Muslim scientists

I have already seen a large number of muslima scientists (biologists/biochemists), funnily enough not a single muslim man though. Do you have a similar experience? How the hell do they live with themselves? Doesn't their research contradict their faith?

Other urls found in this thread:

>see woman scientist with head scarf
>must be muslim

>see man with ?
>must be muslim


>How the hell do they live with themselves? Doesn't their research contradict their faith?

Why don't you go talk to them?

haha and what about those christian scientists too

>see man with ?
>must be muslim
Suicide vest
Body odor
Double-digit IQ

I see several of both genders in my aerospace grad program. Feels good knowing most of them will never touch anything ITAR related, let alone classified. Oh, and that a lot of this technology is being used to blow their friends back home to bits.

As a person raised Muslim myself and studying physics, neither my family nor I mind at all. After all, Muhammad did say to "seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave" and that "seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim".

One of the professors in our department is a devout muslim. He does genetic research in diseases like cholesterolemia and Alzheimer's. He's very devout. He prays to mecca five times a day.

I wish you people could just disappear out of existence.

I wish they would invent a cream you could put on your butt, to stop it from hurting.

I love you too user

I was looking into vitamin D studies because my doctor said I was low and came across a shitload of University of Cairo studies by muslim women about vitamin-D. Shit is apparently a hot topic in egypt.

I'd like to give them a vitamin-D injection of my own, if you know what I mean.

It's becoming more and more common for Muslims to bring up the following when science is mentioned:

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (The Noble Quran, 21:30)"

"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it."
(The Qur'an, 51:47)

"Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous - Who taught by the pen -
Taught man that which he knew not."

(Verses 9:3-5)

Muhammad said that "seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim". First revelation to Muhammad was a command to read/recite.

More fun at

>working in lab
>muslim man starts working in lab down the hall
>go into bathroom
>muslim man is washing his feet in the bathroom sink
He might of been doing molecular biological research, but he was still washing his feet before he prayed
Some people can be so compartmentalized that cognitive dissonance does not affect them

Remember that Moose Limbs have to do this or else they get "honor killed" or whatever by their peers.

It's like PTSD. You don't chastise a war vet for covering his ears when he hears fireworks.

Muslims aren't allowed to believe in evolution lmao.


I'm Muslim, and strong believer in Evolution, and the number of Muslims who believe in it is growing each day, one of most popular Facebook science pages in Arabic is full time evolution pumping articles

too harsh, maybe just go back to the middle east and stay there

Or what about scientists who believe in organic food, mindfulness and other crap?
Islam and Christianity are not one bit less ludicrous than the average shit that most modern secular humanists believe in, scientists included.

My physics program is almost exclusively white males. Sorry shit skins...u gotta be this intelligent to ride

I have a problem with Christian scientists

Muslim scientists are all cool by me

This may be a contradiction in terms but, meh whatever. Parts of the koran document things like early cell biology and allude to plate tectonics, etc.

Of course it varies between creeds and backgrounds, but I have never worked with a muslim scientist who wasn't extremely competent, easy to work with and kind.


>organic food, mindfulness and other crap
>Islam and Christianity are not one bit less ludicrous than the average shit that most modern secular humanists believe in
literally fucking WAT

first of all, there is a huge difference in the way certain belief systems are propagated: religions tend to be organized and have the aim to reproduce themselves (they literally spread just like viruses do)

what these social systems of thought-/behavioural-control have to do with not wanting ecosystems to be shitted up large scale with indiscriminate pesticide usage, is beyond me

inb4 young-earth-creationists from /pol/ tip fedoras at me

>inb4 yuppie food blogger moms hi-five me during my morning powerwalk

But neither are Christians

How Dawkins Got Pwned

I dont want to see large scale pesticide usage
this is my opinion.
religions peddle beliefs.

do you understand the difference or shall I draw you a diagram?

My chemistry lab partner is from Oman, cool guy

Islam is a few hundred years younger than Christianity, which iself is younger than Judaism, but they are influenced chronology by one another. And while the Qu'ran itself makes the Gospel (the Bible) canon to some degree, the scientific contradictions are lighter than in the bible itself.

I bet you that every scientifically and engineering interested Muslim, i.e where you use basic rationale, will at some point come to the obvious conclusion that all the exotic happenings (everything "holy" and all actions by and interactions with god or angels) in the holy books and scriptures are made up stories and those books are just social rule books and moral guidance.

But then you have the problem that the books also impose a dis-allowance form doubting their content and Muslims of various devoutness will try to disregard their logical thoughts as tests.
Even if your internal dialog tells you it's not the most important thing to believe in a conscious being (god) who is capable of doing stuff (as opposed to a "got is love" moral),
then still: Nobody wants to be expelled form their community and so, as long as nobody complains, you just don't talk about the problems and focus on the good parts.

In mixed communities like in the West, Muslims also choose to ignore the "kill the infidels" parts. Ignoring part of a book the disallows you from disregarding it only works if everybody does it though. It works as long as there are not too many dissatisfied or war hungry guy in the community who pressure you to change your way of reading it.

"Believing" in mindfulness is almost the same as believing that a good dose of sleep is healthy. It's just a routine of organizing your mental capacities, what's the problem?

collective psychosis if you ask me


>Body odor
>Double-digit IQ


no I literally haven't seen a single arab/persian/turkish man, only women.

ok, physics, but biology and biochemistry 100% destroy your faith!


organics =/= less pesticide

GMO = less pesticide


this cunt

U go gurl

All people are capable of being indoctrinated, what you believe in it's a matter whether you're born in Bombay or Dubai or wherever.

Old men wrote down rule books to get power and stabilize, and wherever structure is required, people choose from what's available.

I can't blame anyone - all people are capable of being indoctrinated. But that's not so say you should invite such structures.

If it's not the influx of religions isn't fought enough in the West these days, then because we're only left with economic systems that leave common people with two many options and questions.

I don't think it's possible to invent a cream that rebuilds the twin towers, revives the thousands of french, belgians, spaniards etc, frees the millions of african and europeans slaves throughout history etc.

are you SERIOUSLY defending a RELIGION on Veeky Forums?

for fuck's sake, maybe English isn't your mother tongue, but make an effort will ya?

you are obviously a very bad moslim, borderline apostate desu familia.

Be careful, Abdullah is already sharpening his knife whilst looking in your general direction.


Ego non puto

>Muslim scientists are all cool by me
that's because you are a pathetic libshit who thinks Islam gets a "get out of jail free"card because they are "oppressed" by the evil STRAIGHT WHILE MALES just because they tend to explode and kill when slightly irritated.

That's actually interesting. But the female muslims I've seen are all pretty white-passing. I don't see a lot of people with big beards but they wouldn't really stand out as much as females because of the scarves.

>those books are just social rule books and moral guidance.

>Stone adulterers
>Decapitate apostates
>Raping is OK as long as you marry the victim afterwards
>Women are by the will of allen inferior to men
>I could go on ofrever

wew, sure are very moral!

lol not a liberal but cheers for solid kek

just have found them to be way less abrasive, self-important and generally annoying than christian scientists

"moral" != "moral you happen to agree with"

>Raping is OK as long as you marry the victim afterwards
is a moral just like
>If that kid throws trash on the ground after buying his ice cream, point out to him that he's in the wrong
The difference is just how severe it is. Neither are right or wrong as a principle. They are right or wrong with respect to some moral.

And you'll probably never touch a woman so it all balances out.

you are the type of guy that couldn't give a simple answer is someone asked "is it ok to torture, rape, strangle, mutilate then burn a small child?"

you are so far into the rabbit hole that even the most obvious humanitarian questions have turned into some form of mystic transcendent philosophy.

>he sees how religion can be viewed as a meta-virus
>yet can't see that this is true for belief systems in general, including his own

Even the kings among brainlets remain brainlets.

Back to mexico bud

But user... that's sort of their shtick.

what a shitty fucking religion you must be a part of when you get a vitamin D deficiency in the Middle East and Africa?

>Shitting on mindfulness
Don't cut yourself on those edges

at least we can all agree organo-fags are fucking retarded and pseudo-scientific

I'll agree with that

yeah but man, christians bro

You have to go back

What's up with all my fellow Muzzie Veeky Forumsentists existing, thought I was the only one brain-damaged enough to browse Veeky Forums and also be a practicing Islamist

Muslim here. Science doesn't contradict my faith at all. In fact I see it as a way to understand the Creator. The universe we live in is really a miracle, there are so many amazing things about it.

Small correction: we don't pray "to" Mecca, we just pray facing it.

>GMO = less pesticide
Not necessarily. Some GMO is to make the plant more resistant to pesticides so that more can be used.

It does but muslims are not self-aware enough to see a problem with that.

made me think of this

>adverbing a noun
found the pre-law major


Islam is used to deep-time, compared to Christians, so it makes total sense.

How Tf are you supposed to tell a muslim man? I'm a muslim scientist (paleontology) and you'd think I was AA

Q: How do you make water?
Muslim A: Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen; Allah willing.

Islam is a drain on science, producing a tiny percent of scientists, and a smaller amount of scientists of any worth.

Muslims are on par with Christians as far as being able to soak up a bunch of information but being completely stumped when it comes to doing much with it other than regurgitating it on exams.

There's a reason that higher level scientists are much more likely to be atheist than the lower level ones. And then comparing the top level to high school teacher level is so pathetic you wouldn't even consider high school teachers as scientists (well they're probably not anyway).

Name 1 (one) athiest scientist of note (no popsci fags)
That's true, chemical reactions have a non-zero chance of not happening, nothing is 100 percent correct.

Solid trolling, I'm legitimately irritated.

>Parts of the koran document things like early cell biology and allude to plate tectonics, etc.
That's bullshit and you're going to quote something more vague than fucking nostradamus to prove me wrong.

>the scientific contradictions are lighter than in the bible itself.
not sure if you can make that claim, muhammad flying on a horse plus all the old myths are there. islam proclaims itself the final revelation, so all the old bs carries over.

> moral guidance.
terrible moral guidance, islamic texts are about 50% devoted to the other, called the kaffir (disbeliever). islam is inherently divisive.

> "kill the infidels" parts.
that's a huge chunk of the trilogy. they have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to reconcile the text and

inb4 someone goes "i have this muslim friend..."


Finally someone with half a brain on Veeky Forums!
Survival of the fittest boys, that's what it really boils down to.

also the author of cspi was an applied physicist and prof who decided to later on take up studying religion as objectively he can. does a better job than most historians and theologians who seem to be more interested in narrative than facts. when you get down to it islam is arguably the most morally bankrupt mainstream religion, good people who are muslim are good disproportionately moreso despite islam than because of it. this being good according to conventionally secular humanist ideals.

Some scientific principles anticipated in the Quran, just to mention a few:

"Guide us to the straight path" (1.6)
"Indeed, my Lord is on a path [that is] straight." (11.56)

Principle of least time (action): the straight path is mentioned repeatedly in the Quran.

"The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a record. My Lord neither errs nor forgets." (20.52)

Conservation of information: everything is in Allah's knowledge.

"And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander." (51.47)

The expansion of the universe.

"And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count." (3.123)

Relativity of time.

infidels BTFO

t. Mehmet Abdul

thanks for the heads-up I guess

On the contrary, there is nothing in the bible forbidding us from interpreting parts of it as allegorical, and many parts of the bible clearly encourage us to do this. This makes it much easier for Christians to ignore parts that are clearly scientifically wrong while Muslims deny evolution and believe in creationism at very high rates.

On the other hand the quranhas at least 4 verses I can think of explicitly stating things like "this is a clear book, well communicated"
"We have sent you this book to make clear all things"
And other verses strongly emphasising that the Quran is to be taken st face value.

This is one of the big reasons why islam has remained so backwards and primitive in comparison with Christianity and Judaism.

>And other verses strongly emphasising that the Quran is to be taken st face value.

Yes and no. According to Islamic scholars, a verse is to be interpreted according to its literal meaning except where it would result in an absurdity. Many verses are metaphorical, however.

there are a lot of belief systems that dont have proselytizing built in.
take atheism. just because I believe there to be no god doesnt mean I care what you think about the matter.
religions on the other hand usually come with a command to "spread the word"

Yeah, right. This is why Christians used to set fire to whoever saying that earth isn't flat. Your God doesn't exist. Stop lying to yourself.

>used to

Yeah, 400 years ago.

Islam on the other hand still kills or improsons people fr saying that there is no God.

Christianity is a distant second in the "who can be the most backwards, primitive, cruel and barbaric" competition.

You can quibble if you want but the state of the Muslims of the world speaks for itself and shows that I'm right.

>This is why Christians used to set fire to whoever saying that earth isn't flat.
you retard
>The myth that people in the Middle Ages thought the Earth is flat appears to date from the 17th century as part of the campaign by Protestants against Catholic teaching. But it gained currency in the 19th century, thanks to inaccurate histories such as John William Draper's History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson White's A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896). Atheists and agnostics championed the conflict thesis for their own purposes, but historical research gradually demonstrated that Draper and White had propagated more fantasy than fact in their efforts to prove that science and religion are locked in eternal conflict.[13]

The fact that scientists were intimidated and knowledge was constrained still remains.

“…And indeed we have set forth for mankind, in this Qur’an every kind of parable…” (Qur’an 30:58)
It's explicitly stated that there are allegories and parables in the Quran of many sorts. With the Bible, it's just "well nothing says it isn't like that"

How do you know? Are you muslim?

I'm a biochemist, was raised Muslim (but I'm atheist now). You're right OP, it's fairly rare to see Muslims interested in academia. They're all after either engineering or medicine. It's probably a cultural thing, I remember my mom telling me to "go do an actually beneficial degree and be productive in the world" (I suspect she thought I would end up an unemployed autist).

Also people that do hardcore science (ie not engineering or medicine) are exposed to atheism a lot more, and there's just too much stigma right now in most Muslim communities. It'll die off in a generation or two though.

Yeah but it also laid down a lot of rules that were CLEARLY an improvement over the moral code of the time

>don't kill your child if you got a girl and wanted a boy
>don't intentionally go after civilians in war (kek)
>don't cheat, gamble, etc
>don't be racist
>don't be tribe-ist
>help the poor and unfortunate
>be humane when killing animals
>treat your workers fairly, pay them "before the sweat dries from their brow"
>if you release a slave, you get Allah Points™

It's just outdated compared to today's moral code. It's definitely a good

>Eve was made from a chunk of Adam's rib
>Muhammad got on a flying horse and went to heaven
>Djinn, angels

Things of the unseen like jinn and angels don't contradict science. They're part of the spiritual realm. Science can't prove a negative ("X doesn't exist").

paul dirac



But there's also no evidence for them. Just like Santa Claus. Anyways, here's some more things you should believe in (or you're a kaffir Qur'an-doubter):

>Magic & witchcraft is unironically a thing in the 21st century, people literally get executed for this in Saudi Arabia
>Dhul Qarnayn went so far west that he found where the sun sets; a pool of murky water
>6 days to create the earth
>Allah took some clay, sculpted into a person, then it became Adam
>A bunch of teenagers hid in a cave and slept for thousands of years, then woke up again and ran around being wacky
>Various characters in Islamic mythos living for hundreds of years
>One guy getting swallowed by a whale for a while, then gets spit out onto land. Allah makes a tree grow right where he landed so he can eat because he was really hungry.

Why do you think your beliefs are any different from Greek mythology? It took me a while to accept this, because I was scared of the consequences. You don't have to come out to your family, but just accept that this is all a bunch of baloney no different from American Indians worshipping the wind spirits

Reciting isn't learning


Really reaching, huh Ahmed

One of my math profs is named Mohammad and he also heads a pretty serious applied mathematics research group.

Idk if he's actually a practicing or devout Muslim anymore, though.

>be humane when killing animals
Someone post that webm of the halaal slaughter of a camel.

Nope, not true. My brother's a biologist.