fraud. All the patients are dead, surgeon has been sacked
The Planck length is the smallest distance
Common Core
So hes a meme right? i read up on him, idk even know how hes considered a legit "scientist". Same with Bill Nye...
Want to join my eco-village, user?
Why throughout history has there never been a black scientist, philosopher, or math genius...
Did science make the world a better place?
What would you do if your IQ suddenly decreased by 40 points?
What if there is a gene for "curiosity" and Africans somehow lack it...
Why are you doubting global warming?
University thread
So wtf was Homo Erectus even anyway? How come you have constantly hear about Neanderthals but never Homo Erectus...
If there was no colonialization of Africa
Math majors of Veeky Forums what jobs are you doing now or what jobs are you applying for?
Quantum entanglement
Hey, Veeky Forums
How wrong is the author of this article?
Can we all agree QM is shit tier science?
What should I do with my MSc in pure math?
Come on dude
Today Veeky Forums got redpilled on the nature of time
Copper in Drinking Water
Read all over the internet how cal 2 is super hard and it's the hardest calculus
ITT: Eugenics General Bread
Is this the big one?
We need more women in stem. Coders are the most important scientists. A woman was the first programming...
Keeps giving examples of homomorphisms
Space/ Astronomy
Redpill me on the multiverse
Stupid beliefs
We're at a loss here, anyone who can give a hint on this question? We're not asking to solve it for us...
Earth is in fact flat
What would happen if sun, made of ice, collides with normal sun which is made of lava...
Is an apple a day good for you?
Does quantity exist in the universe?
How the human face will look like in 100.000 years
Be bald ape on a blue rock in an eternal, endless void
What is it like to have an IQ of 85?
There are people who unironically believe being skeptical or criticizing man made climate change should have you black...
How bad for you is it to have a ~250 kcal serving of sweets a day? How about once a week...
When specifying the domain and range on a function, is it better to write it as:
In 2013...
Noetic Science
What directs stem cells to create specific organs...
Mfw first author as an undergrad
Another Von Neumann thread
Biggest waste of talent in mathematics history
Why can you get any college degree without learning real analysis? It should be a gen ed requirement...
"For the sake of argument let..."
How theoretically possible is it to have a spacecraft that could make it deep into one of the gas giants...
Pi R squared
Can Veeky Forums help a dumb /v/irgin?
Why the hell is [math]infty cdot 0[/math] undefined? *+0
I amputate my arm i'm the same person. I do the other arm, still the same. legs, same...
Assuming something this big was ever actually built for space travel, how would it move...
How to study for inattentive attention deficit
Box jellyfish can fucking hunt cooperatively and actively search for prey
What are some Veeky Forums approved antidepressants? i want to not feel like killing myself anymore...
If evolution is true how come some organisms like pic related remained unchanged for 450 million years?
So this proves none of this real eh? I wonder why scientists don't kill themselves when learning this shit
I have no biology experience but I want to try breeding simple organisms to see if I can get interesting traits
Isn't it highly probable that everything we've learned about the universe is just what our primitive organ is able to...
Triple major
Which would show a greater reading on the scales, or would they be the same?
Who /dumb/ here
Why is the speed of light uniform?
Why are liberals so scared of nuclear power?
Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?
What do you think of eugenics?
Kinetic strike
What are the best ways to improve your intelligence?
What is wrong with /pol/?
What's the point in becoming a scientist, really? It is totally thankless. I'm being serious here
Ask a cognitive neuroscientist anything...
What do atoms look like?
Why are there so few (if any) legit black geniuses?
Expected Value of Crime
Why is so hard for scientists to prove 9/11 wasn't faked?
What should I do if I want to be smart?
Fuck chemistry
Biochemistry of fastfood
Was the 1940's nuclear trinity test bad for human health?
Is it true that Von Neumann didn't invent the von neumann architecture
How does Science debunk the Shaolin physical feats...
Waste half your life sleeping
I can't tell you who I am but I can tell you our company is working on a PC exclusive mass-eefect inspired RPGMMO
Make 100ml solution with 1 molecule of NaCl in it
Could you make a knife sharp enough to cut an atom in half?
Hey Veeky Forums
What do modern physicists study? Isn't physics "complete" by now or at least as complete as humanly possible?
He fell for the laziness is bad meme
Why keep living?
Itt post subjects you legitimately hate
Is it true that the Ancient Egyptians
SQT Stupid Questions Thread
Is this allowed?
Hopefully this won't take you guys too much time but I've been trying to solve this problem for the past 2 hours
Psychiatry, psychology, and other mental health care-related fields
Is lucid dreaming a real thing? How does it work? How much control do you have? Can you control what you dream of...
When it comes to differential equations, what would be the correct procedure going about this problem?
Alright, let's answer this once and for all
Do you believe you're smarter than Aristotle?
Are there scientific objections against eugenics ?
Why not hot and cold electricity?
Are you smart enough to find the next number in the sequence, Veeky Forums?
The sum of two numbers is 58
Elf ears through genetic engineering?
How does medicine and supplements degrade?
Do you still think you can count past 1000^10^200?
Did you know Black Women were the reason we got to the moon
What's your opinion about this movie, /sci?
Explain either entropy or energy in 10 seconds GO
Kripke was labelled a prodigy, having taught himself Ancient Hebrew by the age of six...
He believes in man-made climate change
This Universe is too fucked up to just pop into existence
What if you ate a tiny cube with no nutritional value, except 20,000,000 calories...
Undermining rationality
So... yeah
What's the chance of getting doubles in one post?
"I'm really smart, I'm just not good at math."
Why is the human diet so different from other primates? We eat grains and animal protein in large quantities...
Let's say we colonize Andromeda. How would we communicate with a planet in Andromeda...
Why Veeky Forums books cost ten times more than Veeky Forums books?
Develops a poisonous skin so animals leave it alone
Is it possible for a moon to have a moon?
Recently read this book and i gotta say this guy is a geniuss. Somebody think he will succeed in his quest to Mars?
What's your excuse for not being physically strong and smart/educated?
Is it possible that we are the first advance civilization in the galaxy?
Sending particles through a double-slit apparatus one at a time results in single particles appearing on the screen...
Well Veeky Forums?
ITT: Veeky Forums-related memes
To what extent is genital sensitivity linked with sexual stamina?
Textbook Thread
Is this enough
What was the greater intellectual achievement
Will anyone ever win the Fields Medal AND Nobel Prize in Physics?
Riddle thread
Ok so i was sitting in my advanced physics class and came up with this awesome joke
Took my first ever college test yesterday
How does Veeky Forums feel about him?
Quantum consciousness
Women in health sciences
Creationist Nonsense
How can science recover from this?
Tell Me About Your Passion
Is your country becoming smarter or dumber?
How autistic are you Veeky Forums ?
Posting here cuz the doctors i went to don't know shit...
Sexual preferences are behavioral tendencies rooted in biology
Fun geometry problem
I'm conflicted sci, should i major in philosophy or science?
God is not in this world, he merely wrote the engine our universe runs on
Who is the most intelligent man alive?
What does it feel like to have a Ph.D in Pure Mathematics?
Where's the proof for determinism? All ive gotten from anyone is theoretical evidence and DUDE CAUSALITY LMAO...
Why do people make mistakes?
Life is ENTIRELY dependent on luck...
This crossed my mind today
Y tho
Why can animals eat all the rotten meat, dirty food, and LITERAL shit they want...
Why would anyone (with a talent) decide a career in pure mathematics over theoretical physics when theoretical physics...
Do it
Always thought 'pet undergrads' were just a lame fantasy
If two clocks show a different time, how do we know which one is right?
How to counter autistic brainlets when they ask the practically of your college major?
Is Economics a real science? The whole thing feels like obvious shit everyone already knows
It's me again...
Elon Musk was a terrible student in school. He got shit grades and hated it. He is now the smartest CEO on the planet...
"Today we learn most of the universe is made of dark energy and dark matter"
Someone on /b/ started a thread concerning the Lunar landing, and subsequent photos that exist of it
What does Veeky Forums think of this?
Intelligent life is probably so rare in the cosmos and requires so many accidents stacked on top of each other for it...
Why is it getting hotter?
Please teach me obscure science facts
Is war necessary to advance science and technology?
How do I turn into a turboautist genius?
About to cry
/Jeo/ - Jeopardy
What does Veeky Forums think about legalizing drugs like marijuana?
For those of you who are in relationships... Does you partner study or have a career in STEM? If not...
Supposing climate change is all true
Name 1 discovery in physics made after 1945 that has affected the lives of ordinary people
Is love a meme or is there science behind it?
Is it me or are you guys too naive about the future...
Evolution Just Got Harder to Defend
This is probably a retarded question for this board, but it seemed like it was most closely related to Veeky Forums...
Redpill me on the "aquatic ape" theory. Any validity?
Is this pseudoscience or legit?
Explain to me how picking up girls can't be studied in a scientific way using the scientific method?
Young adults born with Down syndrome pursue their passions while defying society's expectations
What reason do "hard problem" believers have for thinking A happens instead of B in pic related...
How come every time I talk here about the fact that every scientific study link meat consumption with cancer I get...
Things that trigger you in every day occurances
Finite Field Extension
What are space battles actually going to be like?
What are some Veeky Forums hobbies?
SQT Stupid Questions Thread
ITT: hard life lessons you've learned while being in STEM major/career
Can you rotate an object in a way that can't be undone with subsequent rotations...
Is there any documented benefits to living without Facebook?
People always say every fauna and flora is important, muh ecosystem blah blah
What is the intellectual equivalent of "Just be urself bro :^)"?
Does Veeky Forums do drugs?
Professors in STEM
Why do living organisms inherently kill each other?
Who is the greatest scientist in American history
Is putting a 160IQ kid in a class of mostly average people during school as bad or worse than putting an average kid in...
Humanoid robotics are pretty much the only thing I get excited for but it's also seems to be the area of robotics with...
Damn ΔP, you scary
How close are we to reaching the limit of what is physically possible...
ITT: We list words and phrases used exclusively by brainlets
Oh, you bought a used version of our $120 book for only $30 on Amazon? Great!
Why is going back to the moon so hard?
I'm in my first year of grad school studying Statistics. 80% of my fellow students are Chinese...
Hi guys
First week of calculus and i solved all the derivative in my head while everyone else was still busy copying them all...
Prove to me that complex numbers aren't arbitrary circlejerking bullshit
Prove 2+2=4 without asking me to have faith
What causes gravity?
Is 0 a natural number?
What exactly makes a person more intelligent that others...
Say you pick two random straight lines in 3 dimensional euclidean space, what's the probability that they intersect?
What is the scientific reason that Korean women are so much prettier than other women...
What motivation did low energy single celled lifeforms have to evolve into advanced complex lifeforms like humans...
What are the images inside your head (memories, imagination and dreams) actually made of?
Would a Neanderthal baby kidnapped from the past and raised by humans in modern society be able to adapt and thrive in...
Where were you when XKCD BTFO global warming apologists?
Life After Death Thread
The feel
What is the intellectual achievement equivalent of Navy Seals? How do I get there?
Anyone can help me with my java
I apologize profusely that the following post will be /x/ as fuck but I'm not trying to prove ghosts or anything...
Is Veeky Forums smart enough to help me with my physics homework?
So, explain me why we can't use Magnets for perpetual motion free energy
In class, professor asks a question
Science Fanboy-ism
SQT thread
Ahem! Now that I have seen a good deal of threads DISMISS the exposed irRATionalwiki for the irrational leftist...
So all the top dogs in technology have spoken out about not underestimating AI. Or to be wary about it
Why the hell do we need the first gorillion digits of pi or more fucking prime numbers? What a waste of time and money!
Wall street math
Does anyone care to explain this shit? There are 12 black dots...
Is consciousness an illusion created by complex neural patterns?
Blue Origin Announces Big 'New Glenn' Rocket for Satellite & Crew Launches
He thinks he can reach human-level AI by 2019
So how true will this be?
How much of an effect would it have on the world if the value of 1 was changed to 1.5?
So with an FSIQ of 124, and a fluid reasoning score of 129...
Doomsday Devices
Is science ultimately evil?
Solutions that give you a half chub
How did he perceive Humans?
Well, Veeky Forums?
Hard problem of consciousness
Doing some pre calc can anyone explain a function that has a domain of all real numbers...
Are organisms only algorithms?
I want to produce the following string of numbers:
How reliable is MBTI?
Psychiatric diagnoses are made based on the opinions of psychiatrists rather than with actual diagnostic technology
Being a psychopath is the most logical way to live
It's neat and all, but does it have any noteworthy application?
Am I allowed to post scientific, peer reviews studies if the results give credence to racists...
Apparently average looking people are attractive as fuck. From this I deduced average looking implies attractive...
What does Veeky Forums think of a man that wishes to master all of the following domains:
Is there a scientific reason why blacks are so agressive ?
What's your favourite Veeky Forums non-textbook book?
Gas for the kikes
Prove to me that everything happening right now isn't happening within a Boltzmann brain that was formed due to random...
Let's say you have a computer program that counts natural numbers from 1 to infinity...
How statistically likely is it for me to die in my sleep?
Black Panther member criticizes Isaac Newton
About a month ago I had the worst string of panic attacks in my life. I couldn't stop shaking for nearly 2 days...
Just a reminder
I know that there are 3 dimensions, but have heard that there are more than 3 dimensions...
What does it truly mean to be an educated person?
Does sci know anything about fourth generation nuclear weapons...
Why sin(cosx)=(1-(1/x^2))^1/2
Biologically, how bad are these for you to eat? Which ingredients are toxic and in what way?
What is the scientific consensus on IQ?
Why do most physicists on here seem to really hard deny personal perspective being of any factor in our understanding...
Engineering graduate here. how the hell do you derive the quadratic formula?
So here's something a bit different for sci, What does this board think about the Navy Nuclear Power Program...
You will never experience learning linear algebra for the first time ever again
Is it possible for a person with an Internet connection to become an expert mathematician?
Now before you hurl insults at me, i am a bible literalist, creationist, christian, etc etc
Where does life begin? Does the "soul" just cling to something, like a spontaneous chemical reaction, and then grow...
What will happen to "me" when I blast a bullet through my head?
If the many worlds interpretation is valid...
My high-school algebra teacher didn't lie to me, right?
Researchers always say that they are looking to recruit new grad students
So love's just a trick that makes us reproduce?
Gravity Battery
Tell the Truth
Why don't we have a political party based around scientifically literate politicians...
Dear Math people
Race and IQ
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on Bill Nye "The Globalist Leftist Guy" who doesn't even have a degree in science?
What are you doing to change the horribly unfair gender disparity in science?
Be me
Is solar energy a meme?
How many of you autists ARE NOT positivists? And why not...
Will this be on the test?
What will the next groundbreaking discovery/invention be?
Tie a rope around the Earth's equator. Now untie it, and add one meter of rope. Tie again. How loose will it be...
Hey fellas. I was walking home with some friends and we argued about probability
Do you guys consider psychology a real science?
Is [mind break] possible?
Do you get headaches when you think too hard?
There are some people saying that wheat is bad for you. How right are they...
Tfw finally drop out of EE in the beginning of my 2nd to last semester
What are some good free resources for learning MIT level math?
Those of you who are successful students
So ok Veeky Forums I need your help I have an exam tomorrow and I thougt it was gonna be easy because it was algebra so...
Is world peace attainable?
Female spatial awareness
Muslim scientists
Discrete Math Proof
How did one panel of a stick figure comic made by a guy with no graduate degree who went to an unranked liberal arts...
Are the women's Olympic events are basically just a branch of the Paralympics for people that lack a Y chromosome?
If a coin is tossed in a forest and no one is around to see it, is it still 50/50?
What's he up to, Veeky Forums?
So i have to take an introductory programming course, and I don't know any programming languages
Wtf is this? Math theory in pre-cal?
Why did this article trigger Veeky Forums so much the last time it was posted?
Projective Geometry Part 3:Projective spaces and Desargues' Theorem
Why does Veeky Forums hate this man?
Music for studying
Deterministic drivel
If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound...
I 'm in the middle of a funeral, I want to say something about death , I advise something fast to read?
I almost failed highschool math and the teacher told me I would never amount to anything...
Them lads at Deepmind just solved speech generation with their meme networks:
Is this possible Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums have any hacks for Trigonometry?
Musk Confirms That Something May Have Hit The Rocket
Alright, gents, We're doing a space elevator type thread, but it's just going to be the bad news, alright?
How do they send images to the Earth? Did they discover WiFi on Mars?
If the ISS has some kind of retrothrusters and was able to slow it down to the point where it was stationary to the...
Anybody know what the scientific consensus on gun control is?
Who's the smartest?
I'm so fucking sick and tired of this shit man
Can something that isn't conscious truly suffer?
How do you guys study?
What does Veeky Forums think of "The S.W.E.A.T. Pledge"?
Why is this guy a meme?
Is it possible to move an object from rest at point A to rest at point B without any energy consumption?
I'm in my second semester of CS. First semester we did Python and I understood it fairy easy...
Hit forehead back in July
Is there any validity to the claim that dinosaurs were not real?
Where can I find STEM teaching resources that aren't complete garbage?
Your university & major
Pop Quiz
Hate me if you want
Can't even keep myself from masturbating
Hey Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums here...
Computer science or electrical engineering?
Is the GRE really this easy or is time really that big of a factor?
OSIRIS-REx launch
No theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics
So is there a consensus on what exactly you should eat if you want to be healthy?
I had a hardon on today while eating baked potatoes
What is the most useless theorem in mathematics?
It's a prof has a thick accent and no one can understand him episode
Sci related tattoos
How do I develop an eidetic memory?
"welcome to thermodynamics"
How much do you partake in drugs?
I'm going to accelerate myself to 99.99999999999% of the speed of light so I can witness the end of the universe...
What language to learn
Wtf? How is sodium not critical for muscle contraction?
What is the Relative Speed of Photon 1 passing Photon 2 if both photons are passing going in opposite directions in a...
Is MSG actually bad for you?
Can someone explain the fourier series? I can't get my head around this shit
Would it be possible to put a device around something through which current passes such that the current is cancelled?
School holds a seminar with a very famous and talented researcher in a field I care
Calc I
What would happen if I took the derivative of a function at a certain point?
Is there ANY scientific backing behind the nofap bullshit people are clamoring about?
What's the best mechanics book? Is it this?
Does anyone ACTUALLY understand quantum mechanics?
Should I study physics at uni?
Will aging be cured before I die?
Redpill yourselves. Don't buy into the college meme
Von Neumann's accomplishments?
If the universe is infinite, then there are an infinite amount of intelligent species in the universe
Im in high school and we are learning about time space and eistein etc...
Yellowstone Scares me
Are my jokes funny and JOKES
Is artificial intelligence actually dangerous...
/g/ can't solve this. Can Veeky Forums?
Set theory
Hello Veeky Forums
Be retarded kid
How can we prevent AI?
Is this a troll problem?
What is the actual mechanism by which mass distorts space-time geometry?
How do women react when you tell them you're a mathematician?
Why do i have to drink water Veeky Forums
Why do his rockets keep blowing up?
Favorite Pen
Cannabis effects on cognition
If you think about it, Aristotle wasn't so wrong. Rather than chemical elements, he describes the state of 'matter'
Reminder that you're not a true scientist or mathematician until you have read the complete works of both Aristotle and...
Who is your Astronautfu?
Math is Racist
Which engineering major did you choose and why?
How does this make you feel Veeky Forums?
They did it, they cured cancer
Quark discusion thread
I fucking HATE mosquitoes, jesus fuck
Anyone else hate LaTeX hear?
Tell me Veeky Forums What are some breakthroughs in medical science (Example: Artificial Kidney...
So scientists say that the Big Bang caused the universe but what caused the Big Bang?
Does anyone care?
Any other Geo fags here?
Clever one of your family
Anyone else here #HyPEd for a new era of space exploration...
Ontario fags help
Post common science misconceptions plebs have that grind your gears
Tell me Veeky Forums. How can you get excited about physics and math without having, at least at some level...
Interesting / funny pic/gif thread
How significant is iq to learning? is there any point in bothering if your iq is < 80?
Ever wondered what the chances are that you'll ever become a PI? Check out
Ochem course
Brain Food
Why isn't every living being diagnosed with cancer?
You may only post in this thread if your University is ranked top 20
Is the universe quantified ? Is everything really just made of 1s and 0s ?
My best friend is a flat earther
What prevents us from turning heat into electricity with optical rectennas?
According to the MSDS of water ( ), the LD50 is 90ml/kg
Writes equations on his window in white marker for maximum cinematic effect ruining his window in the process
A friend of mine in the service said when he was stationed in the middle east...
What causes people to be this insufferable?
Can we get a list of the greatest mathematicians in DBZ fashion please?
Tfw your classmates' intellectual intelligence is far less superior to that of my own
How do i permanently cease my sex drive, Veeky Forums?
Microwave Safety
Why isn't anime real?? Im crying wtf... I just want it to be real so bad but it's not.... why not? Why can't it be real...
Doesn't the fact that I can fully control my arm which is made of atoms disprove the Heisenberg uncertainty principle...
Throughout your school career, how did you view people who were really bad at math...
Circuit thing
How was Good Will able to solve those problems so easily
A good friend of mine and his father both have occipital buns...
How do you get hired at a tech company with a math degree?
Time flows backwards
Seriously, what the fuck was this thing found in Mars?
Why are some vector operations so limiting in their definitions?
Honestly what the fuck does this even mean...
Is it be possible to recreate a human brain using mechanical and electronic parts, that will function just like a brain?
Post your curriculum and rate others curricula
Computer Science Thread
So, you're saying biology is not a science
What is the scientific reason for why I'm sexually attracted to little girls?
Can you scientifically explain why the world seems like such a dark and lonely place after some point in your mid-20s?
Do sniper account for the Coriolis effect?
Prove that evolution is real
I'd like to see what everyone else scores on this personality disorder test...
Is time travel compatible with determinism?
Why are the greatest mathematicians white men? Is mathematics racist and sexist?
How did the universe gain enough velocity to escape a singularity?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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