Why does everyone hate it?

Why does everyone hate it?

I have never seen or read any adaption relating to this book, yet all I hear is libel about its idealogy. Can someone tell me why it is so hated?

What's wrong with it?

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I don't like it because it is atheistic and takes individualism to an extreme.



its a really dry book for the most part. but there are parts in it that i think make it worth the whole read. interesting ideas from her

name one original idea.

I like how she made communism for realistic

They hate it because they disagree with it, obviously

What is it even about? What is the theme?


Nothing is wrong with it. People tend to assume that it's meant to be taken seriously as a work of philosophy, when the book obviously is nothing but a rollicking adventure, to be taken at face value as mere entertainment.

Ever heard of Google?

faux intellectuals love: environmentalism, statism, collectivism, communism, socialism, nihilism, subjectivism

reason isn't in fashionable with the elitist left wing professors and their minions that frequent this board

Sounds like he's praising the honesty of Ayn Rand.

Also, why is his voice so ridiculous?

that altruism is morally wrong

selfishness is morally right

Everything I google just tells me it's some entrepreneur building shit, doesn't go into what the meaning of it is. I'm pretty sure that's what Veeky Forums is for

same. its special snowflake as fuck.

It's about what if the the producers of society (the entrepreneurs, inventors,...ect) get sick of being ridiculed and leached off of the non producers of society (politicians and liberals) and go on strike.

Francisco's Money speech and John Galt''s speech some of the most power things I've ever read.


Easily my favorite single book ever. People take it too seriously and rail against the ideas in there. These same people don't realize its written in a Spillane/Flemming/pulpish vibe. All characters are drawn up like pulp novels or cartoons where the good guys are perfect and the bad guys are as dastardly as a Doc Savage villain. They ignore its an alternate universe, ignore the force fields, holograms, death rays, magic metals, the engin that runs on air, fucking pirates.

Ayn wrote a a damn great pulp mystery, scifi, alternate universe novel ... that just happens to be very individualistic.

Funnily enough Adam Smith would have categorized most of Rand's sort of "entrepreneurs" and "inventors" as unproductive, in the same category as politicians, as their activities occur outside of the immediate production process. They are necessary to retain the regime of capital but don't actually create value directly.


What the fuck does Adam Smith have to do with philosophy.
Fuck off commie

He's a commie, that's why.


Obama pls go

just because cavemen invented fire doesn't take away from the guys that invented a blast furnace

fuck off commie


that's pretty much why it's such a thing right now. and that's pretty much why some people don't agree with its message, or are at least weary of it.

Its a pedantic piece of shit.

Because it's just so poorly written. Some of the worst prose I've seen in a published novel, so dry and lacking in description.
I've read the first chapter about 5 times now and I've never been able to get through it. I think some guy is walking or something. Who the hell knows? Puts me right to sleep.

>when the book obviously is nothing but a rollicking adventure
It fails at that too, so I guess it truly is good for nothing.

Never read it, but I did read the Fountainhead, her previous book, and is very accurate in some parts. I think the main character and his way of see the world has nothing wrong.

People Dont Like It Because its More Capitalist than Smith and Capitalism Is Racist and Sexist and Technology is Ruining Our Planet And Also Capitalism Makes GLobAL WARMING YOU IGNORANT SHITES

Mostly just because it's silly and not well written.
Fountainhead is enjoyable, still dumb ideas but much better writing.

It presents a fantasy world where workers don't exist and industrialists shit out trains fully constructed.

Apart from its philisiohpy, does anyone else think the story itself is fascinating? I loved the mystery of "who is john galt", it kept me very excited. Also that chapter where the train explodes in the tunnel, holy shit was that a masterful showcase of tension.

id say that marx's world is even more fantasy, because industrials already shat out all the trains and cars the world could ever hope for, also technology

Marx never presents a world though. He just projected a political situation that would result from what he saw as the state of the world. He was wrong, but his views seemed pragmatic at the time.

Whereas Rand made an emotionally fueled literal fantasy world. She also made the made the argument that it was a moral imperative to follow objectivism, not just a pragmatic idea.

Both of them were wrong. But Rand was wrong and nonsensical.

The story doesn't justify the length of the novel.
The ideology presented in the book is superficial at best.
Rand expected to make of this novel her Zarathustra, but the philosophy that lies behind it and inspired the novel was by large ignorant of everything that came before her.
She tried to write proper philosophy after, but failed miserably.

> I loved the mystery of "who is john galt"
I think it gets old after a hundred pages.

here is a sample of the book:


try reading the entire thing through to the end

then realize that that's just one small segment of the book

I can only hope this becomes the premier entry level work of philosophical fiction for all generations to come. The world would be much better off. Shill your way into history Molyneuxshits.

Exactly. People act like its a religion or some kind of guide book. Also people hate it simply because it mentions rape. It was great book and it didnt turn me into rupert murdoch

>a couple of months ago Ayn Rand would get shit on in every thread concerning her
>now it's 50/50
What the fuck happened
Also Ayn Rand is just a terrible writer, I don't even give a shit about her stupid fucking objectivism

Anything that's good has stacks of people loving and hating it. Thats all. Its a fucking book. And a good one.

The book is too fucking long and bad
The people that hold the book up like it's a holy grail are annoying as shit

Also the only reason she even had a chance to write the book was due to the Russian revolution allowing women into universities.
Without Lenin, Ayn Rand would have never written any books.