Who actually contributed the most

to scholarary work out of these 3 popularizers

typo: sorry i meant scholarly

out of the 3..Sagan has i think the most serious work

although not a physicist and not in the picture...I think Dawkins had more scholarly influence on the field of biology than any of those guys had in physics

Contributed to what?

Making documentaries and fake smiling?

scholar stuff?

Those who can't do science popularise it


Out of those 3, most likely Sagan.

I disagree. Dawkins is more of a popsci fedora tipper. He has not contributed much at all. He also has an incredibly irritating god complex.

>scholar stuff

Why is Jimmy Page in the pic?

Sagan reminds me of Jared Taylor for some reason.

Those that can't do, teach.

And those that can't teach, record/write popsci.

dawkins invented the term meme

Dawkins actually had serious contributions though unlike any of the three in OP's pic.

Sorry that your relentless Christfaggotry is getting in the way of the objective truth again.

who was able to pull in the most students?

Dawkins' books are still excellent biology texts in and of themselves. The Selfish Gene is what really developed my understanding of evolution. Dawkins may be a complete asshole, but he definitely has contributed a lot.

ironic that he himself is a stereotypical Dawkins fan

t. Dawkins

None, they're all popsci talking heads for teenage atheists rebelling against christian mommy and daddy to jack off to.
I anxiously await the day that we can talk about science without involving completely unrelated matters like philosophy and unfalsifiable claims.

Didn't Dawkins say he was molested by a child, and it wasn't all that bad?

Look at Dawkins's publications in the 70s and 80s.

NDT kind of contributed to things in the sense that he tried to make science look radical and hip to get people into it, so I have to unironically give him some credit for trying

Kaku kind of contributed with quantum physics and stuff, and is getting a bit weird with quantum consciousness and uploading our consciousness into laser beams, but he doesn't seem like he lacks credentials. Just moved from mainstream academics to weird stuff

Sagan is like NDT but he managed to juggle academic work with his popsci stuff, so he has probably done the most in terms of work and education out of the three

Dawkins is the only pop sci guy that contributed a significant amount to his own field. Inventing the word "meme" was a home run as well. Whatever you say about Dawkins, you can't deny that he's legit as fuck.

Feynman was legit as fuck too but he wasn't as much of a popularizer as any of the guys so far although obviously still way more than most legit physicists since he had real charisma and personality.

You are all a disgrace.

>"As a leading consultant to NASA, Sagan participated in groundbreaking missions that advanced our understanding of the solar system."

>"He was the first to suggest that the planet Venus did not possess a balmy tropical climate similar to Earth's, as scientists had previously believed. By studying radio emissions from Venus, he theorized that the planet might in fact have a surface temperature of 900 degrees Fahrenheit and a crushing atmosphere. He would later help design and manage NASA's Mariner expeditions to Venus, which confirmed this theory."

>"Along with his former student James Pollack, Sagan also shifted scientific perceptions of the planet Mars. Some scientists had previously suggested that color variations on Mars' surface could be indicative of plant life growing seasonally on the planet's face; Sagan and Pollack hypothesized that these changes were actually the result of Martian dust caused by wind storms. The Mariner 9 and Viking expeditions to Mars in the 1970s confirmed this theory."

>"Sagan was a member of the Mariner 9 imaging team, and helped select the landing sites for Viking 1 and Viking 2. These spacecraft were significant for being the first to orbit and subsequently land on Mars successfully."

>"Sagan was also involved with the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life Institute (SETI), which is now home to the Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe."

Sagan was nothing like the other memes. And unlike NDT and Dawkins, he loved to teach people who didn't know, instead of belittling them.

In order: Sagan, Kaku, Tyson.

Sagan did a lot of work analyzing the NASA data. He predicted Venuses's atmosphere, and predicted patterns of dust storms on Mars.


>"Sagan was also a member of the science teams selected by NASA for Pioneer 10 and 11, which flew by Jupiter and Saturn, and for Voyager 1 and 2, which visited Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and took the first photographs of the solar system from beyond Pluto. In September 2013, Voyager reached another milestone when it became the first spacecraft to reach interstellar space "