Science Fanboy-ism

Being "nerdy" and "into science", albeit superficially, has recently become a fad within the general public.

>When did this start?
>Has this always been there and it's just now being popularized? If so, why?
>Is this a good or bad thing? It seems stupid, but it does make science more relevant....


The mainstream-mainstream (pop music, sports, gay shit in general) is being broken and now more people expect better conversation, which is why now people do shit like watch entry level bad TV shows like Game of Thrones and the like to make better conversations.

You are kinda socially expected to watch entry level bad TV shows like GoT now.

But you can't always carry a conversation with a TV show so what else will you talk about? That balding science guy you saw that one time talking about time and space bro lol xD!

Basically, the density of expected conversation is increasing. If you want to be good to hang with then you need to have at least some mainstream but not mainstream-mainstream hobbies and watching science videos now count as a hobby, for some reason.




This board is basically 80% science fanboys

it is 100% a good thing
it's just kind of annoying for anyone in science but that's all

i don't know

OP here,

I guess I'm a bit frustrated by over simplistic explanations of actually interesting things just to create a false air of mystery around science. I think it does a disservice because people think that science is about being impressed with stuff that we don't understand. It's kinda lazy.

All I can say is that I cringe whenever I relive memories of me pestering my physics II professor with weird general off topic questions unrelated to what was taught that day after class. I always thought he appreciated my curiosity but looking back on it he probably hated me for being an uninformed brainlet.

Exactly! I remember a kid who loved going up to the highschool Physics 1 prof after class and talking to him... one day, as I was leaving the classroom, he asked "what do you think about string theory?", and honestly, I had no idea what that was. So i googled it and got a layman explanation of it. Now that I actually understand what it is, all I can think of is: "what a fucking dumb fuck that kid was... he just wanted to appear smart but obviously came off like a fucking retard"

but at the same time, i learned a bit about string theory because of it...

i'm really into theoretical physics, i just love watching those shows on string theory and god particles.

the best part is no math is required, just creativity and thinking outside the box (1+1 = window).

they say einstein failed math when he was young but he still became the smartest person ever through pure creativity and original thinking like me :6)

i'm glad i majored in film studies so i can appreciate michio kaku shows even more.




a brilliant satire-miniature
satisfying read 10/10
I'm just really glad you posted this.
marry me.

>Now that I actually understand what it is

Uh huh... pls explain

Only sperglords dislike the idea of science becoming mainstream due to the fact that superior normie chads will probably outperform them in every way if society gave actual science/math (not engineering) more exposure.

basically, the only reason to hate science-fanboyism is muh superior field in science/pure-math-that-only-i-understand etc. its the only thing these pathetic fags have that isnt yet fully conqured by normies.

normie reeee get out


I haven't noticed an increase in scientific interest amongst the 'mainstream' crowd. Why would it bother you to have more people take interest in cosmology or other branches of science that deal with making sense of our universe? Sure, there are those dweebs who think they're hot shit cause they throw the word quantum into whatever the fuck they're talking about. I'd gladly press them for more information to make them see how they little they know. It's very important that the general public understand science and technology. Too many technologically impaired tards out there.

>Being "nerdy" and "into science", albeit superficially, has recently become a fad within the general public.
Bullshit. People in the 60s-70s were way into science. You only have to see the general level of popular science magazines then compared to now.


Wake up gramps, magazines are no longer relevant. Science blogs took the serious content and YouTube got the normie pop science crap.

Translation: Degenerates think science and academic studies and socially competent people are incompatible.

If anyone had predicted the internet they would have predicted this.
The things that adult (22 year old) user finds interesting are generally the same as what adolescent (7-12 year old) user found interesting
This is reflected in internet browsing
Most of it is porn, but other things might include physics, literature, computing, mathematics, economics ect
Once user finds out how much effort is needed to succeed he generally gives up, i.e. entry level everything

>that meta 6-nosed smiley

10/10 piece of satire

Hi. New to Veeky Forums, but active on other boards. Curious, why is GOT an entry level TV show? And could you give a few examples of a novice or expert level show?

>>When did this start?

About 10 or so years ago.

>>Has this always been there and it's just now being popularized? If so, why?

No, it hasn't always been there.

(((THey))) are trying to reduce the general level of scientific knowledge on the planet, by turning it into a pseudo hipster culture.

Lots of people want to be intelligent, but they know they aren't, so they put on glasses and wear nasa shirts, because they literally believe these things will make them intelligent.

It's a cargo cult mentality.

>>Is this a good or bad thing? It seems stupid, but it does make science more relevant....

It's a bad thing.

These people don't know shit about science, and so they can become the most potent force of ignorance in the world.

Masquerading as scientists when they don't know shit about the DISCIPLINE, feeding other people useless bullshit pop-science fads they heard.

It's like the global warming people... they don't understand global feedback mechanisms, solar insolation, spectrum dependant opacity of various gasses and molecules, biofeedback systems that regulate atmospheric organic compounds, blackbody radiation curves, thermodynamics, solar cycles, etc...

All they "Know" is what the television tells them, they don't think for themselves... to them science and intelligence are nothing more than fads and fashion statements.

>mfw I was into science before it was mainstream



You know, for people who call themselves scientists, you are absolute shit at observing reality.

>>mfw I was into science before it was mainstream

Get out, Cunt.

So being a "nerd" and "into science" has become socially acceptable, and you're not happy about that?

forgot pic

It's plato.

Shut up you fuckin nerd

I think he was joking.

>muh (((conspiracy)))

Kek, platos

back to (eddit)

The Brady Bunch

novice: Mr. Robot
expert: Hannibal
How to spot a good TV show: homolust

> anyone who disagrees with me, doesn't see reality