Preface: this is part of a collection of relating stories so some plot points are to be explained later.
Damn it's cold" Sam muttered, looking to his only company a dirty, but trustworthy dog. it's tags said it's name was Jack, but Sam insisted on calling him Red, he never knew why it just came to him after it had got done wasting a man who tried to rob them. They had taken shelter an office building, or what had been one. they were on the 33rd floor in a mess of toppled over cubicles and and burned out terminals, the faulty wiring, sparked once and again, but besides that it was serene, a large gap in the side of this floor provided a view of the long way down, but also of the graveyard of skyscrapers, teetering as if almost on the verge of collapse, the subtle sound of metal joints and entire beams snapping and collapsing ; spelling doom for the entire structure. Old burned out holobilboards, continued to faintly advertise the latest product form HarCo that no-one could buy any more, but alas with all of it's will, it shines on. Sam rose and gathered the cubical walls; he then began to break them apart to use for starter. he arranged the small slivers of wood above the strips of cloth used to cover the cubical walls. he pulled out the lighter from his backpack lying next to Red and lit up the fire. he then went back to sitting with his arm resting on his slightly raised right leg. Running it's all he knew at his point; it's all he had been doing since he was a child, running from anything that seemed it might be a threat, this is where Red come into great use; Red would warn him of any on coming danger and he would run the other way. he was sick of it, he would some times run until he had to vomit; this was the cost of survival however, and if he lived he could get over the running. it was being alone that killed him, the only resemblance of a human were those androids and they all try to kill him, he only had his thoughts and Red (for whom he often talked to, in order to alleviate this dreadful isolation.), his thoughts constantly swirled around in his head, thoughts of a comfortable place, a place with people, and no one to run from. for now though he had the steel walls and the winds blowing through the massive hole in the wall. Sam tried to think of Home, his childhood, but only vauge foggy visons filled his mind, one of running around in a front yard of sorts, yelling and hollering, about nothing, running not for survival but because he enjoyed it. he jumped to another memory, one of a Man playing catch with him, however this man did not feel like his father. he heard in the cave of his mind echos of the words "Teal 009", this jolted him back into reality, he found himself staring into the fire, his mind flooded with thoughts, trying to make sense of that phrase.
Suddenly he had a flash of familiarity from pondering the odd phrase as if he heard it before, he tried to push out every thought related to this phrase and began to pet Red's head to detract himself from his thoughts, however it kept creeping up on him, invading his mind with the force of an army. he thought about if he had someone here to talk to, a girl perhaps a smile grew on his face, but quickly faded, in a storm of pessimism. he cursed himself, every time he thought about company he tore it down. he looked around him at the skeletons lying around, people who once had lives, jobs, families, things that he never even saw in his life that he can remember. He began rummage through his bag to find some Dog food, he pulled out his knife and carved off the lid, he turned the can up side down and hit the bottom, forcing the mushy, chunky brown glob onto the floor. he reached into his bag again this time pulling out a small object, it was round with an elevated center, the center also had a smaller but pitch black circle in it, if he angled it right the fire would illuminate this part of it briefly showcasing, some electronic parts housed inside. He had no idea no use for this thing however he picked it up somewhere he couldn't remember. He had been so many places that they all seemed to merge together. he looked at his jumpsuit covered in various dirt's and stains of unknown origin. he shrugged He laid down, and closed his eyes. Darkness took over then he found himself on a green hill, overlooking an assortment of other hills all covered in this green stuff. the Sun shined like no other day he had seen, and the clouds were no where to be seen, when he looked in the distance someone was running towards him, as the person grew nearer a sense of dread overcame him, as it progressed he felt like shouting at the person to stop, but he couldn't say anything, as they person grew nearer he could make out a cream colored dress on this person, he assumed then that it was a girl. this despite his preconceptions did not alleviate that dread which now was at a fever pitch, he woke in a sweat despite the air around him being, ice cold. he stayed in that upright position for a while, breathing and unsure of what he experienced. it was dawn outside, and so he began his descent to the surface level, he grabbed his bag stomped on the fire and began down the stairs, as he as descending, at about the 9th floor he heard a gun shot; it stopped him in his tracks as he waited for another, nothing. he continued down until he heard another, and three more in succession, he looked at the wall and saw he was on the 4th floor already. He rushed down and as he did more shots were fired. then screams became audible, when he got to the lobby, he jumped behind the nearby reception desk, and peaked his head, he saw in the streets some people crowding around one area flashes of light and thunderous sound coming from the center of the crowd, Sam smiled, People.
Anthony Cox
i wanna play fallout again now
Matthew Sanchez
Do it
Nolan Hall
i don't have an issue with descriptive grammar, but seriously you need to work on grammar and punctuation. it makes is seriously difficult to read. ESPECIALLY the lack of capitalization.
Gavin Phillips
Alright thanks m8
Xavier Bailey
You think you're funny posting this?
Nathaniel Long
No I just need to know what to work on
Nolan Smith
You have received a large dose of radiation. You have received a large dose of radiation. You have received a large dose of radiation. You have received a large dose of radiation. You have received a large dose of radiation.
>the Sun shined like no other day he had seen, and the clouds were no where to be seen, when he looked in the distance someone was running towards him, as the person grew nearer a sense of dread overcame him, as it progressed he felt like shouting at the person to stop, but he couldn't say anything, as they person grew nearer he could make out a cream colored dress on this person, he assumed then that it was a girl.
Not a bad story in principle but it's written like shit. You need to read more and understand the basics. What're the last theee books you've read?
Adrian Reed
Cameron Myers
Carter Taylor
Camden Perez
Last three books, do you speak english, srs
Mason Rodriguez
last three books
Nathan Taylor
Fine, it would be: 1984, Where the wizards stay up late, and various works or Ellison
Hunter Bell
This is the stuff bait is made of. So honestly, FOR REAL, are you telling us the truth that these are your last three books?
Elijah Wood
1984,Neuromancer,, The Hobbit, I know I have not been reading as much as a would like to; also I'm a poorfag
Blake Clark
Your writing shows all of that. Read more.
Julian Taylor
Do some close analysis of passages from books you like, that really helps. If you dunno what close analysis look it up GOOD LUCK
Jason Taylor
>playing Fallout as a kid >the whole wasteland is insanely nuanced >it's artistically presented so that it's believable, tons of people struggling at subsistence level with little bits and peaks uniqueness poking out through the survivalism and hinting at the fact that human ingenuity and culture will survive >here and there are aspects of humanity that just kept right on going through a nuclear holocaust, like petty town rivalries, entrepreneurial spirits, frontier rough-and-tumble types >reach the Brotherhood of Steel >it's absolutely perfectly set up >after all that time seeing only hints of humanity among the drab, here's this hint of something fully intact from the old world, and much more importantly, self-consciously so >feel immediate affinity with them, want to ask them a thousand questions >figure they'll let you right in because you're not some dopey wastelander who forgets how shoelaces work >they tell you to go fuck yourself >try to kill you >finally (maybe) get their acceptance >turns out they're a sad shadow of what you thought they might be, just as tainted by the wasteland and forced to survive in their own way >play fallout 2 >more of the same subtlety >those subtle of culture have started to pick up their own stride, become self-confident >all these little flames that were just barely flickering in the dark in the first game are now spunky settlements, individuating and becoming the seeds of a new civilisation >the mysterious brotherhood is now just one way of seeing the wasteland among several, and declining >new reno is kind of stupid, star trek "what if there was a halloween planet??? :DDD" tier, but whatever >play new vegas >perfect development of fallout 2 >those civilisational elements are now fully grown, so that what you knew as their quirks and peculiarities have become massive tendencies, defining features, and flaws >they are starting to come into conflict with one another as fundamentally opposed, mutually exclusive world-systems >the brotherhood, long in decline, is now being ground up between these world-systems and having to remake itself in a new beginning >finally get around to playing obli-- fallout 3 >THE BROTHERHOOD WAS JUST THE COOL GOOD GUYS RIGHT??? EVERYONE ELSE IS DIRT FARMER BUT BROTHERHOOD AM HAVE LASER GUN? MEANS GOOD? >GREEN ORCS ARE BAD? ORCS BAD! BAD ORCS SHOOT PLAYER, GOOD LASER MAN SHOOT ORC??? ENCLAVE BAD BECAUSE BAD MAN NOT GOOD THING :( >LOL WHERE HASNT THERE BEEN A FALLOUT YET??? HOW ABOUT NEW YORK CITY??? WE CAN MAKE ALL THE CHARACTERS GO "NEW YORK NEW YORK ;) ;p ITS A HELL OF A TOWN" LMAO ITLL BE LIKE NEW YORK EXCEPT wEiRd BECAUSE POSTAPOCALPYSE :P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Anthony Williams
Why did you skip fallout 3 when it was released?
Seems a bit strange to avoid it, then jump to new vegas.
I envy you anyway. Wish I was old enough to play the fallout games when they first came out.