I'm in my second semester of CS. First semester we did Python and I understood it fairy easy...

I'm in my second semester of CS. First semester we did Python and I understood it fairy easy, now we are working with Java and I have no idea what the fuck is going on. My prof is literally throwing us random labs and assignments and insists that the only way we can learn is by just doing it. But I don't feel like I'm actually learning anything, rather just rushing through assignments trying to get them done on time. How fucked am I? Should I drop CS or will I actually learn this stuff overtime?

Inb4 any memes about CS

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CS is where the only jobs are at bro
im a 1st year cs student and like i get all thse offers
i dont wanna stay in college anymore bro cause they pay like a lot you know

What prompts you to make a reply like that? Does it help you sleep at night?

im on my phone sry

>Falling for the CS Meme
Change to something less retarded and learn it on your own time. My professor for Cultural Anthro professor taught himself 4 languages for the funzies and makes some side cash doing it.

You are not fucked, just chill and assess what you need to do to rectify the situation.

Give examples of what you are having trouble with. Im assuming since it is your second semester you are learning OOP concepts or data structures? Here are some resources you can skim over to get a better feel of Java.


Yeah that's exactly what we are learning, thanks man I will definitely look over those! Appreciate the help

Not op but in taking my first CS class this semester. We are also learning Java. I've had a bit of math but know next to nothing about computers.

How bogged down should I get with the terminology my intro book just glosses over. Things like classes, methods, objects, they don't reply ever define them. I guess specifically, is a method just a function? And how are functions in CS compared to what we learn in mathematics? I know they have a very precise definition in the latter (a special type of relation).

Not op but in taking my first CS class this semester. We are also learning Java. I've had a bit of math but know next to nothing about computers.

How bogged down should I get with the terminology my intro book just glosses over. Things like classes, methods, objects, they don't reply ever define them. Is a class just another word for a particular computer program/code? Is a method just a function? And how are functions in CS compared to what we learn in mathematics? I know they have a very precise definition in the latter (a special type of relation).

Java Video Tutorial: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7E8B7F4856C9B19

Put in some effort to find what you're looking for jeez

>his class starts with python and not with C


im not really into cs, but a method is a function of an object (an object is an instance of a class)

A function is a process that takes parameters and returns something, like in math.

What's wrong with Python? I actually thought Python was a good intro language

it is

Python is a pretty shitty language to learn if they wanted you to transition to Java. C and C++ are very good for teaching fundamental computing concepts, like how memory actually fucking works. In Python, you pretty much handwave all that shit away. How the hell are you going to wrap your head around classes and objects in Java if you don't know how pointers work?

It sounds like you might simply not be the type of person that intuitively understands programming languages.

I recommend seeking out a different major.

Grind motherfucker. That's why you're in college.

This. I think a good curriculum works by first introducing the essence of programming to get the user interested and set the tone, and then simultaneously work its way up from bottom (i.e. start with basic logic, cicruitry, etc.) and down from the top (i.e. start with something abstract like haskell and learn to translate it down) until the two ends meet.

Or failing that, just start bottom up. But don't start somewhere in the middle or top without ever reaching the bottom..

>just rushing through assignments trying to get them done on time
Welcome to programming!

You are not supposed to learn, you are supposed to do.

Python is awesome, but in my opinion it handles a lot of stuff for you that I think is important to be exposed to when you first learn programming. Dynamic typing is a fantastic feature for many applications, but it does not help you understand what's actually happening under the hood.

Disagree. I think you should understand the essence of programming before needing to care about the implementation details.

And for that, you really don't need more than this. (Robotics or simulated robotics in general is one of the best ways I think you can teach programming to an absolute newcomer i.e. child, because it gives you something immediate and physical you can hold on to and understand how your code is affecting the real world)

>to get the user interested

Have we forgotten the average user now?

>Change to something less retarded
>My professor for Cultural Anthro

>can't handle Java
seriously user Java is the easiest programming language I learnt in undergrad. we started with C++ so everything after was a breeze. python learning took us like 2 hours or something. your CS program is shit, quit it now before too late.

Your cs department is shit if your first two coding classes aren't a C/C++ sequence

Learned Java in my senior year of high-school. Only used Python for editing images and keyloggers.
Seriously fuck Python such a nasty code.