Serious question, why live?
Most of us humans tend to take the path of least hardships when faced with a problem of any kind, so why dont most people kill themselves if being dead has no hardships ahead? It isn't like people would feel any bad about being dead since they would be dead of course.
Why keep living?
Why are you asking Veeky Forums a philosophy question?
Living is special. Not everything gets to live. Most inhabitants of the universe never get to live. You should enjoy living for what it is. A gift from the Creator.
Look at the moon. It is dead. It's inhabitants have never known life. 80% of the universe is for the existing that have never known life. You have no idea how special that is.
why not divide by zero?
Most people tend to resolve equations by the least number of steps, so why dont most people divide by zero if being undefined effectively resolves the equation? Its not like anyone would feel bad about the equation being undefined because it wouldnt be defined of course.
Every form of death I've looked at involves at least some amount of pain / suffering. Generally I try to avoid pain/suffering, so living appears to be the path of least resistance.
Also planning, planning your own death is pretty tricky. It's much easier to just go to prison, where you get 3 meals a day and not much hardship (assuming you keep your nose down).
Your goal as an organism should be to pass on your information. Humans have two kinds of information it is possible to continue into the future, genetic and cultural.
So, try to pass on your genes, either with a willing woman or through sperm donation. If this is impossible for some reason, if your siblings or cousins have offspring you can try to pass on knowledge to them. If that is also impossible, perhaps trying to mentor a child, be a big brother, or a teacher of some kind.
If you're unwilling to do any of that, fucking kill yourself man.
people set their own goals in life, goals worth living for.
So who's the Creator?
You're programmed to keep going, to survive and pass on the genes. It takes an exceptional stage of despair to end one's life.
>Living is special
Why? Emotion doea not justify such a conclusion.
We don' take the path with least hardships, thus we don't kill ourselves. Thus your assumption that we take the path with least hardships is wrong. I agree human life is inherently very hard, and I don't think it is possible to disagree with it. All the pleasure we get in life is actually just a momentary relief from suffering, dying would also take the possibility of these pleasures, thus dying is impossible to voluntarily happen as well, it would be like quiting on the solution of a problem, which wouldn't yield the reward.
Living allows you to experience things that can't be experienced merely by existing. You assume emotion makes life special. Everything experiences emotions. Living or not. Life is a chemical reaction. A conversion of energies. When that stops you don't just stop with it. You continue. The life reaction does not. Most of the universe has never experienced this reaction. You are. Enjoy it while it lasts.
So I can figure out how to live forever.
>Not everything gets to live.
You're anthropomorphizing inanimate objects by writing about them as though they "get to" or don't "get to" do things. "Getting to do something" is itself a scratch that relieves an itch that's caused by being sentient in the first place. Inanimate objects never have the itch and therefore never feel deprived of the scratch.
Because you only live once, for a finite amount of time.
However you were dead for an eternity before conception, and an even greater eternity afterwards.
This is your one and only chance to experience the grandeur of the universe.
This is your one and only chance to experience anything at ALL.
Also, by being a part of the less than 0.0000000001% of matter in the universe that is capable of sentient thought, it is a fucking crime to throw that in the toilet, to be reduced back to the dust from whence you came, the dust which fills the universe, lifeless, unable to experience, joy, sadness, love, wonder, hatred, boredom, pain, and a soft breeze upon the brow.
Being sentient matter and then KILLING YOURSELF is like winning the state lottery 1000 times in a row and then burning all the money with a torch. Only that metaphor pales in comparison with the actuality I'm trying to express.
You only got one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in ETERNITY bro.
>Being sentient matter and then KILLING YOURSELF is like winning the state lottery 1000 times in a row and then burning all the money with a torch.
No, it's not like that at all. Non-sentient matter doesn't miss out on anything by not being sentient. Being sentient is a prerequisite for feeling like you missed out on something.
lol at all these fags with their "you only get one life/not everything gets to live" answers.
There is no reason to live, because even if you enjoyed your life you literally wont remember any of it when youre dead. There is literally no point to living because once you cease to exist nothing you did/saw/etc matters because it will be like it did not happen. Why do I live? I just do. Probably some evolutionary trait that makes me afraid of dying.
why do you assume that something must be eternal in order to have a point
do you really, truly believe life has a point? If so, go to Veeky Forums and circlejerk with them. There is no point to living man, you dont take anything with you and as previously stated once youre dead youre dead. You dont get to look back fondly on memories of old friends or that time you fucked the teachers aide. You could be a billionaire, and cure AIDS, the common cold, cancer and fat people, and your life would still have been pointless. You might be on the wrong board
Veeky Forums is an 18+ website
Same line of thought can be extended to the contrary: why bother taking your life when you'll die anyway?
>All the time you have the desire to feel pleasure and avoid pain that drives you.
>That is that we do because we are animals. However it doesn't mean that life has a purpose
This. These retards are assuming that a rock is sad because it can't experience the universe.
>why live?
>All the time you have the desire to feel pleasure and avoid pain that drives you.
That is that we do because we are animals. However it doesn't mean that life has a purpose
This. These retards are assuming that a rock is sad because it can't experience the universe.
not science, but you can kill yourself any time you want. no one here will stop you.
No I am not. You misunderstand my meaning. I will use the moon as an example. There is no life on the moon. The moon is very inhabited. There are hundreds of residents there. Not a one of them is alive. And they never have lived. Those things they saw on the moon? Those were it's residents. They have been called many things in history. Demons. Aliens. Ghosts. All are the same thing. Most sentience in the universe is of that type. Life is different. And rare.
Fear of the unknown
>so why dont most people kill themselves if being dead has no hardships ahead?
Probably just to piss you off, OP
> death is an easy option
> he thinks dividing by zero is easy
>Most people tend to resolve equations by the least number of steps, so why dont most people divide by zero if being undefined effectively resolves the equation?
This has to be a bait.
> If this is impossible for some reason, if your siblings or cousins have offspring you can try to pass on knowledge to them.
Who gives a shit if you want to be some teacher, does it pass on some of YOUR genetic makeup on? Last time I saw, teachers reiterate facts that anyone can
Nature is about the organism continuing its own line and species through basic survival, not technical education. Dumb people seem like they are doing fine
Humans are driven by chemical reward, if there is any feasible source of pleasure or reward weather it be orgasm, food, compliments, whatever the fuck it is then a human can put of suicide. You know in horror movies where someone has a gun and they know that there last moments of experience are going be having there face chewed off while alive by some weird slippery tentacle shark monster thing it becomes an easy decision. If you get to fuck your girlfriend and eat sugar after your shitty day at work you can probably put it off for a 20 or 30 years
The simplest answer is that you live for the pleasures in life, for the little moments, at least for me. Like, the only reason i can wake up every morning is that i will be able to find out something new that i have never knew, boast about the things that i know more than my friends, or just simply i have a game that i still playing. Longer term, i always wished to become an engineer, so i am ready to sacrifice some of my enjoyment know for the joy of tinkering with machinery (my favorite activity, to be honest) in the future. Its the little things that keeps me going, and you should just look for those things first, then create a large one, and make it your goal. Thats the reason for living
> so why dont most people divide by zero if being undefined effectively resolves the equation?
Veeky Forums, everyone
> why dont most people divide by zero if being undefined effectively resolves the equation?
nobody on Veeky Forums will ever know how much this triggered me
>why live?
For the day we generally engineer monster girls.