
What is the best way to memorize the multiplication chart. I had a very poor education growing up...

Learn how to multiply numbers.

Easy trick.


Its 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7
Its 6+ 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6

Just do that until it comes natural to you. By fourth grade, you wont need a times table! :^)

you don't memorize it

The best way is actually using it

Do a shit ton of multiplication problems. Like, hundreds upon hundreds of them. Look up the multiplication table if you forget, but try to get to the point where you are doing this sparingly. In the meantime, also pursue other math subjects where you make use of multiplication. Or try long multiplication problems. After a few weeks or months of doing this, it will all become natural to you.

Don't, non'merikans learn repeated doubling.

>being over the age of 13
>not knowing 15+ by heart.

back to /b/

>over 35
>not just deriving the multiplication table in your head

What's 243904 * 799993? Do not write anything down or use a calculator or else you're a brainlet.

flashcards you dumb fuck

Just use a nifty mechanical engineering trick: Always carry a calculator :^)

Don't expect to get a girlfriend! :^)

>243904 * 799993

Let x = 243904 * 799993

* is a law of composition in the natural numbers, meaning that it is closed. Therefore x exists, is well defined and is natural.

So the solution is x.

wat do i win

aren't calculators amazing?

I never learned the times table very well either. I mean I know most of them but I have to spend a few seconds manually computing. My brain could just never "click" with certain combinations like 9 *6 for example so I just automatically think 6*10-6 to get it. Also as a kid I never took the memorization approach seriously because I considered it all pointless thanks to calculators


First learn them row by row with a song.

1times 6 is 6, 2 times 6 is 12, keep going in some rhythm.

When you know the songs to all the rows off by heart then start doing lots of individual multiplication problems like 7*8

Eventually you will just know the whole table automatically and won't have to sober tome going from 1tines 8, 2 times 8, ... To 7tijes 8

We literally learned from memorization in my class as kids.


Repeat this sequence over and over and over and over, it eventually just becomes deeply ingrained.

Teacher also had little timed competitions. She'd give us each a douvle sided page of like 200 multiplicative problems that pertained to a certain number set, 7's for example. Had us race to see who could do them all the fastest.

Don't memorize. Internalize.
Repeat the table in your head every morning and before bed.

When you master it. You can play with the distributive property:
- 15*21=15*20+15=15*2*10+15
- 29*23=(30-1)*23=30*23-23=3*23*10-23
You can multiply it by parts.
- 286*354 = 300*354 - 14*354 = 354*3*100 - 354*14 = 1062*100 - 354*(10+4) = 106200 - 3540 + 354*2*2 = 102660 + 708*2 = 102660 + 1416 = 104076
I can say IQ doesn't limit you from doing all of this shit in your head tho. Just practice so you don't have errors easily and get confident. Fear of having an error, increases stress, thus you tend to fail more; so if you practice you develop the basis most "Why do they learn it so quickly!"-kind of people, lack.

Of course, being an ace at Math requires a very complete and solid Basis of Arithmetic and early Algebra.

Also, you can do some tricks with divisions.
There are a lot of tricks.

But you have to master, adding/substracting.

>What is the best way to memorize the multiplication chart.
Use binary.


There is an Android app called Math Workout. Its a game where you see an operation on the screen and need to type the result as fast as possible. There is a paid version, but i think the free version is enough.

12*4 =/= 46
with that table you won't get very far


also know the 9's rule:
9*n = (n-1), (9 - (n - 1)
so 9*2 = 18 (2 - 1 = 1, 1 + 8 = 9)
9*3 = 27 (3 - 1 = 2, 2 + 7 = 9)

try chinese multiplication.

pick a few long sticks, cross them and count the intersections, each number a corresponding amount of sticks times another.

per example, 2 x 2 = 4 and so on.

>Teacher also had little timed competitions. She'd give us each a douvle sided page of like 200 multiplicative problems that pertained to a certain number set, 7's for example. Had us race to see who could do them all the fastest.
Holy shit I forget about this. We did this too and I always won.

Wtf I'm chinesr and I've never learned this

The teacher just beat the shit out of everyone bad at math until we were all good at math

Ooo, this gave me a math boner.

I learned a neat trick for memorizing the 9s when I was 10 or so. Kind of tough to explain without a visual aid, but here goes.

Say you want to multiply 9 by 3. Hold your hands palm-up in front of you. Count 3 fingers from the left thumb (so you land on your left middle finger). Touch that finger to your palm, keep the rest extended.

Note that you have two fingers extended to the left of the bent finger, and seven fingers extended to the right of it. Left side represents tens, right side represents ones.


If you're multiplying nine by four, bend the 4th finger from the left, and you get 3 on the left and 6 on the right, for 36.

Kind of juvenile, but if it helps you, who cares?

That's so freaking dumb

Just multiply by n by 10 and substract n

>muh based one system

>4*12 = 46


This. It's fucking easy.

If you want to multiply by 5:


3 months, I just memorized old school (that means spelling the table out loud then trying to d the same without reading the table until I finally managed to)

You then keep that memory alive by doing operations mentally (no calculators, they are the devil)

You get even better by doing incredibly big calculations mentally if possible, and with the help of paper if not, eg 3^100

>did all that when young, i expect it to work if old

243904 by 8, same by 3, add as many zeroes and subtract, is there an easier way?

fuck, 7 for the second my bad


in reverse because i was typing as i got each digit

aw fucked up somewhere... ill try again
oh i see damn...
finally, kept messing the carry at 4*8-1