Anyone actually read these?
I know people here hate House of Leaves, but I read that shit in like a day. I liked it and whatnot and I'm just looking for a similar a e s t h e t i c here
Anyone actually read these?
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My girlfriend just bought it but hasn't started it yet.
wow ty user are you going to tell her to hit me up when she starts it or what
go back to r/books
I did but they said to go back to Veeky Forums
O I am laffing
Fuck no. I'm not reading a 27 part series. Especially not by someone like Memeielwski.
I know but I heard that the book was literally just about a girl, rain, and a dog but she never ends up getting the dog I instantly had flashbacks to J.D. "write about nothing" Salinger
that's when I realized I'm reading all 27 parts
I've read the first, and gave up halfway through the second.
The concept is very interesting, but he fails to pull it off because for >1100 pages, so, so little of interest happens.
Plus there's the fact that the "main" character is an insufferable whippersnapper. But that shouldn't even be relevant.
was house of leaves ultimately any good? i read like three hundred pages a decade ago and don't remember much.
I'm reading House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Suggested by a friend. It's kinda fucked up, I like it.
Thx friend I'm glad someone got the reference
like demonic imagery or dreams where I am falling.
I can't explain myself, so I will not pretend.
can sum1 explain this reference
im fine with nothing happening, but does it drop off? or get gimmicky?
i liked it; the actual parts where that autist goes in alone are spooky as fuck, and it's easy to read, and the fact or fiction implications are interesting -- some people say it's all really gimmicky but I didn't get that
fuck off kid kiss me on the lips i had a blast reading them
It's alright. Im halfway through it. There are chapters with character that speak in colloquial dialogue. Chulo slang, vietnamese, theres even some russian in there, but he doesnt pull it off successfully. why would you have a character speak broken english with some vietnamese words in there, sometimes mandarin? why do Mexicans within Mexico speak english with some spanish words peppered here and there? theres like three story lines that I dont see where they are going.
Mark Z Danielewski by Snowing
But the chapters that are actually worth reading are good. The main character's and a few other arcs seem like they have a purpose. maybe in the later volumes they'll do something.
I'm working on the 2nd volume lately. Hoping to catch up before volume 4 comes out.
i was just talking about how much i fucking hate snowing
Closer to dream where you're falling side of the spectrum.
I started reading the first one at the library and got bored. I would have at least tried finishing it but 27 parts? lololol It will take like 15-20 years for them to all be done.
Also they're like what, $30-$40 a pop? Okay yes the 27 parts makes sense now, what a fucking scam.
but why snowing is good