Hi, Veeky Forums, I have a question about quarks... What do they look like? I know I technically wouldn't be able to see them, but what shape they have?
Quark discusion thread
what does nothing look like?
same as that
Also, is there any physical equation to determinate their size and or shape?
But quarks are particles, and they even have mass, so they should have a shape, unless they are waves
can you prove that?
Nope, that's why i'm asking you? are Quarks waves?
Things only "look" like something because photon's bounce off them into our eyes. Quarks are too small for that to work so you can't really talk about what they "look" like.
>quarks are particles, and they even have mass, so they should have a shape
Should they?
But, are Quarks particles or waves? or both?
Quarks are quarks
There isn't anything macroscopic that they behave like
vision is a phenomena that occurs on macroscopic scales... we can't see them. they don't look like anything to us because that is impossible.
Then how do we know that they exist?
Because we can scatter things off them.
Shoudnt the scattering pattern give us a rough idea of their shape?
>are Quarks waves?
everything is
this is retarded. thats like saying 'well we can't see bacteria therefore they don't have a shape'
quarks literally do have a shape as they have mass.
But we can see bacteria
Bacteria are at least 12 orders of magnitude bigger than quarks (1e-6 vs 1e-18)
That comparable to your length vs the distance of Saturn from the Sun.
Particles are a meme. I do mean that literally. They don't have "shapes".
Everything you know and interact with are fields. Fields are the real dealio, not particles.