ITT: how to tell if a writer is bad

ITT: how to tell if a writer is bad

They quote themselves in their own book.

>protagonist is a young hip writer who's misunderstood by society

bonus points if they have the same drug problems as the author did

Retarded frogposter.

>They're not published
>Nobody reads their work
>They can't make a living from their writing


They insert a lot of pretentious words to sound cultured and sophisticated.

Distorting facts to fit their view and book subject in their favour.


nabokov does this

go fuck yourself frogman!!

borges does this

when a male author writes a female protagonist

it's gender appropriation, and thus sexism

WHEW!! someone's just started skirting 'round corners, burlap-sacked & knife-at-the-read, twin holes where a head would be, a big juicy question mark? hanging heavy and sweating up above.

keep it on keep it up

i don't understand this post, and i won't respond to it.


If they wrote a YA novel.

their name is john green

What if it's that they wish they were born as a qt grill?


Oedipa Maas tho innit bruv

pretentious and sophisticated are pretentious words to sound cultured and sophisticated.

Mentioning math or science of any kind.

itt: you idiots managed to to rule out every relevant author

Oh yeah, that's a good one.

>being a relevant author

what's the story on this pic? i love it

hey, come here for a second user, i swear i won't Pynch you

No m8, you're doing it wrong:
>being an author

Who the hell writes that?

Steven King

le umberto eco

King does, in like half of his books. Most blatantly was the shitshow the penultimate arc of The Dark Tower miscarriage.

Heh, never was much of a King fan, but now that you mention it.

Don't recognise it in eco, tho.

What about quoting your pseudonym?
That doesn't count, r-right?

Asking for a friend.

Tao Lin

DFW, Malcolm Lowry, the most boring postmodernist and modernist respectively

For you Americans, yes.