Genetic modification

Could we genetically motify humans to produce cellulase to break down fiber?

Would it help end world hungar and improve food efficiency?

either that or nano machine to do it for us before or after ingestion.

How about a friendly microbe to do it for use instead?

>nano machine

Opinion discarded.

is he really going to lose the election?

How would that work? The bacteria in our gut has been an important part of our evolution for millions of years. There's no way you could just introduce a new microbe to a body without a response by the immune system. And if you were to essentially mask it from an immune response, the implications of doing so would be profound.

>thinks it makes more sense to genetically engineer humans than to have them swallow a single pill with some modified gut bacteria.


world hunger is already over.

the only thing left is hunger through stupidity which your idea wont help with.

World hunger could always get worse/ come back if there are more people and if the climate changes.


Honestly Nate Silver basically wrecked his credibility because he couldn't resist revealing himself as a wonk during the primaries, and with every news site playing push-the-needle (shouting about trumps poll numbers going down one week while you can hear crickets chirping as hillary's numbers plummet after her collapse) I don't believe anything pollsters say anymore am am just ignoring all this shit and just going to vote and whatever happens happens.

world hunger has always been a meme. famine, however, is not a meme and will come back every once-in-a-century flood/drought/disease

of course, how was this not obvious before the election even started

Ending world hunger is impossible.
The third world will keep pumping out babies until they're hungry again, no matter how much food you give them.

well it'll help since many places except in first world countries have fiber rich diets

Yes it would, but you have to consider the implication of that type of food.

The amount of food you'd need to sustain yourself from grasses alone would be extremely high, you'd probably eat your stomach full and still not be making enough protein your body needs since humans were never fully herbivorous. Also consider that animals like cows and sheep that graze typically have multi-chambered stomachs and extremely long digestive tracts to get all of the nutrients and energy out of the grass they eat, but humans have a comparatively shorter system. You'd be pooping out lots of green fiberous poop and getting little energy from it.

It would be much more efficient to simply continue using GMOs and scientific methods to improve crop yields, create better methods for food storage and preservation, and lower the (non-white) world population as to reduce the need for food.

obviously hes gonna win, not even hillary supporters like hillary.

its like so one sided the reason this election even looks like its a competition is pure poll rigging and one sided bias.

the fucking debate was so god damn one sided and trump still came out on top besides being double teamed.

anyone who says hillary did alright are just shills that this point marketed by hillary. Cause she didnt say one god damn thing besides trump is racist, trump has money, cops should stop being racist, women deserve to get paid equally even if they dont perform as good as men, etc.

she didnt bring up one fucking good thing that had to do with policies and our current problems.

How could anyone vote for a liar who cant even address current issues is beyond me.

I think it is just people wanting a woman in the office and nothing else.

hillary left that debate in a body bag, and the commentators could only say she won because trump was too passionate and she was like a unlively dead person which apparently makes her more suited for presidency.

btw Flynn btfos niggers in his latest book

But a sentence from his new book is nagging away at me. American blacks, it says, “come from a cognitively restricted subculture”.
Are we too clever for our own good?
Read more

This is hugely sensitive territory because, while it may be good to say genes don’t make people stupid, it isn’t so good to tell anyone their way of life does. Flynn, however, makes no apologies. “It’s whites, not blacks, who complain,” he says. “Blacks know the score. Facts are facts.” On recorded IQ tests, he says, African Americans have persistently lagged behind [pdf] most other ethnicities in America [pdf] (including, according to some commentators, black immigrants from, for example, the Caribbean) and this cannot be explained by the Flynn effect since, as he puts it, “blacks don’t live in a time warp”.

He then tells what sounds like a version of those dodgy jokes about the Irishman, the Scotsman and the Englishman. Except this isn’t a joke. “Go to the American suburbs one evening,” says Flynn, “and find three professors. The Chinese professor’s kids immediately do their homework. The Jewish professor’s kids have to be yelled at. The black professor says: ‘Why don’t we go out and shoot a few baskets?’”

As I emit a liberal gasp, he continues: “The parenting is worse in black homes, even when you equate them for socio-economic status. In the late 1970s, an experiment took 46 black adoptees and gave half to black professional families and half to white professionals with all the mothers having 16 years of education. When their IQs were tested at eight-and-a-half, the white-raised kids were 13.5 IQ points ahead. The mothers were asked to do problem-solving with their children. Universally, the blacks were impatient, the whites encouraging. Immediate achievement is rewarded in black subculture but not long-term achievement where you have to forgo immediate gratification.”

well you wouldn't use it for grass

You'd use it for crops like Pinto beans and Wheat which contain a sizable amount of fiber

Except that's wrong you reverse nigger.

Birth rates fall when survival rates increase. The only problem is the lag time between the two, which is what's caused the global balloon in population. An exactly similar thing happened during the baby boom after the second world war, which is when penicillin became widespread and industrial manufacturing really kicked off. It took a couple of decades after everyone stopped needing to pump out kids to work the farm before birth rates fell, and now sixty years on we have a massive surplus of old people in the first world. Meanwhile, the third world's birth rates are currently falling but they're still in 'I need a bunch of kids to work the farm and at least one will probably die, so let's have plenty' mode - the real problem's gonna come in another sixty years when there are billions of Indian pensioners. Either way, birth rates are falling in every country in the world apart from Afghanistan and the Congo.

There being any hungry people left in the world is a problem of logistics anyway at this stage, the US alone produces so much corn they have to specifically invent new uses for corn syrup just to try and use it all. They can afford to convert huge swathes of land to ethanol crops too, even though it's not really that efficient in the long run, just to make a profit off the land because food is so cheap.

Did you watch the same debate as I did? Trump got fucking slaughtered.

Keep shilling though.

We fucking need protien powders and low doses of anabolics. Strong bodies/strong minds

Not sure if serious

In any country other than the US where Trump's "simple words" are interpreted as "honesty", Hillary would've been considered the winner. You talk about policies, but Trump literally went on a ramble about how Hillary is unfit and has no stamina and got btfo at the end because he contradicted himself by getting angry. Apart from his NAFTA point, he was hammered in the racial talk and he lost his calm towards the end, which is catastrophic in a debate, and Clinton took advantage of that correctly.

You talk about lies, but Trump literally lied multiple times during the debate and tried to avoid addressing the more embarrassing/fringe points he had raised in his campaign like the Obama nationality thing or climate change chinese conspiracy thing. He tried to deny them because they have no place in a serious political campaign and he knows it, he just used them to draw votes from /pol/ conspiracy types that want to shock people with their beliefs. Even if he had the best practical solutions for the US, he has said so much dumbass shit to attract votes with his tweets that he won't be able to dig himself out in the debates where rationality is a prerequisite. And he didn't even nail Clinton with the e-mail thing that much when he had the chance. A weak showing.

Don't get me wrong, Clinton is crooked as fuck and lied too and probably is the worst possible candidate for a democrat president. She's nearly as right-wing as Trump is (Both are slaves to the rich elite) with a few exceptions in social policies because there has to be a difference between the parties, right? All in all though, even the Americans have realized that these candidates are the worst possible choices ever, and that's saying something. I know you might think that Trump serves the white race, but he is a pure capitalist, he doesn't give a fuck. He just spouts controversial quotes to attract people like you to vote for him, don't fall for it, with all due respect.

yes i did and you sadly didn't see shit for being someone who goes to Veeky Forums

the whole thing was an uphill battle for Trump, and not in the "he was slaughtered" cause Hillary didn't do shit to make herself look better. Tell me anything she said that meant shit cause she was given soft balls and gave vague safe answers that didn't resolve one god damn thing.

Literally Hillary just had to exist. Nothing she said was hard hitting or worth while.

Trump gave answers, Trump also had to defend himself because the moderator was also directly attacking Trump while protecting Hillary. Trump had the backbone to take shit over which was hilarious that he started walking all over the moderator when it became apparent how this shit show was gonna go.

However the funniest shit is that YOU think that was a slaughter, and it isn't surprising since a lot of idiots don't catch onto what is important they go based on "feelings" and what they a told to think.

Last I checked, a slaughter ain't multiple people needing to team on one guy only for that ONE guy to still come out on top at the end of it.

You must really be confused.

>You talk about lies, but Trump literally lied multiple times during the debate and tried to avoid addressing the more embarrassing/fringe points he had raised in his campaign like the Obama nationality thing

Get it straight. "Trump ranted for 8 minutes about birtherism" is the correct CTR line. I won't be reporting you this time but consider this a warning.

Welp, I guess actually reading my whole post and posting a coherent argument without getting triggered and devoid of any memes like I did is too much. If it criticizes Trump it's just a jew numale marxist banker shill that worships Clinton and feminism and ape nigger rapefugee cock, amirite? I always trust that even /pol/acks can act rationally once or twice, but every time I try to prove it, I am reminded why nobody bothers "arguing" with them. Nice retort.

I'm also CTR you watermelon. I'm just trying to help you not get in trouble with the boss. I know we need this job.
