What is your major/specialization and why do you love that subject?

What is your major/specialization and why do you love that subject?

Specialize in industrial and municipal water solutions, love it because it's water how can you hate it and I am also good at it.

Computer Science because I get to be in control, use my creativity, and I generally don't have to deal with the irrational apes that inhabit this planet and their social games.

Majoring in math. I love math because it is comfy, I am good at it and presents a lot of opportunities for my future.

They also call me 'the mathematician' at my job and that's also cool.

such sad comment
"code monkey" for a reason eh?

Biochem. I've always enjoyed chemistry and biology and I want to get into pharmaceuticals later in life

String theory. I can't wait till all you niggers are BTFO.

my major is math and I don't love it but I like it because it's challenging, engaging, and interesting

physics because i'm a popsci loving faggot
first year at a community college what a fucking joke of a life desu senpai

Computer science, specialization in theoretical computer science.

I do research in fringe areas of cryptography like steganography and physical cryptography.

physics major

This is my third year and now that I'm taking my upper division classes, I've found that I really don't love it as much I thought I did.

Don't get me wrong, I still find the subject fascinating in as much as I do most sciences, but I honestly think I enjoy the math and the thought processes used in solving physics problems more so than the actual content at this point.

I've actually been more excited about math than physics lately.

Mathematics. Higher category theory and homotopy theory, specifically.

I actually hold myself to be a philosopher above all else. My field lets me convey deep philosophical ideas in concrete and rigorous terms. I love my field and I can't stop thinking about mathematics; it has consumed me and I could not be happier for it.

I'm earning my doctorate in inner model theory.

The whole experience has made me dislike math, but it's the only thing I know how to do, and now nothing impassions me or makes life worth living.


Computer science with software development emphasis, because it contains a lot less "science" than a reg cs degree.

Have you explored other fields? Sounds like you have the brain and personality for it, but haven't found a niché that suits your tastes. I think model theory is mostly bland, as I do most of analysis, but when I found my field I knew it was a match. Good luck, we're doing cool shit!

Mathematics. I was too retarded so physics so...yea xD

I like Computational Science and Engineering because I get to support a lot of science by just making computers faster. Plus I have access to the 12th fastest computer in the world

I debilitated my brain with years of drug abuse and am riding on fumes and the coattails of former merit.

Why are you on Veeky Forums anyway?

Because I am a lonely human and can't stand the company of most people I meet, so I come here where people might read my ideas and create some of their own. Veeky Forums is pretty bad, but I haven't found an online community with the right blend of casualty and autism.

Biochem Biopsych double major. Second year at Tufts. I like drugs so it's cool learning about them.

I don't.

Im doing a law degree cause I fell into it

I dont like it and Im studying math in my free time

I'll be like 35 with my first STEM degree and broke and tfw no gf

dont really care atm

said literally every chemistry/biochemistry major ever

if you were really cool, you would do inorganic or organometallics like me.

What was your major ?

Hate every day I'm alive

Look into Drug Lead Discovery user, its much more fun than general Medicinal Chem.

Automation and electrical engineering.


Biological (aka physical)

In general I'm good at and have always loved anthropology since I was a kid. As I got older I learned some stuff about the human body and basically Biological Anthropology is the rape baby of Anatomy, Genetics, and Anthropology.

It's also fun molesting the shit out of some dead dudes skull and all the corny ass jokes you can make
>Alas poor Yorick
>Ayy lmao this is why you should floss

Math/mathematical physics and basically this:
>My field lets me convey deep philosophical ideas in concrete and rigorous terms.

I also want to find a theory of quantum gravity.

>Chemical Engineering/Optimization
I love it because I get to apply a lot of interesting math to solve practical problems.

What do you think of the "set theory will be obsolete because HOTT will replace it" meme?


I realised this after my first year in physics and changed to maths. I still enjoy theoretical physics like classical and relativistic electrodynamics (I haven't had a good taste of quantum properly, hopefully this year)

B-but medicinal chemists are the ones who do lead drug discovery.

HoTT includes set theory as a special case, it's just ZFC (and first-order logic :^) that will be obsolete.

mathemetician, and my specialization will be in calculus, probably differential, but i havent 100% decided.

i've really enjoyed calculus so far, the only thing is the quotient rule can get a bit cumbersome, but i'm in love with the product rule, its just so elegant yet complex.

as for other types of calculus, i took a look at integral and i dont really like it, so i'll probably just do the derivative method to solve the problems instead. but as a whole i think calculus is simply amazing, so elegant, especially if you opt to use newtonian notation as i have, it really connects me with newton and i can understand better how calculus works.

its an incredible feeling solving calculus problems. i'm really smart and ive felt stifled for some time now doing boring highschool level math, and like finally i am out of my training wheels and doing real university level math, serious shit my teachers would talk about like "oh man, when you get to university..." and i'm doing it, and doing it well.

like the feeling i get from sitting down and actually solving real math problems using my own brain probably feels like getting a blowjob, its great.

and even for my parents, just being able to tell people their son is a mathematician now must be a great feeling of pride.

i know it makes me feel good when i see peoples eyes widen when they ask my major and i tell them im a mathematician. it feels good knowing people look upon me with reverence and automatically know how smart i am.

it makes me feel alfa honestly, its fucking great and i feel bad for anyone who also isnt doing math because really its the answer to everything

>bruh i like biology but not the animals or ecology part and i like chemistry but none of the math or theory part, so i think biochem is the best fit, and i want to go to medschool
>did i mention med school?
>also pharmacy if med school doesnt work out and by that i mean i decide i dont want to be a boring wage slave doctor and would prefer to sell drugs or develop them and not because my grades werent good enough, bruh

Optical physics. I just think protons are a pretty cool guy.

But everything in math is fundamentally defined in terms of sets, even if the word set is not explicitly used. In HoTT, like anything, the objects must first be defined as sets or collections or classes with certain properties. "Set" is *the* primitive concept in mathematics.

And all reasoning in all of mathematics follows from ZF. Every theorem can be translated into the language of set theory and is then a consequence of ZF, including theorems about extensions of ZF. "Set" is the eternal primitive notion and ZF is (up to translation) the eternal primitive axiom system.

Moderate kek.

>In HoTT, like anything, the objects must first be defined as sets or collections or classes with certain properties. "Set" is *the* primitive concept in mathematics.

No. Finite sets, maybe. But you could also say that about finite sequences. In any case it doesn't require the infinite hierarchy of ZFC.

>ZF is (up to translation) the eternal primitive axiom system.

No. There are plenty of alternatives, like type theory, NBG, NF, etc., all of which allow you to do model theory as well.

To elaborate a little: the objects of HoTT are [math]\textit{types}[/math], which are strictly more general than sets, because they can have internal structure instead of just being a collection of points as in ZFC. This fact is crucial for HoTT; sets are defined as a special kind of type.

And what does a model of HoTT look like? It is a set with unary relations defining types, functions or relations defining their relations?

HoTT is thought to model Kan complexes of some kind (not proven yet). But the concept of a model automatically invokes a meta-theory. People are focused on finding models in ZFC of HoTT because that's what we're familiar with, but a HoTT-based model of HoTT may look very different.

And something like ZF can be modeled inside of HoTT, so HoTT being modeled inside ZF doesn't prove that ZF is more fundamental somehow.

It would show it's just as fundamental up to translation.

>no specialization
I love its abstraction and its independence of the physical world.

>I like chemical weapons and want to develop them for the military, also inorganic chemistry is fun in general

Pharmacology, because, contrary to Nancy Reagan and DARE, drugs are really fucking cool.

>I like chemical weapons

Computer Science. It's fun.

Vetfag. Nah I fucking hate it.


I love biophysics because it distills complex biological systems and evolved biochemical pathways down to structural and mechanistic bases using tools and principles from physics and physical chemistry.

Mathematics, I love the subject, initially wanted to go into physics but I decided to stay in math. My main interests lie in (global) analysis, QFT and geometry.

>Homotopy theory
Pretty cool user, algebraic topology looks great.

Kek'd so fucking hard.

*tips fedora*

Only undergrads and edgy fags believe this

Environmental Engineering, specialising in soil (bio)remediation

>inorganic and metalloorganic
>not catalysis and bioinorganic

Infrastructure engineering
My specialty and passion are sewage entrance systems interfeces. It's pretty important, as we would be in pretty deep shit if my major didn't exist.

I'm an Econ major. I like it because it is the discipline that best describes human behavior, and the research you can do with an Econ degree is very broad and diverse.

electrical engineering,
because it gives me the power to create killerbots, so i can do my own robotwars in the living room

Doing phd in math. General topology, in particular: function spaces and cardinal functions

>General topology

What is this, the 1930s?

>They also call me 'the mathematician' at my job
Enjoy holding that title until someone can do 15*43 faster than you.

Chemical engineering and applied math. I want to do process design because I really like the idea of planning out a whole process and wanted something that made use of a bit of my math skills. Engineering as a whole is pretty miserable, though; all of these retards in my year whom I hoped would drop by now stay in because the tests aren't that hard and they find the hw answers online.

>pretty deep shit

Chemistry and cellular biology with a minor in math

I'm doing it all for biophysics my one true love. I wish I could spend more time taking classes to build up my physics grounding besides just teaching myself things. However I think Biophysics is a very important field that has been woefully underpopulated, it is needed to advance bio engineering.


Its great having a wide variety of fields to apply it to but i wish i did more programming so i could into machine learning

Fundamental electronics.
>why do you love that subject?
The formalism is just beautiful man. When I discovered QM I knew I had finally found a worldview that would satiate my autism.


I kept wanting the purer and more fundamental subject. My undergrad went something like

Biochemistry - Chemistry - Physics - Math/Physics double - Math

Toilet engineer? From India?

you sound like a cool dude

keep it up and stay positive

pls automate bank employers asap

Computer engineering. Idk if i like it yet. Im stuck taking math and physics courses for the next 2 years

I find its a weird feeling of knowing youre interested in it somehow but youre just not sure which part. And then you start a particular subject and it clicks that that is where you belong.

>Fundamental electronics.
Is this the study of the physics behind Electrical Engineering or something?

>he does not prefer the purest and more beatiful form of topology
Wew lad

If you capitalize the words "Drug Lead Discovery", you've never done any work in "Drug Lead Discovery". I don't want to be a dick, but it's true.

Probably just an EE specialising in semiconductor physics. The quantum mechanics is rather incidental when you study it as part of EE though, and you'll spend most of your time pissing about with doping concentrations and gate sizes.

It's boring as shit (imo), my uni offers 4 years of increasing specialisation in it (ie. throughout the whole undergrad). I dropped it after the first year though since I didn't want to spend 4 years wanking off to transistors.

biomedical informatics. I love half of what I do and absolutely detest the other half.

Basically, clinical informatics is a load of crap dominated by $$$$.

Bioinformatics (which is what I'm doing right now) is actually "real" science. Specifically working on using machine learning to find patterns in oncogenic proteins rn.

So... Basically a CS major trained to use computers. But has decided that infosec was best in the Roman era. Noice.

Would be cool if you designed one system to be like the water temple in one of the 3d zeldas. Would hate to be the maintenance worker having to fix if something goes wrong tho...