This is the smartest person to ever have lived

This is the smartest person to ever have lived.

Prove me wrong.

I'm the smartest person to ever live, therefore your claim must be false.

Prove me wrong.

One must provide proof to disprove another's claim, therefore your claim can be considered invalid.

Prove me wrong.

You're all shifting the burden of proof - that's fallacious.

Prove me wrong.

He once come for a visit, sat on the TV and watched the couch. Total idiot.

define "smart"

Keynes was pretty smart, but he's only twelfth wrangler. Maybe top 10000-1000 on the intelligence scale.



Except Keynes was wrong.

His economic theories say that inflation and stagnation can not coexist. Yet they have since, 1970.


If he so smart how come he dead?

lmao saved

The keynesians made some good policy-level predictions for a while, and then it just stopped working. Same with the neoclassicists. The current post-recession quantitative easing strategy has had rather marginal success, and the rates can't get any lower.

Marx was one of the few to understand the crisis of capitalism in a natural and genuinely scientific way. His theory has time and again been borne out by observation.

No, Von Neumann is the pineapple of human intelligence.

I'm pretty impressed that those celebrities have such high IQs, I guess it shows that they aren't brain dead idiots like everyone makes them out to be.

>This is the smartest person to ever have lived.

>Prove me wrong.

Quanitative Easing.


>the pineapple of human intelligence.

made me laugh.

>Von Memenann ahead of based Da Vinci


>God is the smartest person to have ever lived
Checkmate, atheists.

mfw this Neumanlett fanboy can't contain his shitposting spam to defend his favourite brainlet in every thread

Erdos should be higher

Use of amphetamine can make one appear smarter than they would appear without using. That said, he was still much smarter than either you or I.

he was smart enough to use it so he should be higher.

brainlets who weren't smart enough to figure it out should be punished.

I'm the smartest person to ever live, therefore your claim must be false.

Prove me wrong.

He only started using when his mother died.

>genuinely scientific
Are you fucking kidding me? Take your unfalsifiable meme philosopher memes and your cognitive bias and get out of here kid. Go.