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Literature #83
Am I retarded?
Deutsch Sprach
Lit banner
"This is not writing...
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
The 15 Most Overrated Contemporary American Writers
Does anyone else find this really difficult to read...
Be true to your dick
Sorry to be grouchy, but I just started coming to this board
Are you Adept ?
Share your 3 favorite albums, movies, games, and books
Who are the 3 greatest writers in the English langauge
German - the language of the great philosophers
So I read something by Borges on the Zeno paradoxes and it occurs to me they are more troubling than I had previously...
"the average high school atheist is smarter than Kierkegaard"
Julian Jaynes - Bicameral Mind Hypothesis
Are there any YA novels of any literary merit?
Why is it that at my university...
Is it true that scientists/mathematicians
How do I learn German?
Just picked up a copy of White Teeth, anybody else read this? What do you think?
David Foster Wallace thread
Are the books in Morrowind worth reading?
It's almost prime horror season. What horror are you going to read this fall?
Fact: science fiction and fantasy is the only real literature, an exploration of limits of human imagination
A coworker recommended me this book a while ago. I know it's hated fiercely around here...
Can we have a /quote/ thread? Particularly ones that pertain to your specific situation in life
"...because races condemned to One Hundred Years of Solitude did not
ITT make up new words for literature to use
That guy in class who pronounces i.e. as "id est"
I was raised in front of a screen. I grew up without the guide of literature. I detested it...
Tell us what your five favorite books are and others will try to guess stuff about you irl
Are normies zombies (philosophy term)? I am sure they are...
Meanwhile.. on bizzaro Veeky Forums
Local Libraries
When did you fall out of love with Harry Potter, /tv/?
Toni morrison
Getting into formal logic seems essential to understand modern philosophy...
What's the book version of this album
Short Stories
Being an unattractive make is pointless
Question for the Writers
Fuck this shit lit. Fuck this god damn bullshit. I want to read a book that's actually fun...
Girl brags about how she reads books
Reminder that reading genre fiction is a sign that you genuinely enjoy reading
Post classic top quality Veeky Forums posts, lads
Post books that offer absolutely no solace at all. Books that seem to be written just to depress the reader
What is it that we male virgins of Veeky Forums find so attractive about Nietzsche's thought?
Hey Veeky Forums what is beauty?
Think of the most postmodern title possible for a Y/A book, and have another user guess what the premise of the book is
Hello friends. It's time to ask a published author anything
Blood Meridian
Best literature against globalism and in favor of nationalism?
The Judge
Itt: Sum up your philosophy with an image
Just purchased pic related. What should I expect?
What music do you listen to while reading?
Best literature against nationalism and in favour of human unity?
What's a good degree for a writer?
Dang... asimov was smart
What is the best food book? Preferably about sweets
I just started reading this and I fucking love it. I'm only about 50 pages into it, what else can I expect?
Feminists have done it again
Alright, you faggots convinced me to read this. is it gonna just be "lol I'm so hungry" the whole time?
I'm not fluent in French, but I have a basic working knowledge of the language, it's construction, grammar and syntax...
How to tell if a person is well educated?
Book/story ideas thread
Would anyone here be interested in a weekly club dedicated to reading and exposition of Aristotle?
Warrior Cats
So what did this guy actually get wrong
Do you believe in fate?
I have bad news: consciousness resides in the brain
You will live to see the day when the Nationalist Renaissance allows you to read non-Marxist anti-post-modern literature
The Aeneid
Veeky Forums irl
Absence of social strife
What did he mean by this?
Who's your favorite character?
What are some books that help me understand women and, more importantly, what they actually want?
"To be ruled by a woman is the greatest outrage for a man" - Democritus
Is there anything I need to read before The Odyssey? I have never read anything remotely similar
How do you keep your mind from wondering while you're reading?
Post the last line from the last thing you wrote
Is teaching myself Latin a fools dream?
This book is a year old already
Discord Writing Group; looking for more members
The Kingkiller Chronicle
Favorite book. Sat/act score
What's the worst piece of shit you ever read?
Anyone into experimental literature like this and house of leaves?
Is the Count of Monte Cristo the greatest literary work of all time
Poetry Thread:
ITT your favorite Books and why you hate women
After finishing my M. A...
A murder goes to see Kant and wants to kill his son playing somewhere in the neighbor's yard...
Write what's on your mind
How do you rationalize this?
Anyone here keep a journal/diary?
Yes, well done atheists! Well done!
What's with some science fiction novels being nearly great, but desperately in need of editing...
Alice Munro vs. BEE
Look, it's not that bad
How many people here can actually read a passage in Classical Latin or Attic Greek without struggling too much?
Obama's Summer reading list
Writing an Admissions Essay
The Star Wars sequel films makes me want to self harm
What does Veeky Forums think about Albert Camus ?
Really big construction edition
Russian literature
You guys realize that art is a proxy for having enjoyable lives
What was the last book you read and how do you rate it?
Critique Thread
What makes a protagonist relatable?
Just finished Gravity's Rainbow
Novelists Veeky Forums would like if they weren't so caught up in acquiring prestige by reading faddy...
Veeky Forums meet up 2.0
Do you think nationalism is philosophically justifiable?
Reading the Iliad but it's so fucking boring. Have you read it?
I just marathoned the first sentence of Ulysses
STOP Feeding Trolls
Hilarious thing on campus: watching 17-22 y/o girls walk around with coffee
What is your opinion on William Blake? Genius, prophet, hack, absolute madman?
I'm looking for a fiction that has lots of really freaky philosophical conversations...
Bookshelf thread
Have you noticed that religion is used solely for social posturing these days...
Make fun of him, but you know he is right and Nietzche and Stirner are just memes
Are there any good books about Polyamory Veeky Forums?
Fiction books with heavy religious themes
ITT: post your stack; rate other anons' stacks
TES Literature
I just finished this, and I feel a little bit robbed. All that build-up for fucking nothing?
Why does everyone hate it?
Favourite book covers
Two kids getting their first library cards. Don't you miss when reading was actually fun?
Fact that I'm forgotten that I'm left on the shelf with the dead white guys in the academic curriculum
Be me
Pls respond
Go to big box bookstore
So not reading Part 2 of Faust is a meme right? why the fuck do so many editions publish Part 1 and Part 2 separately...
The antichrist is going to be born soon. We should do something about that
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Does any other single piece of literature have a plot that is both as complex and elegant as Homestuck's...
What does Veeky Forums think of Foucault and his work?
Ive been chatting with this bird i met off of tinder and when I asked her what her favorite books are this was her...
Discussing the craft, the subtle nuances of lit and wit
Do you agree with Stephen King that using adverbs is lazy writing?
Redpill general
What is the deus ex of Veeky Forums
Woody allen
Some of the stuff I've been reading here made me ask myself... can Veeky Forums be considered a red pilled board?
Quit Being a Fucking Child and Read Some Real Literature
Bizarre / experimental lit
the entirety of the literature section of the Wikipedia page for the 2000s
Veeky Forums taste thread
Women and Men
How does Veeky Forums feel about edgeman Thomas Ligotti?
Tfw waiting for my white noise machine to get here because I want to experience reading while it's turned on and I'm a...
Just finished reading Atlas Shrugged. AMA
Wow what a piece of fucking garbage
Can you tell me why Ebola is so popular on the alt right? Link related, this dude is obsessed with him
Why is the ubiquity of Marxist propaganda in literature never talked about?
Breadpill literature thread (NO PROTESTANT SHIT)
So these tests are bs r8
Yo you fucking whore's. cam we make lits top 100 of 2016 now? let's discuss this. I have an idea. everyone gets 5 votes...
Is anybody else here experiencing a great deal of pressure as a result of being known as a "young genius" among your...
Is book censorship ever ok?
Who is the Yung Lean of the literature world?
It's sad how few people on Veeky Forums have actually lived. I mean really lived...
What does Veeky Forums think of Chuck Palahniuk?
About to read dune, what should I expect
How to really know if your own writing is good? Other peoples comments on it dont really matter much...
What's wrong with Russell's History of Western Philosophy? Everyone says that it's a bad choice and has biases...
Does anyone here actually aspire to be a writer, or do you prefer basking in daydreams
I always thought that I was exceptionally intelligent, but it turns out that I'm only slightly above average...
What books would you recommend for an INTP master race?
Veeky Forums, where do you go for news, culture, etc...
How's my August reading list?
So we all agree cats are the most patrician, right Veeky Forums?
Which do you prefer ?
Is the overman an inevitability? Doesn't it stand to reason that the people who don't want to live will go extinct...
Will the literature world be interested in me making a medieval miniature?
Lets talk about chinese literature Veeky Forums
Be a lez
Why is psicoanalysis allowed?
Do you think the historical swing in art and culture is moving from a extreme left wing nightmare (gender fluid...
Books about socialism/communism
What is the Donald Trump of literature? I want to get into literature
Crowdsourced Morality
Why do people hate English Majors?
Current year
Tfw genius but lazy
What are techniques necessary to write? Come on guys, teach the secrets to the plebs
Are there any books where the male main character is literally fucked in the ass by the main villain?
When he invites you up and you see he has all of Pynchon's novels
Mfw I realize free will isn't a thing
Last one died
What is he listening to, lit?
This is more important to modern American culture than any other novel, prove me wrong
"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals...
How to be subtle in mocking?
How to become funny?
I am going to read him and see what all the fuss is all about, both positive and negative
Why where the Greeks so gay?
Never read a book since high school. Now 23. Is it too late for me to become Veeky Forums?
Is there a reason to do good for other people besides religion?
I want to talk about this book, but it seems like the only things people discuss are the prose and the funny anecdotes
How many aspiring writers here are narcissists?
What are the flat out most absurd books you know?
How do I take off the ideology glasses?
Why is there such a heavy /pol/ presence on Veeky Forums?
Is Reading Sexy?
What is the best erotic literature that has some actual substance and that does not ressemble a shopping list of sex? i...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What is the best love story in literature?
Environmental philosophy?
Is he right?
What's aesthetic Veeky Forums?
What did you think of it?
Rate my vacation Veeky Forums
Not writing auto complete found poetry
Pynchon = Trump?
Quote Thread
Literature and Cinema (A Writer's Plight)
Death of the Endless
Anyone gonna get a copy of this, out of curiosity?
What are you currently reading? I'm reading Histories, just finished book 1...
ITT shit-tier philosophers
Gift for a 12 year old girl
Why do you bother writing when people who are smarter, more talented, more skilled, more industrious, younger...
ITT: People in the literary world who need to die
Everyone talks about the same ~50 books
I have become increasingly convinced women actually have no souls...
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?
How hard is it to learn two languages at once? Is it doable?
The main character of your favorite book has been replaced with Shrek. How does this ogregious change affect the story?
Philosophy Noob
What are some books that make you smarter?
Help Veeky Forums
How quit smoking
Any tips on discussion your antinatalist ideology with your parents?
What would Nietzsche think of Donald Trump?
What is the Evangelion of literature?
Your life philosophy in two sentence
Has anyone on Veeky Forums ever had their writings published?
What rules do you play by ?
I saw something really scary!
But why is the unexamined life not worth living...
Book is written by a woman
Philosophy for a total beginner
Which of the three is your favourite, Veeky Forums? Least liked?
Ayn Rand
The Holy Quran
Does taking LSD or any other psychedelic instantly makes you a pseud?
Do you enjoy dick?
ITT: how to tell if a writer is bad
What was Melkor's fucking problem?
Explain yourselves. Clearly your gap yah didn't open your eyes as much as you boast
Is there a guide on having a gf?
Tfw no Donna Tartt gf
Read some plato
Who are some great authors that never took themselves too seriously...
I want to read books (fiction/non-fiction) about solitude, alienation and inherent inability to connect with others...
Nietzsche had an unhealthy relationship with his mother
Can Veeky Forums still write without memes?
Are women overwhelmingly oppressed in modern society?
The weird frontier between post irony and new sincerity are these millennials the saviors of literature?
Starting this book tonight, any tips?
Why do writers like cats more than dogs ?
Why isn't this a movie yet?
What are some non-bluepilled arguments agaisnt determinism?
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on Ellison
You start reading a novel by a famous classic author
Who's the most rigorously trained Catholic intellectual who is still alive today or died very recently?
Ted "unabomber" kaczynski
What do you think of Victor Hugo?
Based off of what I've read so far, what would Veeky Forums recommend I read next
I'm scared Veeky Forums, dark times are approaching. Of the millennial generation, few among us read...
Do you know any book-themed youtube channels that aren't absolutely horrible and only about shitty Fantasy YA?
Why are you guys so obsessed with purity and virtue? Is this an attitude you've always had...
Current to read meme pile , what should I read next
He thinks metrics and rhymes are important
Convince me to read books
Hi. I have problems understanding what genre fiction is and why is bad. Please enlight me
Finish a book
David Hume
Says he's completely sincere in his words and actions
There is only one really serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide
ITT: we post what we're currently reading
Thinkers of the New Left, Roger Scruton
What does Veeky Forums think about the Book of Ruth?
Spinoza's Ethics
Where do you guys buy books? I've started reading recently and Amazon's postage & packaging is so expensive it's stupid...
I'm a big pleb and pic related is probably my favourite book. Some authors that I like to read are Bret Easton Ellis...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Be 25
Le edgy rad nihilist xD I don't care I'm just gonna have fun xD
Pre 20th century
What's some top tier masculine literature?
Last month I moved to my grandparents' cabin outside of Haugesund, Norway...
Your age
Hey Veeky Forums
What the fuck is a Hegel?
Nihilism? Really?
New Sincerity
What is Veeky Forums addicted to?
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
What's your favorite novel that features unrequited love?
What's the saddest book you've read?
I'm looking for an extremely passionate and beautiful book, with lots of poetic language...
I'm so special and smart and nobody even knows
How would you react to God if any of the Abrahamic religions are right Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums meet-ups
Does the Marxian method/Marxian philosophy make sense at all
Who exactly is this guy, why is he famous
What's the word/phrase for defining something or someone by what they aren't?
This book made me feel like a slut
So what does Veeky Forums think about the good doctor?
How accurate is this?
Book is by a minority
How have books influenced your life, Veeky Forums?
How much of 'the Greeks' meme have you actually read?
Do people have a place where they download books online?
Sitting in a coffee shop
What is the Suicide Squad of literature?
Name on continental philosopher that is as intelligent as this man
What is your favorite book cover?
Will continental philosophy ever recover from this?
Explain why she's so terrible
Here's a weird experience:
How to be the ultimate patrician?
/r9k/ tier literature thread
How do I stop visualizing characters as anime?
What mathematical concepts are essential for a patrician to know?
The plebs of Veeky Forums are so obsessed with John Green, they've forgot about the one true King of YA Fiction
When I was younger
Have you read The Tunnel? What did you think?
Is rap music poetry of the streets?
What is your favourite book?
What are your favorite words? Not necessarily in English, but if they aren't, write the translation
Redpilled Books
It's a classic
Veeky Forums school stories
What does?
Are all great writers either womanizers or homosexuals?
Why should someone read philosophy? isn't just some dude's idea about how to live your life...
Is there any real counter to him?
/lit cringe thread
How does literature inform you taste in cinema?
I know it's a meme, I'll delete the thread in like 10 minutes. Can I read this book if I'm in high school...
It's a tennis chapter
Fools, Frauds and Firebrands
It's time to stop
Summarize Christianity in one sentence
Is Karl Marx the greatest mind of all time
Genitaila thread
True or false: might is right
He doesn't read books from finish to start
Veeky Forums ask an intellectual who has read nearly every relevant literature out there anything
Bible thread
Why are French intellectuals so pretentious?
Author is a woman
What did I just read?
When did pop culture decide that Victor Frankenstein got a doctorate?
Wtf is up with Ayn Rand's 70 page monologue in Atlas Shrugged? For fuck's sake
Though he tends to stick to Twitter now, Lin first made a name for himself on Veeky Forums’s Veeky Forums board...
How do I achieve some type of intellectual literary masculinity?
Books that Veeky Forums recommended which sucked? ill start
Overused phrases in Marxist texts
Yfw the materialist critique of Hegel is already realized in the preface of the Phenomenology
Why do nearly all great books have left-wing themes?
ITT: we whip up something in 5-15 minutes and rate, critique the work of others
Your age
Anybody here ever teach English overseas?
Veeky Forums food
What is the last sentence of your novel?
Mainlander Translation Project
Did John Green actually write that?
"I know you, I know you. You're the only serious person in the room, aren't you, the only one who understands...
Hey Veeky Forums. Rate the first paragraph of my novella. And feel free to post your own first paragraphs...
Writing in Books
How do I stop being such a boring person? I bore others
Where does literature fit here?
/writing/ - Writing General
The average high school/college atheist is smarter than Thomas Aquinas
Is capitalism good or bad?
Hey guys, I just wanted to share some more of my writing. It's a different one this time
What exactly makes the modern Olympics so terrible?
Veeky Forums music
First he got roasted by The Guardian, now this!?
Was Juvenal the /r9k/fag and /pol/tard of his time?
Give me a book that has characters who are heavily involved in Church...
Which Dune books are worth reading? I've read the 1965 one so far
Has a book/work ever changed your life in a way significant/noticeable to you?
ITT: Authors who post on Veeky Forums
How did such a tiny country, occupied by foreigners for most of its history, become the paragon of western literature?
Hi Veeky Forums
Be philosopher
Post a pictue of yourself with your avorite book
What are some Veeky Forums-approved universities? (besides Oxford) pic-related
Burgers, talk to me about Faulkner
Penguin finally decides to pick up the works of de Sade
I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?
Which author had the toughest life
Who was smartest philosopher
Spend an hour reading Infinite Jest
When will Randroids learn that nobody cares about their chain-smoking autist of a philosopher?
What was your favorite childhood book?
It's the little things in life that make it worth living xDDD
You can only post itt if you actually read books
Who is Veeky Forums's favourite female author?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Critique Thread
Fantasy is a dead horse for literature. The only way to experience the genre nowdays is through comics/manga...
/HPG/: Harry Potter General
I just bought this translation of The Brothers Karamazov. Did I goof?
What are the best horror short stories?
Veeky Forums's favorite author just made a video about Lord of the Flies
Thoughts on Ernst Jünger? Just ordered Storm of Steel, what should I read beyond that?
Hey, Veeky Forums how do you personally see Humanity's relationship to God? Is there anything to compare it too?
Bookshelf thread? I didn't see one in the catalog. Rate, recommend, or ridicule as you see fit
Short story thread?
Is Pierce Brown the most attractive author?
Anons on this board legitimately support Marxism and other socialist schools of thought
Post pleb authors who you actually like
Tfw schopenhauer was right
Anyone got any lit films?
Post an image and others recommend a book based off of the image
I'm expecting a ban, but what does Veeky Forums think of Islam? Does Islam, the Qur'an, Mohammedanism...
Read; expected, and got thread
Mom remembers reading gogol, pushkin, dostoevsky in elementary school as a girl in Moscow
Was he the biggest shitposter of all time?
Any good books touching upon timeless themes of Tradition, Honor, Ethnic Pride...
Hey Veeky Forums. Rate the first paragraph of my novella. And feel free to post your own first paragraphs...
It’s pouring, the trees are getting greener before my eyes, I love you...
Does this book deserve being regarded as a classic in your opinion? What do you think about it?
What is the coziest book you have ever read?
Does free will exist?
What's some literature for when you've had your years of NEET-ing and depression and now want to move on?
For the lack of a better board, post your favorite (or just great) paintings here
Do I need to pick up smoking if I'm to become a writer?
Creative writing masters student AMA
He's dead Veeky Forums :(
Let's talk southern gothic
Can the solitary lit lifestyle save me? Can the ugly be Zen?
Is it still possible to shock the modern reader?
Are there any good books where the villain is a woman?
Have any of you tries writing pastas?
It's shit
Who was the most influential philosopher of the 20th century
RIP Haruki Murakami
If a book is sexist, does it lower it's value?
Write the most pretentious and verbose sentence you can
Do you listen to any literature or philosophy related podcasts?
Can we get a thread on /fringe/ intellectuals/philosophers/thinkers? I'm looking for works that are controversial...
Which edition of pic related?
Religion involves doublethink and is orwellian
Hey Veeky Forums, I wanted to know your opinion on my opening line...
Did Dante rip off from a muslim book
Rofl how much does it suck being a white person and trying to get published in 2016...
How many books do you read in a month? How many are fiction?
Why do people on this board read philosophy (especially ancient)?
Why are people so fucking comfortable talking about things they know nothing about?
Which is worse? Orwell's dystopia, Huxley's dystopia or Kafka's dystopia?
/HPG/: Harry Potter General
How do I acheive the literally lifestyle?
ITT paragraphs you've masturbated to
Reading List
I’m not going to overrate Nabokov: my admiration for him peaked at 18 and has steadily receded ever since...
What made you go into your first existential crisis? What got you out? What makes life worth living?
How do you overcome your alcoholism lit?
I remember a professor of my said that the dialogue in Shakespeare was not how people actually spoke...
Great ideas but crap writing skills
This was necessary to make, share yours
What does Veeky Forums think of Everyman's Library? Worth collecting...
ITT post your philosophical ramblings/woke thoughts
What literary movement are we currently in?
Pinecone if your here right now, give us a sign
What do you guys think about the concept that authorial intent doesn't matter at all in literary analysis?
The Death of the Author
Man, was this FUN! I can't remember having had a greater time reading any other book...
How do I make the jump from left to right?
“There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others...
Good books on helping yourself find out who you are?
Prove your not a grammar Nazi
I finished reading The Sound Of Waves, i loved the prose but it was too happy for me
Pinecone Lives
Veeky Forums for kids
Seeing as Veeky Forums is almost completely devoid of any kind of literary analysis what are some of your favorite...
Just finished this, want to talk about it. Anyone else read it? Overall, I enjoyed it a lot, but
Greentext a concept for a book. I'll write a book based on what dubs says
What do you guys think of this book?
It's coming soon,
Is watching a movie the same thing as reading a book
When is a "What if?" scenario more acceptable?
Is there any genre fiction out there with even a sprinkle of literary merit?
We post our birth books
Hmm nice book, I'm gonna buy it
Anyone here have a Veeky Forums job? I've just started working as a proofreader. Bit antisocial...
Tommy here
Erotic poetry
So I told John to write a poem with Satan as the hero.. he actually did it the absolute madman!
Greentext the plot of your new novel
I can order one of these right now
Why does he find it necessary to specify the maker of every single fucking person's clothes?
Just wanted to get some feedback on what you think of the overall message of the writing...
As somebody who use to bonk skanks and now has a loving girlfriend, can confirm...
Veeky Forums club
Why do people here hate this?
Novels about suicide, particularly overcoming the desire
The only patricians on youtube?
Help someone to get into literature
Was he red pilled?
What e-reader do you have ?
Rewrite famous lines like black gangsta thugs
Is Postmodern lit REAL NIGGA literature?
I jumped into this as a pleb and im feeling that i can only understand like 35% of it
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
I've been pronouncing 'Banal' as 'Anal' for the past 27 years of my life...
Psychoanalysis And Psychiatry
Is it true that all great writers are published by the age of 25?
I don't want this to turn into a contentious debate, even though I know that this is a contentious subject matter...
What are Shakespeare's best plays?
Walt Whitman
Tfw cant decide if i want to be a writer, a musician, or a painter
I figured out the secret to being a great writer guys
Favorite book
How difficult is this to read? Should i read another stuff first?
Minimal judgment edition
Good book to read?
Is drug use necessary to be a great author?
Name a journalist/essayist as honest and epic as George Orwell
Multilingual Dialogue in Literature
How would you rate him as an author?
This book was a minor meme here for a while
Your motive force
Who is the best writer alive?
He words in Latin or French, in an English-speaking book, without a translation attached
Does anyone here know the Greek language?
Hey, Veeky Forums! I'm going to make this thread into a poem for my avant'garde collage epic that im writing...
Walk by local bookstore
What do you listen to while reading, Veeky Forums?
Tfw i realize writing is hard work and talent is pretty much a non factor
How do I write good stuff? No meme posts please I just want to stop procrastinating
Who are the most beautiful stylists in the English language?
I just spent all afternoon, literally from somewhere around 3pm, to right now at 8pm...
Why do people call this a difficult book?
How do I find a literary bf?
Going to see jonathan franzen talk tonight
Female Fantasy Protagonists
Dear Veeky Forums
I can't take this cultural marxism bullshit anymore
Is this the first known work of literary postmodernism?
Hey Veeky Forums, anybody here ever read two novels at the same time?
How do i get into art and art history?
Some involve choreography and a "cast of thousands,"
Are memes anti-intellectual?
Where do I start with the Dark Enlightenment?
What is objectively the best book of all time?
Some bar owner in a shitty eastern european ex-commie country wants to have book shelf as a decoration piece
Redpill suggestions
What is the Bioshock of literature?
I don't read American Literature
Friend gives me a birthday present
What's a /lit response I can give my girlfriend. like some kind of quote about trying to change people...
Critique Thread
Has anyone read Flannery O'Connor...
Which philosopher has the most convincing opinion on free will?
Any books about the merits of isolation bros
Anyone actually read these?
Please, Veeky Forums. Share your tales of woe regarding encounters with plebs, libraries, book stores, etc...
I read game of thrones and then watched season 1 of the show, and I didn't expect it but the show is actually way better
EReader Reccomendations
What are some Right-Wing/Reactionary intellectuals and which of their works are important Veeky Forums?
Notes from Underground
No snotty remarks. No highbrow peacocking. Just be straightforward and clear, Veeky Forums. What is, in your opinion...
Why the fuck haven't you read this yet
ITT: We spoil books for plebs that haven't read the classics
How's that novel coming along, Veeky Forums?
What is wrong with being an attention whore?
Ok Veeky Forums I unironically followed the stickies instructions started with the Greeks. Now what? What do I read now?
Submit the plot that you will never finish
ITT we post our favorite poetry recitings
What are the most dream like books?
Veeky Forums dreams
What was your yearbook quote, Veeky Forums?
So Veeky Forums
What's a good book that I can read by him?
Ok Veeky Forums...
What does Veeky Forums think of William Gaddis?
How do we fix highschool English so it stops producing plebs?
Does anyone want to debate?
This is the most /lit movie of all time
Is this meme as good as people say it is?
Ok so I get it, we live in a society where most writers are male for TV, movies...
What do you do with the books you've read? Do you hold on to them forever (do you re-read often...
Is Borges the most Veeky Forums writer?
Lit is it normal that this book would take someone so long to read...
Recent Purchases thread
La familia
QTDDTOT - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
So what's the deal with 'life' anyway? It's always swinging back and forth between pain and boredom, pain and boredom...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Philosophy and Disorientation
10+ short story collections, 10+ novels of varying lengths, and 1000+ poems and still not published
Is it worth it to sacrifice political and historical knowledge in order to spend more time on literature/fiction/poetry?
Is this the best out there?
Recommend books
Have you read this genius' new book?
Which author lived the most exciting life?
Self Improvement General
Veeky Forums - give me the opening line of whatever it is you're working on; novels, short stories, poems...
I hate reading
Is Franzen right? Is television also a novel?
So I finished reading "Finnegans wake"
Okay, sorry for remaking this thread again...
What language are you learning and why? +General language thread
Are books good?
How does it feel to live during the only time in human history when being a straight white male is a hindrance to one's...
What is the most puzzling and abstract that a book can get? Is there a book that's as beautiful as Pessoa's work...
Re-readable Books
Hey Veeky Forums, I tried reading Wuthering Heights, but couldn't finish it. I reached ~page 130...
Have you considered becoming a priest or a theologian? You'd have all the time in the world to read and study...
Best post-renaissance italian writers?
Considering virtually every 'great' thinker from the past would drastically change their opinions given what modern...
Write what's on your mind
Post your
The Picture of Dorian Gray
There's this annoying connection between people who read, sweaters, hot beverages in mugs, coffee shops...
Littérature française
EEH: Hablemos sobre literatura hispana
What were the first words of Veeky Forums?
Ywn be a billionaire author
Short Stories
Does smoking or vaping help you read?
Please don't report this
Is speedreading just a maymay?
Why did he use hyphens instead of quotation marks?
Based on my okcupid personality, who should i read?
Literal fucking gibberish, who takes this garbage seriously?
Character has startling blue or grey eyes
What are some Veeky Forums memes I should be wary of? I don't want to fall for any memes
My NEET Life is over, what ever shall I do?
White Noise
Fantasy novels that are well written?
Notes from the underground
Is there a word for this?
Tfw a word has the perfect sonority for what you want to express but doesn't mean that at all
How do i write jokes
Tfw reading novellas and short novels to pad my goodreads shelf size
What books encapsulate that feeling of feeling like you're the only one who feels a certain way...
The book of the new sun thread
Veeky Forums cringe
What's some manly literature? What book would turn one into a man? Recommend me some manly authors or books...
Best book
What is the nature of consciousness, Veeky Forums?
How important is for a writer to live in an environment were art and culture are everywhere...
What books do y'all niggas read when you're taking a wicked shit
What are you currently reading?
Does something like evil exist?
What are some old novels which cover a romantic love story, similar to Tristan and Iseult?
Nature readings: discuss
First page of the book
So, will there ever be a novelization of this?
Are philosophers no more than pseudointellectuals?
I know its fairly easy to do based on their bastardization of the English language...
Do you think Engels was ever jealous that he never got an -ism and Marx got all the credit?
There are no objective moral truths
(Stoop) if you are abcedminded, to this claybook, what curios of sings (please stoop)...
What does Veeky Forums think of my tiny collection?
Excited to start teaching job
Memorising Poetry
Trying to understand my wordy friend
How do I start reading more?
ITT: We summarize the plot of a book with the formula "wtf i hate x now"
Veeky Forums, I am completely overwhelmed with empathy for all humankind after having read Tolstoys War and Peave...
Hi Veeky Forums
Who are some authors that could be summed up by "damn. really makes you think...."
Will doing a masters in creative writing make me a better writer?
Rec me some poets based on an admiration for bob dylan
Favorite literary memoirs, diaries or autobiographies?
Triggering Veeky Forums
What would you do if you found your closest friend bleeding out and you both knew it meant the end...
Shortest yet deepest books you know
I'm so tired of irony. Why does it feel like nobody wants to be earnest anymore?
Was dfw generally correct in his prediction abt the emergence of the next cultural movement being a fracturing of the...
Ever fucked? what's the deal?
Do you think we'll ever see a sequel to this masterpiece of New Sincerity?
/lit just got triggered
Slowly working through Dubliners. Who else found "The Sisters" to be terrifying...
When was the last time you actually read purely for enjoyment rather than to impress people with your catalogue of...
Just as the Bradys were getting locked in jail, Lara randomly asked me, “Have you ever gotten a blowjob?”
What's a book that explains the absurdity of all human interaction?
Is there a more based character in history than Odysseus?
Is this really the best? Why or why not?
I fucked up
Tfw you're writing a fantasy story and the concept of Gods, fate and destiny seriously trigger your atheistic beliefs
Read this then go read a book. Don't waste your time here
Marie Calloway
Prove them wrong
Currently on the front page of imgur
Catholic authors general
Worth the read or is it a meme?
Hi guys. I'm a visitor from /pol/, Veeky Forums and /out/. I ride my bike around ~26mi each day on average...
So user, what do you think of Aquinas' teleological argument for the existence of God in the Summa Theologica?
Where do you guys do all your reading?
A short bit of very pertinent thoughts I would like to share
Which Greek god would you fuck? I'd fuck Artemis for sure, shit would be so cash
Lovecraft was racist
Hi friends, I would like to read more Cormac McCarthy. I have read Blood Meridian and No Country for Old Men...
Why does Veeky Forums circlejerk stirner when marx destroyed him?
Can we get together and write a heartfelt apology letter for katie. honestly the world needs her booktube reviews...
Since Kickass is gone, where do you get your books?
Why does there seem to be a time in a person's life when they stop caring about new literature, new music, new art...
Chuck Tingle is now nominated for a Hugo Award
Anyone else excited about the new harry potter book...
What did Veeky Forums think about pic related?
Who >LibreWriter masterrace here?
Mfw I can feel another existential crisis coming on
Hey Veeky Forums, I don't really browse your board
Who would win in a no-holds barred street fight?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
"But Leonardo, how can your conception of Justice in a flawed State be compatible with your third axiom on free will?"
This may be a terrible idea for a thread, but I'd like to ask for your favourite english words
Are there any books that encourage living and enjoying life rather than being lost in thoughts and constantly analyzing...
What books can motivate a man to be the best version of himself?
ITT: Women from literature who embody perfect femininity
Is there any evidence that proves Nietzsche had anything to do with the Nazis...
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi
Hi Veeky Forums, I like to think you're smarter than /pol/...
Art of War
Fucked up story thread
Let us assume for a second that a female is not inferior to a male. If that is indeed the case...
What's some essential feminist literature?
Babby's first existential crisis
Roll for your book title Veeky Forums
In and of itself
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
What are the most essential works by plato, all the ones that matter persay?
Say an anthology is published containing the complete collection of posts you've ever posted on Veeky Forums...
ITT:post your favorite literature character and make assumption about other's personality basing on that
Why writing is so easier while being drunk?
How do you find a girlfriend with gr8 taste in music and books?
How to convince my friend to read something other than YA
Woman can vent but she cannot tell stories...
Can any Germans help me, what is the best physical edition of Plato's complete works...
Literary face off. vote for your favorite. first author to get 5 votes wins...
Why is Stirner memed so hard on Veeky Forums? What's the deal with his drawing?
How can Americans compete with any of these:
Really makes you think
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games