What does Veeky Forums think of Chuck Palahniuk?

What does Veeky Forums think of Chuck Palahniuk?

If he would've just accepted earlier that he's gay, there would ne no Fight Club and edgelords would have to look for another bible of theirs.

Having gone to HS in the 90s before the internet he was a big deal for me and my friends. Basically the first guy to tell us that being pigeonholed into a proto-nu male role was pretty much a joke. Also Lullaby is an ok book.

In the context of 2010+ culture (and being an adult) he is pretty terrible, and the way he came out is pretty laughable.

He has edgelords for a following, can't deny that. But how is he as a writer? What would Harold Bloom think of him?

how did he come out

So is he a good writer or not? Should I read him?

>When the 41-year-old writer thought Entertainment Weekly reporter Karen Valby was about to out him, he filed an MP3 audio report on the web site, The Cult, in an attempt to beat EW to the punch. Unfortunately, his audio post talked trash about Valby. It turned out his fears were groundless, because when the feature story appeared in the fall of 2003, it made no mention of Chuck’s homosexual relationship. She simply reported, “Palahniuk has no wife and declines to discuss his personal life on the record.”

I dunno man, why listen to me even if I say yes or no? Lullaby, Survivor, Fight Club, and Choke are all sub 200 pages if I recall, you can finish all 4 in a week or two. Its not high art or whatever.

>And a punch line is called a “punch line” for a VERY good reason, because punch lines are a sugarcoated fist with whipped cream hiding the brass knuckles that socks you right in the kisser, hitting you — POW! — right in your face and saying, “I am smarter than you” and “I’m bigger than you” and “I call the shots, here, Buddy-BOY.”

Not the guy who asked how he came out, but pretty curious. For which reasons do you find him like you say ?

He's the worst writer I've ever read, worse than the guy that penned The Martian.

Never read Fight Club though. But did read Survivor (bad), Haunted (worst book I've ever read), and Rant (actually pretty entertaining).

styllisticaly meager yet thought provoking. fight club is and as been my bible for nearly a decade now



Not him, but he pulled the broadcast after a day when he realized it made him look like a bitchy fag, as if half of his followers hadnt heard it. He basically trashed the writer as a homophobe even though she didnt do anything wrong.

>about to be outed
>beat her to the punch
>changes her story
>quote makes it sound like it was like that all the time

Yeah, Rant's the best. Haunted (esp. Guts) was a weird meme in my high school for the time.

Whatever, I like him. I think his books follow a certain formula, and they are definitely edgy. However, he got me into reading. His books were some of the first things I read that weren't either assigned for school or sci-fi garbage. At the time I thought they were great. If I read them now I think they'd probably be just good. He's entry level, but that shouldn't be derogatory. And the fact that his books struck a nerve with a lot of people at a certain time in the 90s and early 2000s says something.

>He's the worst I ever read, so he can't be good.
Nice logic you have here. I'm glad that you know better writers but is it that hard to use have arguments ?

I think that he "suffers" from two things : first Fight Club (and, Christ almighty, it seems that there are few persons who ever heard about the movie adaptation of Choke) and secondly his readers.

The success of the blockbuster helped to make him mainstream. Which is, for some people, one good reason to spit on him.

And, yes, there are edgelords in his fanbase. And so ? We have take a look on his writting, not his readers.

He'es styllisticaly interesting, in my opinion. His chorus technique (if I remember well the name) is something that can be used pretty well to serve the atmosphere and describe charachters.


Haunted was special. I found it pretty boring by the way.

I think he's very handsome.

Gays clubs got to be happy.

What are your favorites of his?

My favorite was Survivor and I also really enjoyed Fight Club and Invisible Monsters.

In my opinion, fans of Fight Club are far worse than the actual book itself. I read the book when I was a teenage edgelord, but I was smart enough to know that the subtext wasn't to go out and fight but rather the bullshit of masculinity and pointlessness of violence etc etc etc. The idiots who went out and started their own basement fight clubs are the ones who ruined it, as are the people who act like it's some groundbreaking work of literature.

I actually really enjoyed Rant, hated the rest of his stuff.

Linkin Park tier.

I liked Survivor when I was 16. That's it.

JOHN GREEN has struck a nerve with a lot of people today does that mean his work is good?

Teenagers who like to read often go through a phase of worshiping him that they are later ashamed of and overcompensate for their shame by loudly denouncing him on Malaysian basket weaving image boards.


I didn't say that makes his work good. And I haven't read John Green, so I can't say.

But I'm also not sure that John Green has "struck a nerve." He may just be popular.

I want to know where all these masses of edgelord fans are. Every time he's mentioned I see constant whining about them but they never seem to show up.

He pokes fun at his edgy fan base in the fight club 2 comic. They're out there, but most of them were primarily influenced by the movie.