French dark litterature

What have you got if I ask you french dark litterature (I mean like Celine's Voyage au bout de la nuit for example).
I already read a lot as a french, but I'm still curious to get some advices.
Come on, give me your best dark french litterature Veeky Forums

I don't get the "dark"
Rebatet ?
Brasillach ?

Not intended to mean collaborationist, or politicaly incorrect.
Just litterature that explore dark aspect of human soul / history. Some kind of "pessimistic" / angry french litterature.
I mean I've been deeply touched by Voyage au bout de la nuit, but I can't find anythig that make me the same effect in French litterature.

In french?
It makes everything easier because I don't read translations.
Une Vie de Maupassant?
You probably will hate this recommendations halfway through, but at the final paragraph, you will love me
Zola and his trilogy of Assomoir ; La bete humaine et Germinal
Fucked up family, fun read
Saison dans l'enfer Rimbaud
Paul Verlaine (pessimist)

Yup in french it's fine.
I already read Zola, Rimbaud and Verlaine, but not this one from Maupassant. I'll give a try.
That also remind me of Le père Goriot of Balzac.
And also Cioran, wrote quite pessimistic things, but I'm not a big fan because it's more a vanity posture in my opinion.

>as a french
Mes pauvres yeux...
Plus jamais ne tappe "a french", je t'en supplie OP

Un homme qui dort by Perec
Zola gets pretty dark in Germinal.

Huysmans - Là-Bas
Bloy - Le Désespéré
Mirbeau - Le Jardin des Supplices
Bernanos - Sous le Soleil de Satan
Barbusse - L'Enfer

Au moins tu es certain de ma langue natale...

Queneau - Zazie dans le metro

Barbey d'Aurevilly, Bloy, Cros, Laforgue, Lautréamont, Zola

Seconding 'Un homme qui dort' and Bloy.

Georges Hyvernaud - Le wagon à vaches
Louix Guilloux - Le sang noir

Jean-Pierre Martinet - High Life

How can be happy having a shitty job?


Because it's rustic and soulful .

Why would someone prefer this atmosphere to something more ritzy?

Jean Giono - Un roi sans divertissement / A King without Distraction

Bataille's pretty edgy.
The story of the eye
Blue of Noon
L abbé C
Ma Mere

Laforgue, Moralites legendaires

Houellebecq will expose modern life to you in an uncomfortable way.

Read his novels chronologically.

Not a big fan of les particules élémentaires... But not it's first novel.
Thought about Vian, j'irais cracher sur vos tombes also...