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fucking brainlet

pretty sure I understood early math from womb

I will never stop

found these videos a while ago and they're pretty neato


Hang in there m8
I started earlier this year and I'm only starting calculus now but it's definitely one of the best decisions i've made. Seriously don't give up

I dropped out of school and don't know what level of knowledge I have, so I'm workng from the K-1 stuff through year 3 etc all the way until my brain runs out of steam

Then I'll start learning and see whether this mathematics thing still interests me, I hope it does

Spent half of my waking hours this summer catching up on math after nearly failing alg 1 in high school and not taking a math class since then, had been 4 years. Top of my calc class right now, feels fucking good.

me too OP. i'm fucking up badly on even basic math without a calculator. gotta go back and continue with khan.

nice, keep going

Nice breh, we're all gonna make it

what is this, an app? source?

Khan academy.

I'm half heartedly working on completing all maths levels. Only got 100% completion on Early math so far.
I'm doing it for the same reason but I finished grade 12. Just filling holes in knowledge now

Nice, I started a few days ago doing random challenges.
Finishing up arithmetic right now.
~50% into pre-algebra.
Doing pretty good considering I stopped learning math in middle school.

Same user. I'm worried I'll have to live in an asylum or something for not being able to do mental math

Ayyyyy cuz, me too

I started where I left off in high school the other day. What are your plans after finishing their math course? Would it be more beneficial to complete and then do MIT OCW, or do them side by side? Also, for my fellow drop outs: What is your plan, if any, for somehow getting into a decent school? Could you use self studying to test out of pre reqs and graduate in 1-2 years instead of four? My loans are in default so I can't take out more loans, and with a GED I am not sure I have any options really lol.

Learning a trade?

>tfw this site teaches you more than your school

Probably because it teaches you at your own speed, one of my favorite parts of /selflearning/

>audio out of sync
Into the trash it goes

we're all going to make it guys

Or because it isn't just regurgitating an overly verbose textbook that is trying to fill as many color pages as possible.

Me too.

I had a hard time understanding basic Math when I was younger, I just couldn't take in what I was being taught. That led to me just not giving a toss when I got into secondary school and I left school with an E, while all my others grades were Cs and Bs.

Now at 26, I've found I have a massive interest in Physics and find myself CRAVING to learn more. But my past has caught up with me and I need to start from the basics.

The other week I started going over my times tables, because I only know my 2s well. I can tell you my 5s, 9s, 10s and 11s with ease but only the order they go. I couldn't answer any quickfire questions for you.

I now make sure my nephews and my friends kids know the importance of paying attention, or at least seeking help if what you simply cannot take in what you're being taught.

>American "education"

UK m8

>this thread
>people like this exist

Props to you for learning but jesus christ how did you survive without knowing arithmetic smhtbhfam

It's like this in OZ. What part of euro are you?

Pretty sure people (except the guy who said he doesn't know times tables) are starting at the very beginning so they can complete the entire math "mission" and get a bunch of points since the site is sort of gamified. Since most US high school dropouts would at least be at an algebra 1/2/trig level when legally allowed to drop out.

honestly if even your phone has a calculator it's really not a big deal in everyday life

Is this site for legit learning or for fucking HS dropouts?


Why does Khan have calc

It's pretty damn good website for lower level maths (Like Calc 2 or lower)

I've seen the have a computer programming class there, is it basic lil babby stuff or do they get a bit balls deep. I'm a history major but I know how important computer sciences and knowledge are becoming I don't want to be a fucking fossil in 10 years and I would like a basic plus course, would you recommend it?

i win

This thread caught my eye from the front page.
Will re-taking basic math classes really help me add/subtract in my head faster? I'm tired of my players making fun of me when I run D&D for taking a couple of seconds to subtract damage from monsters' hitpoints.

I don't like that they just completely abandoned the exercise dashboard. It was really cool to see the entire world of math, how everything was connected into a giant math galaxy that you could travel through however you wanted.

Now it's hidden away, it's not linked from anywhere but can be accessed from URL (khanacademy.org/exercisedashboard)

forgot to add: its barely usable and runs like ass