Does sci know anything about fourth generation nuclear weapons...

Does sci know anything about fourth generation nuclear weapons? I'm wanna know what yeilds are possible 1000mt would optimal.

Other urls found in this thread:^14 kg * (11 km/s)^2 &x=0&y=0

You'd need a second generation nuke for large yields. Pic related. 1 Gt nuke would radiate most of energy to space. Not really useful.

For handgrenade sized nukes you'd need fourth generation. Much more applicable to warfare. Pure aneutric fusion would be good for EPPP applications and conquest of the solar system.

Too bad nuke research has been gutted since the ruskies went down.

There were designs for 1 gigaton and 10 gigaton bombs in the 50's codenamed GNOMON and SUNDIAL.

The 1 GT one is assumed to have been the primary for the 10 GT one.

There's no upper limit to thermonuclear bombs going by theory

there really isn't a point of making nukes that big.

There comes a point where your nukes are so big that their tactical deployment options become limited to the point of uselessness.

Hand grenade sized nukes are not possible. The best way to miniaturize a nuclear weapon is to use more fissile material, thus reducing the amount of hardware needed to make it supercritical. As it stands, you would need like 13 kgs of plutonium and the blast yield would only be ~0.05 kilotons. You can't even use it as a primary for a thermonuke, because a substantial abount of the energy released in such a small reactivity insertion is actually in the kinetic energy of unburnt core fragments, as opposed to hard x-rays like in bombs with a yield of over 1 kt.

>1000mt would optimal.

But, why?

Will we one day reach the point when we use nuclear bombs as "gun powder" rather than as weapons themselves?

For example, if it comes to pass that Mars is indeed inhabited by hostiles, could we theoretically use nukes to launch large objects at the planet from Earth?

Eg: We drill deep into a mountain and plant a 100gt nuke pointing towards mars and detonate it, sending the trillion tons of rocks cascading into their planet, destroying everything.

Or we put a nuke inside a sufficiently thick shell (to direct the blast) and then something like a empire state building sized diamond artillery shell in front that we can propel to mars and penetrate right through the planet.

1000 milli-tons? So, like a ton?

You can scale down as far as you like, but you can't really reduce the plutonium needed past a few hundred grams, or the overall size of the device past the size of a human head.

You can scale up as far as you like (that was the purpose of the development of the H-bomb), but you can't really get more mass-efficient than the big ones that are commonly known about. It's just physics: you run into limits of the energy density of nuclear fuel.

Nuclear weapons will be replaced by Rods From God.

>give the middle finger to the aeronautics industry and armed forces, because FUCK using logic in this scenario
>You're going FULL VILLAIN
>spend several weeks safely tunnelling under the mountain to plant the Mars Masher (TM)
>throw any minions who suggest putting the material into missiles instead into your cyborg gator pit
>successfully engineer a bomb that will, and this bears repeating, LAUNCHES A CHUNK OF TERRA AS A WEAPON LIKE SOME SORT OF ZANY ATOMIC-MEDIEVAL SIEGE ENGINE
>do all this without the world raiding your shit and killing/nabbing you for trying to blow up the world
>blow up the world, because any explosion with enough energy to launch a mountain at terminal speeds also has enough energy to crack the world apart
>your last thought before you are simultaneously atomized, crushed, and ejected into deep space is "Wait, shit, I'm so retarded-"
>an irratiated cloud of molten ejecta and hot gas that was once a mountain misses Mars by several million miles
>a sidebar piece in the Martian Holo-Times laughs at the human race for wasting what could have been an arsenal's worth of effective superweapons to literally blow themselves up just to fart in Mars' general direction
>in the weather bar: radiation and meteor showers predicted for the next month

"Nuclear device " made me chuckle

Go away Kim Jong Un, I'm reporting this thread to the FBI and the CIA.

The difference between a 1 MT and a 1 KT device is
1000 times larger volume
100 times the effective area destroyed
10 times the radius

Using instead 1000 bombs at 1 KT each would result in 10 times the damage area (at least) compared to one 1 MT bomb.

Discussions about how to build nuclear weapons with non-US nationals is a violation of the "born secret" provisions of the Atomic Energy Act.

So either you're the feds, or a terrorist. Fuck off.

Casaba howitzer

Reported to the U.N. grorious reader.

4th generation nukes achieve fusion without the use of fissile material

4th generation nukes don't exist so how can you make any statements as to their function? Faggot

fucking no


Fantastic idea! Very realistic.^14 kg * (11 km/s)^2 &x=0&y=0

It's literally fucking impossible *but* it's still ten orders of magnitude from gravitational binding energy of earth, it would mildly scratch it, kill everything on it, but it wouldn't hurt the planet itself.

Nuclear weapon development has sorta stagnated since the end of the cold war. Everyone's just trying to keep their stockpiles in working order as they decay, cause they can't make more

You can make less than 1 kg of PU239 critical you retard.

>>But what are explosive lenses.

Besides a fourth generation nuke would perhaps use antimatter to catalyze fusion allowing golf ball sized bombs.

What's the state of the art like these days in antimatter containment times?

kinetic energy weapons like that actually deliver far less energy than you might think and would be relatively easy to shield against

That's literally Project Orion.

We can maybe trap one or two antiatoms in a magnetic field.

Shit's hard.