Is love a meme or is there science behind it?

Is love a meme or is there science behind it?

Let us stop believing that carnal love is high and noble and understand that any end worth our pursuit -- in service of humanity, our homeland, science, art, let alone God -- any end, so long as we may count it worth our pursuit, is not attained by joining ourselves to the objects of our carnal love in marriage or outside it; that, in fact, infatuation and conjunction with the object of our carnal love (whatever the authors of romances and love poems claim to the contrary) will never help our worthwhile pursuits but only hinder them.

You know what's a meme?

"Is ___ a meme?"

pointing out memes is a meme as well



Do we really need to have this thread again?
Was there something you missed last time?


never seen one before , im from another board

I loved a girl once. We broke up after a year. My mind still thinks of her all the time. My lips involuntary say her name. Love is the most addicting drug i've ever tried


"I hate to break it to you, but what people call "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed." Rick

Part of the problem


Nah, I had the same thing with my first gf for two or three years after we broke up; but that's what happens when you are ugly, 13, jerking off 5 times a day and not getting any of that prime teen pussy.
But then I had more gfs when I grew older and guess what I learned; the intense feelings and carefree apathy accompany every single relationship where you are getting attention and there's some possibility of sexual relations. Every woman makes you feel the same; until you experience it several times, you believe that it's something special, but it's really not. This is why r9k is obsessed with women; they have no experience with them.

However, if you ever had a really close guy-friend over several years, you have a good idea of what real love is - carefree, relaxed, mutually positive and uncritical despite direct criticism of one another, always there for one another, you run up big debts with one another and never really care, no jealousy or the impulse to control the other person when they start flaking and acting cunty when they get bored of you.

Now if I could meet a woman that I wanted to talk to all day, I might eventually have that. But every woman I have met has been (i) trash, (ii) had no brains, (iii) had no personality, or (iv) had a partner count of 10+.

As for science, oxytocin is meant to be the 'love hormone', but people are uncertain about the certainty with which we can draw conclusions from this; after all, what is love? There's a whole lot of uncertainty about how the brain works in general, and trying to figure out the cause of an emotion like love or lust is especially tough. Some psychological theories are interesting, but you have to approach them with some caution.

>mutually positive and uncritical despite direct criticism of one another
Welp, I meant '[occasional] direct insulting of one another'

Got a link to the last thread?

>tfw gone through high school without ever getting hooked by the teenage love fever
>thought i was a superior being who couldn't be controlled by instincts (*tips*)
>first week of uni and I'm mesmerized by this girl for no reason at all
>still am after two semesters

So basically to sum it all up?
"To each our own."

I've only really ever loved my mom. I'm not in love with her obviously, but she's the only person I truly care about. I've dated girls that I've loved, in a way, but women come and go, so I find it hard to truly love them. I've never been in love with anyone.

I want to poke her nose.

well, yes, since you just ignore them

Who's your mom, Satan?

It's all just fermions and bosons

you should go back then

it's all just femanons and robots

To be honest it's just natures trick to get you to drop doing something useful to do something (at the time) more useful for the survival of your species, i.e. reproduce. Nowadays it isnt really required for everyone to reproduce, but of course you still feel the need for it. So yes, it is a meme