ET Life

Could it really be true that we are the only sentient life throughout the entire universe? I simply refuse to believe it. Whats your opinion Veeky Forums

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Anything is possible, anything could be true, its all just speculation and conjecture at this point. There is no data to form any type of conclusion with. People's personal opinions and beliefs with regards to extra terrestrial life are just meaningless.

Great point. I just want to know so badly. It concerns me that it may never be discovered in out life times. Stephen Hawking even said the other say that we should not even look for life because they may wipe us out.


Well, it would be a real let down. The odds are we're not alone. Meanwhile, let's help make world peace SO WE CAN ACTUALLY SPEND SOME REAL EFFORT IN EXPLORING SPACE!!!!!!! or... corporations can get rich, powerful ppl can stay in power and everyone can blow each other to smitherines, then when an asteroid hits us... KABLOOIE!!!! but, at least someone made oil profit while they could.

While it's true there is no data, as a matter of speculation I would say that the likelihood of life and even sentient life somewhere in the universe and even in our galaxy are extremely high. I would honestly be shocked if we don't find microbial extraterrestrials within our own solar system eventually.

>the only sentient life throughout the entire universe

Very unlikely.

OP here. It's honestly really depressing though. The state we are currently in. People go on just living their daily lives, worrying about Brad Pitt's divorce, what's on sale at Walmart. No one cares. Or will wake up. Corporations own almost everything. I mean think about how crazy it is that an average Joe working at McDonald's pays more taxes than a corporation!! Thoughts such as these are horrid but unfortunately true. I hope that one day the public will wake up out of their brainwashed state and fight for what's right.

But is it unlikely that we could EVER find it, just think about the vastness of the universe and where we are in it. Not even taking into considerations how many specific events had to occur for us being here now.

Seriously though, let's explore some space and find out. Lets tell our leaders to stop spending billions on bombs and spend it on aid and exploration. The journey right now is so slow.



For what purpose?
If you even have the vaguest inkling of how large the galaxy is, very quickly will it become apparent any exploration is futile. Fermi paradox teaches us that intelligent species never go anywhere in space, because going faster than light is impossible.

Reasons are endless:

It would be awesome to know. We could defeat religion forever. We may discover technology in the process that will change our lives forever.

>any exploration is futile
You'll die someday. Might as well nurse a revolver tonight.

Scientists are currently working on immortality. Transferring our consciousness to an avatar.

won't be ready in time for us.
even if it is, you won't survive the heat death of the universe.

Realizing this makes me wish I was less intelligent like the masses. If I could believe in religion and have a hope for a better future I assume that I would feel great daily and have a much better life.Sigh.

>I was less intelligent like the masses

Fucking hell get over yourself faggot, I can hear you fedora tipping from here. You aren't special by any means.

I accept that!!! I'm far from exceptional, but I realize undoubtedly that I am far smarter than most.

you should never wish to be a slave

cut him a break, fag. an sentient organism just contemplated his own inevitable non-existence.

>an sentient organism just contemplated his own inevitable non-existence.
more like a pretentious self righteous douchebag just proved what a prick he is.

Nah, I'm not a prick. At least I don't mean to be if I'm coming off as one. What I meant is I wish I could just whole-heatedly accept religion (that d have any evidence whatsoever) to feel good in my soul. But, I just can't. It's a lie.

user you're implying the heat of the death of the universe cannot be prevented, or it will eventually happen.


Just going to leave this here:


The heat death of the universe is a terrifying thing. Even if we get life-lengthening products in our lifetime, live in the safest possible way while maintaining health and security, we will still eventually stop existing.

The idea that I will one day cease to exist, that I will never think or experience anything ever again, fills me with such a great level of fear that I can't even begin to describe it. Even thinking about it increases my heart rate, makes me stand and pace panicedly, and makes me grasp at my head and crouch.

I understand why people turn to religion. The promise that when you die you'll go somewhere, anywhere, even hell, is such a wonderful concept.

^ This ^
Also, everything's connected and just knowing that is my religion.

Let's get back on topic.

Sentient beings out there?

Interesting wikipedia article, sounds like me. But if it is a wonderful concept why can't we just bite the bullet and say f*ck it, let's believe in a higher being. What is it inside of us that says "I just can't do it."

An evolutionary mechanism meant to keep the individual from annihilating the species. Think about it, if people didn't have that voice saying "nah, probly shouldn't kill yourself m8," we probably wouldn't have made it past the stone age.

take comfort in the knowledge that trillions have gone before you, trillions will go after, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it

>ITT: People who claim to be non-religious bring religion into the discussion

You and your ilk are pathetic. Religion never ever enters into ANY serious scientific discussions. It has no meaning whatsoever. Sounds like you just want to antagonize people of faith, and thats not what this board is for...

That's very true.

Getting back to sentient beings. Could it be possible that there may have been sentient beings before but they have just been wiped out by their own actions, just as we surely will be if we don't fix things?

Why do Anons think the Heat Death cannot be prevented, delayed, or changed?

Do you know what heat death is?

It takes energy to preform any task. And in preforming those tasks, energy is lost, often in the form of heat. If the universe is not getting enough useful energy from outside of the universe, we will eventually run out of energy, and it will be impossible to sustain life.

The only way we could affect the heat death of the universe is to either change the laws of physics (as we know them now), or to open a rift to another universe and pull useful energy from that universe into ours (good luck doing that btw).

It's called entropy. There is actually a really good short story about it here:


Sure, but complex life could only have existed some many millions or hundreds of millions of years after the birth of the universe, as complex chemistry was impossible for a long while. So there was an era in which there was certainly no life at all throughout the entire universe.

What baffles me though, is just how can everything BE? It's such an amazing question that I am saddened will never be answered.

anthropic principle.
it must exist for complex chemistry to evolve and for a sentient life form such as yourself to exist to even be able to ask such a question. If that question ever is asked, as it just was, the universe must exist in a manner that leads to the possibility of that question being asked.

I swear to god im not high right now

>anthropic principle