What is the scientific reason for why I'm sexually attracted to little girls?
What is the scientific reason for why I'm sexually attracted to little girls?
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you have a mental disorder
It's just an orientation, like homosexuality or pansexuality. Pedosexuality.
because you were attracted to them when you were younger, and never grew out of it
no one can really blame you
It's because you've managed to develop God-tier taste
That's because you're a weak beta faggot, mentally ill son of a bitch.
Being attracted to 15-16 year old girls is ok.
Having sex with them isn't.
But they do it all the time in Central America and the Middle East
>Having sex with them isn't.
why? (without any appeal to morality/legality)
why is it? (without any appeal to sexuality/biology)
you're the one placing restrictions on human behaviour, burden of proof is on you
There was a paradigm shift not too long ago. In ye olde days, you wanted a woman with child-bearing hips and a plump-ish figure that suggested plenty of food, which made for an ideal mate that could not only produce children easily but also keep them fed.
Nowdays, the desire is for as skinny as possible, to the point of being physically unable to have children naturally, and almost always shaved hairless everywhere.
Guess at what stage females are skinny and hairless naturally.
The pedos have won, the rest of the world has just failed to grasp it yet; they are too busy masturbating to pseudo-children to realize what they are doing.
Coz you're a jew or an arab
Anime loli =/= Little girls
Little girl don't have curves, lolis are closer to petite women.
There's a theorem in QED which states if a human being of mature age is attracted to immature members of the opposite sex, they are retards. It turns out a recent publication has shown the converse is true as well, so according to science you must be a retard. The explanatory power of the result is fairly powerful, as it clarifies in this post why you would ask that question. It's science m8, it's conclusions are inevitable.
sauce ?
>as skinny as possible
Look at porn and most women have child bearing hips and meaty thighs.
I doubt someday we will abandon our sexual instincts.
link to publication?
Stopping a certain behavior is human behavior.
The burden of proof is on you.
>Stopping a certain behavior is human behavior.
yes but no one will stop unless you give them a good reason
if a 30 year old and a 15 year old both want to fuck, what's your reason for stopping them?
Fuck off with your pedophilia culture you cockroach.
Are you implying that there are things which are "not okay" by nature, independent of human sociological constructions?
Saying having sex with 15yo's is "not okay" is a purely morally informed demand.
>explain why something is immoral without appeal to morality
do you really think morals are something substantive? you might as well be appealing to some holy book
>do you really think morals are something substantive?
yes they are.
Some retarded 30 year old is simply not allowed to take advantage of an immature 15 year old.
As simple as that. If you can't have women of your own age then you're not a good enough mate, especially for a 15 year old.
15 year olds are not ready to be mothers by today's standards.
A relationship between a 15 yo and a 30 yo is very one-sided in terms of power.
etc etc
There are many reasons. And you don't even need to know them, even a 20 yo kid can tell that a 15 yo is just too immature for any relationship. That's it.
You might be unable to see this, but it's just you.
>Some retarded 30 year old is simply not allowed to take advantage of an immature 15 year old.
just because you were immature at 15 doesn't mean everyone else is
>If you can't have women of your own age then you're not a good enough mate, especially for a 15 year old.
why did you make this into a older man/younger female scenario? does this apply to older woman/younger male or is there a reason you single this out?
>15 year olds are not ready to be mothers by today's standards.
see above
>There are many reasons. And you don't even need to know them, even a 20 yo kid can tell that a 15 yo is just too immature for any relationship.
What about a 19 year old instead of a 20 year old? Or an 18 year old? The fact that the cutoff is so arbitrary should be a sign to you that it's based on nothing in reality
Not that guy, but..
>If you can't have women of your own age then you're not a good enough mate, especially for a 15 year old.
That the men in question can't have other older women is a new assumption - are you trying to insult the subject here?
Surely, if some Sheikh deflowers a beautifil 14 virgin, then it's not because he can't have another woman.
The value of the barely fertile female is just higher.
>is very one-sided in terms of power.
And? It's just your moral appeal again, not an arugment beyond that.
>too immature for any relationship
Yes, and? Teens want to fuck.
>unable to see this
See what? I see your opinon on what is okay and what is not okay, and I personally think it's good that this opinion is shared by most people.
Psychological trauma i meant
I guessing it's because you enjoy your meat to be "untainted" and "pure".
>real lolis have curves
Only American ones
It's ok as long as she's over 900 years old.
>>explain why something is immoral without appeal to morality
bursted out laughing you are so right, he went full retard.
once a girl develops typical women attributes i.e. breasts, ass, hips, face it doesnt matter whether she is 10 or 20 you will find her at least a bit attractive. that is how we are programmed (if you arent gay).
thing i thought about is the following:
women exist who have zero breasts and ass, shave their pussy and are little yet they are adults. on the contrary im not attracted to children who share those attributes. therefore i conclude that the coreattraction is the face.
because little girls are qt
because they want to and so do I
Man, you need to quit your bullshit. There are are sorts of lolis and many of them most definitely look like children.
>Some retarded 30 year old is simply not allowed to take advantage of an immature 15 year old.
>simply as that
Do you see how empty your argument is? You can't even come up with an actual reason as to why it is wrong.
If I had a week, I couldn't list all the reasons why
They are soft creatures of pure love, you have high levels of conscience, not getting attracted to them is degenerate.
>skinny as possible
This was constructed with gay fashion designers, they like women that don't look like women.
He's right, actually. The vast majority of "loli" I see posted around is a disjointed combination of developed womanly hips on a child-like upper body and face / clothing / context, usually with small breasts. Most of the primary signals of age and fertility are there.
People look at it and for some reason decide "lul I like a waist:hip ratio of 0.6-0.7 and small breasts, along with hair too long for them to have grown in their supposed lifespan, guess I must like kids! zomg i like loli I'll make it part of my identity!" Or whatever dumb horseshit they've tricked themselves into.
It is rare to see people clutter up threads with loli that's quite literally a child, no hips, flat breasts, etc. Why might this be? Because it's boring and fails to arouse most people. Even the doujin the OP posted an image from, is perfectly in line with what I've said above. Child acting like an adult, etc. Part of this is just the nature of the medium and what you can do with a given art style. The core drive of this whole deal is probably a desire to regress to childhood, or they just never managed to grow up and accept that they've grown up.
It's all fucking stupid as far as I'm concerned. Just a fad people are exposed to, they endeavor down a rabbit hole, and they begin to form asinine conclusions about themselves and the world.
You people disgust me.
Yet you still can't name one. How funny.
because you never asked
>Nowdays, the desire is for as skinny as possible,
Maybe if all you pay attention to is media and people brainwashed by it. Hardwired aspects of sexual selection are still thoroughly in place. Waist:hip ratio of 0.6 - 0.7, decent sized breasts, bilateral symmetry, and absence of disease indicators. Ribs showing, pelvic bone and collarbone jutting out, no muscle mass, etc, are no more seen as attractive today than they were historically.
You also need to control for cultural aspects. The unattractive and sloppy physique you posted an image of was accepted in a lot of South American and Mediterranean cultures for reasons that you stated, however that doesn't mean the entirety of everyone was attracted to the "breeder" look. The entire framework for familial structures and child rearing generally was very different in these places, along with the very real possibility that a given woman would die in childbirth, especially if she had smaller hips.
In our culture what you posted is called "obesity", and most people in an abstract high level sense understand human bio-mechanics enough to know what lifestyle, diet, and bodily state it correlates with. This marks it as unideal in a society that's based on connections, family unit building / monogamy, and derived social status.
I legitimately thought I was on /b/ for a second