Pls respond

if the amount of suffering in this world is greater than the pleasure, why aren't we striving towards globally accepted euthanasia?

it seems kind of silly that you could have a brain aneurysm at any point in time and lose practically everything, but there exists no "pleasure" counter part to that. you will never experience some anti-brain aneurysm where you suddenly aquire loads of knowledge with in an instant

so why are humans, primal reasons aside, afraid of death when it's the only escape from this unbalanced world?

if it's because of the pain then shouldn't euthanasia be widely accepted?

can somebody on Veeky Forums explain this to me I clearly don't read any books or even browse this board, but I've always wondered this

I enjoy suffering.

The biggest part of life isn't suffering but boredom. And only very few people kill themselves because of boredom. They do something and then they are happy or unhappy for a while.

What exactly is the question?

We don't allow euthanasia because non-suicidals think it would be abused by folks with legitimate mental illness, e.g. mentally ill people who would "regret" it---not literally, of course, but, like, they could be cured of their desire to die.

The problem here is that people have gone and defined mental illness as wanting to die---so you see the quandary that the "legitimately" (aka not mentally ill) suicidal are in.

Or are you asking why the world's full of suffering? Well, that one's easy. It's because the world doesn't give a shit or even recognize your feelings or existence. Humans value consciousness because they possess it, not because it has inherent value.

>the amount of suffering in this world is greater than the pleasure
incorrect. they are equal. learn how to taoism.

ok I understand the societal stigma against euthanasia because they still believe that people can be "cured" of their want to die

but that leads me to believe that the real issue is a lack of knowledge or awareness
are people just not aware that your mental state has no bearing on the properties of the world around us?
whether you're depressed or happy as fuck, the world still suffers from the same pleasure pain imbalance
if people knew this would euthanasia be accepted?

can you explain cause I disagree
what is the equal pleasure counterpart for something like cancer or a brain aneurysim?

No, I don't think it would. Humans exist and therefore will always be biased towards existence because they can't perceive what nonexistence would be like, so they're scared shitless of it.

Maybe not everybody is like you. Just throwing that out there.

Because it's still hard-wired into our brains to fear death and dying.

it's kinda scary how much our instincts still control us
it makes me wonder if we'll ever get to a point where we'll be in full control

you don't have to be like me to recognize that this world has a pleasure pain imbalance

Because death cannot fear us.

that probably sounded cool in your head but what do you mean by that

As humans we don't need to fear things that we can eradicate. We cannot stop death. It is also a fear of us not being able to control it.

When I said this in my head it made sense and didn't sound like a raving madman. I should read again before posting next time.

You're reducing life to only pleasure and pain, and then trying to math your way to a simple answer to one of life's deepest questions.

Learn to love suffering? Lower your special snowflake babby pride and learn to accept life on its terms? Find an art or a trade that you'll improve at as you practice? Then you have a steady stream of meaningful "real" pleasure to counteract the dull, gray omnipresent slight suffering that comes with being a thinking person. Fuck it, once you have your work/art you can even add religion or systems like stoicism to reduce the background suffering, or at least come to terms with it enough that it truly fades away.

TLDR: you are a utilitarian nihilist, and a shitty one at that; read more Dostoevsky, then find a trade/art, then read more Camus/Epictetus.

Your thinking is correct yet there is no answer to your question. As you go deeper, you find just more and more absurdities.

This is what the whole joke is actually about. Read Camus, The Plague and good luck.

"Pleasure is never as pleasant as we expected it to be and pain is always more painful. The pain in the world always outweighs the pleasure. If you don't believe it, compare the respective feelings of two animals, one of which is eating the other."

>if badder why not gooder

Simple, binary child.

Someone beat you to it.

>Hegesias (Greek: Ἡγησίας; fl. 290 BC[1]) of Cyrene was a Cyrenaic philosopher. He argued that happiness is impossible to achieve, and that the goal of life was the avoidance of pain and sorrow. Conventional values such as wealth, poverty, freedom, and slavery are all indifferent and produce no more pleasure than pain. Cicero claims that Hegesias wrote a book called Death by Starvation, which persuaded so many people that death is more desirable than life, that Hegesias was banned from teaching in Alexandria. It has been thought by some that Hegesias was influenced by Buddhist teachings.

you're a retard

>None of this, however, is as strong as the testimony of Cicero,[3] who claims that Hegesias wrote a book called Death by Starvation (Greek: ἀποkαρτερῶν), in which a man who has resolved to starve himself is introduced as representing to his friends that death is actually more to be desired than life, and that the gloomy descriptions of human misery which this work contained were so overpowering that they inspired many people to kill themselves, in consequence of which the author received the surname of Death-persuader (Peisithanatos). This book was published at Alexandria, where he was, in consequence, forbidden to teach by king Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 BC).

Then why am I content ?

there is nothing inherently bad about suffering, you pleb. suffering is often good and important.

I always thought this image wold be more poignant in the reverse: "The light is on but I don't work anymore."

What a faggot. If he really followed the buddhist teachings he would have not written this garbage

killing yourself is healthier and more rational than following buddhism.

not really