I know this board is terrible at probability, so let's see if anyone can solve this

I know this board is terrible at probability, so let's see if anyone can solve this.

Suppose I flip a coin that has a 50% probability of getting heads. What's the probability I get heads?

50%, its either heads or its not.

Is this a trick?

this, something either happens or it doesnt

It's 25% you half-wits

Are you meming right now m8

Not heads has a slightly greater probability than heads. But that's also true for not tails and tails.


> Outcome has Y probability of being X, whats the probability of the outcome being X ?


Depends. If you get heads, then 100%. If not, then 0%.


If 100 coins are tossed, what is the probability that exactly 50 heads will be showing?

Whatever is the middle term of the binomial expansion (x+y)^100

Divided by 2^100, of course.

50/50 You either get 50 heads or you don't.

Your definition is just a tautology


For anyone actually posting ITT with the intent of seriously arguing with someone else:

Most people will read OP's question as a tautology, as in the coin has 50% chance of heads as opposed to the 50% chance of getting tails, so the probability of getting heads is 50%.

A few others will read it as saying that the coin has 50% of the chance of getting heads that a normal coin would have, so the answer is 25%.

There, now you should all understand each other and any posts below this are trolls.


Until the coin is observed, it is both heads and tails.

There are 3 possible outcomes
1. The coin gets tails like a normal coin
2. The coin gets tails in it's increased probability region
3. The coin gets heads in it's decreased probability region.


1/(2^100) because there is only one combination of 100 coins such that exactly 50 coins are heads, assuming the other 50 are tails. And there are exactly 2^100 possibly combinations because math.

Never mind, I forgot that order doesn't matter.

Infinite, as you can never know the state of the coin before it's ovserved

this made me laugh, thanks!


there is a 0.016666% that a coin will land on its side
49.99916666% faggots