How close is science to unlocking Immortality?

If its possible through science.

We're already there.

By the Many Worlds Law, when you die in this one, there is another one you're still alive in. You are therefore immortal


physics 1
biology 0

Real close


Youre going to die man, embrace it and just get over it.

Based Everett

Prove it.

T-take that back!

Immortality has been open for 2000 years. Jesus Christ died to give you immortal life he rose to show his promise.

what science?

It's possible, but the nature of how many variables and diseases we have to account for means it's a good 50-100 years away.

What's the point of immortality without having an endless presense/soul/whatever? You still die in the end, even if you live till the death of the universe.

Yea but the downside is that your imagination also goes away when you die as it's a feature of the brain.

What's the point of having a point?

Depends on genetic engineering progress, we might be able to see the first life extensions in our lifetime.

It depends. Are there animal in nature that actually reverse aging? I know that there are technically "immortal" ones.

I wonder, when ageing can be stopped there is going to be a generation of old people who will stick around forever alongside all the forever-25 year olds. I wonder if the old people will be respected or be treated as lower class than the yound ones.

Like every day, we are now closer than ever.
It is possible because it doesn't go against any physical law.

You are present as long as you are alive.
What the fuck are you even asking about?

Yes there is few.

If we will stop aging on large scale, we should also be able to transplant brains. Also bodies can get permanently damaged, so switching bodies shouldn't be that rare.

not close enough to save you

How do you know?
30 years ago people wouldn't believe we will connect all our devices in such complex global computer network.

>implying in an immortal society there will ever be any new humans after the population reachs 2 billion.

>dying is a binary quantum event

>If its possible through science.
Hopefully it isn't.
If it was possible you think they'd just give it to you? No, it'd cost millions and would only be available to the 1%. You think inequality is bad now, imagine those jews being immortal. Think how jaded they'd get just going on and on watching the plebs die generation after generation.
Fuck that, death is the great equalizer.

Think about this:
Imagine a deadly plague hits, or there's some kind of nuclear war, or a comet hits the earth.
You're immortal, therefore you're bound to eternal suffering (both physically and mentally) because you can feel emotional and physical pain but can't die.
fok dat shiet

We are all going to become immortal and you are going to like it

>Hopefully it isn't.
>If it was possible you think they'd just give it to you? No, it'd cost millions and would only be available to the 1%.
Why? I don't think you know how capitalism works.
It makes as much sense as saying:
>they wouldn't just give everyone smartphones, an incredibly complex device that allows you to instantly communicate with anyone, from any place and also browse internet, play games, access your bank acount and do many many other things. No, it'd cost millions and would only be available to the 1%.

I don't, I just don't forsee the major hurdles to immortality being solved in so short a time. Referring back to general technological process is not entirely meaningful, the problems are different.

Are you seriously comparing smartphones to immortality? Money's not the point at all here.
Think about the leverage the people controlling it would have. They'd be like gods, deciding who lives and who dies, and those people love power more than anything.
World's overpopulated as is, nothing good would come from this. Death is necessary.

>30 years ago
In 86? Pretty sure we knew it was coming.

Except, companies research immortality not because of some personal mission to make rich people immortal, but to make money.
Do you think they would make more money if it costed 10kk$ or 100k$?
Let's go further and say there is some company that finds some genes that are responsible for aging and they use CRISPR or something to alter them. They like power, so they sell it only to rich for billions of dollars. Too bad because there are other companies working on it as well. There surely will be lot's of industrial espionage and before we realize, dozens of Chinese companies will offer immortality for much lower price. And the price will fall down quickly to point where it's barely profitable for these companies.

How do you suppose "they" would be able to control it when everyone in the scientific community knows what the others are doing and could just simply go rogue and tell them to go fuck themselves.

Why do you believe they will take the risk of revolts when they could gain major benefits in letting the first world countries (which are not overpopulated) enjoying that kind of tech.

Global network was pretty much unavoidable.
But I doubt anyone expected it to grow so huge and become so important part of our lifes.

I like your optimism but humans have the tendency to fuck each other over at any given opportunity, and this would be the biggest yet in human history. Controlling it through legislation would be pretty simple.
I don't know maybe it's just me but I find the whole concept and possible consequences of immortality scarier than death itself.

there are no universal legislation (you could just go to China for instance), and making something illegal doesn't mean no one will ever do it. If people can sell drugs and harvested organs on the black market, I don't see how the officials (who are elected by the way) could control anti aging therapies or augmentations or whatever else

Besides an ageless society would be of a better use of what we have today, it would cost way way way fucking less and would help to gain way more

Companies who fuck customers up lose to companies who focus on gaining capital.
Legislation doesn't work on world scale. If some companies will be stopped in US, they will move to China and then to Mexico and then to underground. Just like they do with GMO humans.