Is MSG actually bad for you?

Is MSG actually bad for you?

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I used to put it in my spaghetti sauce, you know, because umami

Used to think it was, but it probably isn't.

MSG itself is the salt of glutamic acid, literally a constituent of all protein. Free glutamic acid is highly abundant in cheese, meat, tomatos, anything that tastes savory. It wouldn't make any sense to say it's bad for you. It's like saying fucking Vegemite causes brain damage. MSG is in loads of foods that we eat every day.

The whole stupid idea of it being bad is that MSG is the free glutamate and not the protein glutamate, so it is absorbed quickly in our gastrointestinal tract, and it will overload your neurons and cause cell death. That's the basic idea. If this was true, it would literally mean that Marmite, Vegemite, Parmesan cheese, soy sauce etc.. would all cause brain damage as they contain high amounts of free glutamate. This was measured:

and was shot own over 30 years ago.

It was tested again by the EU

These guys were basically fed MSG every day for one month straight and nothing happened to them.

Free glutamate naturally occurring in the foods you eat, and MSG that is added, is digested and responded to in the exact same way in your body. The MSG toxicity thing is just an easy out for """health""" bloggers and such to sell their books piecing together botched studies and such. This is the same story for just about every health food scaremongering thing.

When you eat MSG, your intestines use most of it as energy to work the intestine. Very little of it even reaches the blood stream.

The big study that every health idiot cites is a study where they injected neonatal mice with so much MSG that we humans wouldn't even be able to physically eat it without becoming nauseous. It's just such a joke of a myth. Breast milk for fucks sake has naturally occurring high levels of glutamate as babies need it for their intestinal health. I hate these health blogger pieces of shit that twist things for their own monetary gain. absolutely against science.

I get rashes of all kinds and thought it might have been MSG as heaps of the foods I was eating contained it. Stopped eating MSG for about 3 months - nothing changed

Just my experience

>absolutely against science
Science is not a religion. There are no heretics. Science is a tool.

It's against humanity.

>Science is a tool
Science is a method. And what those shit """health""" blggers do absolutely is against that method.

The scientific framework is better left apart from the notion of dogmatic foundations and the subsequent creation of "heretical" ideas in a given era.

Science is a tool. Science doesn't give half a fuck about anything, people do.

MSG is metabolized in the gut, so there is literally no way for it to cause brain damage, hives, or any of that stuff. There are an almost infinite amount of things you could inject into your blood stream that would cause brain damage or kill you. The dose they used in that newborn mice study was enough for a horse, let alone a human. Everything in excess becomes toxic.

>the salt
>but not NaCl
gtfo illiterate chemfag

>scientific framework
methodology is not
a "framework" fgt pls

In moderation, no. What is MSG? Monosodium glutamate. It is a salt of one sodium ion and one glutamate ion. When it dissolves in water, the individual sodium ions and glutamate ions dissociate and float around freely in solution. So when you eat something containing "MSG", you're really consuming sodium + glutamate ions.

Sodium is an essential element for the human body. If you consume too little, you die. The recommended daily intake for most adults is around 1500 or 2000 mg or so of sodium. They used to parrot the meme that "sodium is unhealthy" and that "we should all cut down on our sodium intake". However, even if you're eating several thousand mg of sodium per day, it's probably perfectly fine. The only people who need to reduce their sodium intake are people who A) have a specific health problem (e.g. high blood pressure, chronic heart failure with significant edema) and who B) are consuming significantly more than the RDA for sodium.

As for glutamate, it is an amino acid that humans naturally get from our diets, and which our bodies use to synthesize proteins. So it's also a nutrient (although not strictly essential, since our bodies can synthesize glutamate). Glutamate is abundant in protein-rich foods. You eat it all the time. The tiny extra amount that you would consume from added MSG is nowhere near the amount required for toxicity. Since glutamate is also a neurotransmitter (an excitatory neurotransmitter), then in principle if you absorbed a huge amount of glutamate, then it could result in over-excitation of certain neurons, maybe. But I don't think it's really possible for someone to eat enough MSG for this to ever be an issue. And your body breaks down glutamate as part of normal amino acid metabolism, so it's not going to accumulate.

Bottom line: it's fine, ya dingus. Don't literally pour tablespoons of it on your food, though. You'd probably throw up before you ate enough to be even remotely dangerous.

> I hate these health blogger pieces of shit

Same, senpai. I hate those motherfuckers with a passion. They're usually stay-at-home moms who write blogs about their pieces of shit kids, "going natural", chemicals in foods, their fat thighs, and how they just LOVE to indulge in a slice of chocolate cheesecake (with quinoa crust and fair-trade cacao).

> I am BLESSED to have three WONDERFUL children: Jayden, Brylee, and Addison. They are GOD's gift to the world and they AMAZE me every single day!
> I stay away from anything that's processed or has any ingredients I can't pronounce. I only eat organic, vegan, gluten-free cupcakes from my local bakery (also run by a single mom -- you ROCK girl!)
> kale chips seasoned with kosher salt are a healthy alternative to potato chips when you're feeling cravings
> having mood swings or hot flashes? eat these TEN SUPERFOODS that naturally contain plant estrogens
> I drink red wine for the antioxidants

>not eating Acaiā„¢ every day

it's like you don't want to be super human.

>Is MSG actually bad for you?
For me yes, because I am allergic to that shit.
For teh normies no, because they are not.

I don't know man, mgs is a pretty good series.

mgs2 was the worst i still think its quite a good game.

>I am allergic to that shit.
No you aren't.

Damm those were pretty spot on

fuck this is perfect user

I don't think the issue is so much as people adding MSG to their food so much as most of our foods contain a stupid amount of MSG.

Especially with fast foods which I will even admit I eat too much of. And most people don't drink enough water to help the body compensate for it anyway.

>stupid amount of MSG

The amount required to ingest that would be considered toxic in any way would make you vomit much before. It's not even physically possible.

What about long term?

What is that even supposed to mean? You eat naturally occurring free glutamate(MSG) every single day in all of your foods.

Sorry I got MSG and Salt mixed up. Apparently MSG isn't even that bad according to the WHO

this pisses me off now, how easily it was debunked on Veeky Forums yet all of these retards follow this idea that MSG is awful for you. what a fucking joke. it's criminal.

blody hell r u a fokin jew

PS: as in u are a shill to the fucking summers u dirtfag

>a salt

Tell it to the EMT, faggot.

Metal Gear Solid?

It was the shit