Grow taller

Hi Veeky Forums,
Ok I'm doing a degree in physics and I'm really not into pseudoscience bullshit but shit it is that I'm really small and it's starting to piss me off.
So I was wondering if some anons here knew any way for me to go over my genetical legacy with some magic chemicals to grow taller. Like three inches, maybe more. Seriously, you want to test your Marvel bullshit, call me please.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do this 5 times a day:

>sit cross legged on the floor
>reach up towards the ceiling
>whisper "grow, grow, grow"

gotta stretch, I grew 9 inches by just stretching my back by the end you'll be able to suck your own dick when you're sitting down touching your feel with your hands (legs are straight) in fact that's how the grow taller community measures the part of the progress and a goal to have in mind cheers

But what if I whisper "shrink" by accident?

I think some plastic surgeons can grind out a few inches by breaking your leg bones over and over and stretching them. Try that out.

So, you grew your dick 9 inches to be able to suck it by stretching??

hang upside down and let gravity stretch you out duh
fuckin idiot i thought you said you knew physics

no fool, you stretch your brain you bend your body in a way that ur head goes next to ur dick and at first u wont be able to suck it because your back is not long enough but eventually ur mouth will touch it and after 1-2 years of this everyday u will be able to pleasure urself this way of course u dont have to do this im just saying it because u can do it if u want

on my phone sorry

No bullshit:

>get a knee or elbow x-ray from a doc
>ask the doc if your growth plates are still open in the X-ray
>if they are open, immediately go online and buy Chinese HGH or one of the many GH releasing peptides if you're a poorfag
>also take an aromatase inhibitor (Aromasin) to slow down growth plate closure

If you're >19, there's a very small maybe 5% chance your growth plates are still open tho.

any link for the HGH?

I have also thought about this. Don't want to take too much HGH though and get roid gut. I know those guys take at minimum 2(iu?) a day so not certain what amount to take for growth.

Im a cured manlet from Veeky Forums.

All you do is stretch your arms towards the sky and whisper "grow grow grow"

>Lie down as much as you can so gravity isnt pushing down on your spine.
>Hang with weights
>growth hormones

All of these constantly for the first 19 years of a life

Hope your growth plates aren't closed, find a really, really good gear source internet or in person and buy pharma HGH.

HGH = Human Growth Hormone
do some research, fgt pls

>Chinese HGH

Doesn't arsenic retard growth?

>> I'm really not into pseudoscience bullshit
>>any way for me to go over my genetical legacy with some magic chemicals to grow taller.

Physics major, really? Not sure i believe that.

I don't understand. I'm not op btw.

Aromatase inhibitors, vigorous exercise, sunlight and vitamin d. White button mushrooms, raw cabbage/saurkraut. Whey protein, yogurt, milk.

There is no such thing as a drug to grow height, plain an simple. Anything to the contrary is psuedoscience which you could research yourself easily with google. There is a method to increase height but it is surgery which includes breaking and resetting bones, mostly for those who have disproportionate arms/legs/height. It is easy to discover via google that anything else is a hoax. As a physics major i expected OP to be able to research for themselves, especially such a simple topic, hence the teasing.

Try this for a month

lol no HGH at a young age increases height.
This is widely accepted
I know its not an actual source, but you the use of hgh for height is commonly known.

When will they ever learn?

wear heels.

Is it true that lifting as kid makes your final height smaller ?

Just how short are we talking? Maybe you're just being too self-conscious.

Accept you are a midget. Try to overcompensate the lack of height. That's all.
It's hard work tho.

>whisper "grow, grow, grow"

not really

OP here, I'm 20

OP here. I just didnt do any research before coming here, hoping to find some more underground stuff. But as I see, the more effective way to get taller seems to be stretching, HGH and broke bones.

>I'm doing a degree in physics and I'm really not into pseudoscience bullshit
Clearly you are into pseudoscience considering you delcared a physics major.


Its easy OP.
>Just find someone with your desired height. >Acquire their DNA.
>Isolate the genes responsible for height.
> Make ample amounts of his height gene.
> Inject yourself with a ton virus carrying CRISPR- cas9 and the other guys genes.
> CRISPR will cut away your DNA and the other guys genes will fill in the deleted spots.
> Now sure about triggering growth. Might need some young DNA to turn off growth suppresion genes.
> your welcome