>excited to start teaching job
>first day
>most active students are the blacks and the females
>excited to start teaching job
>first day
>most active students are the blacks and the females
What level are you teaching at
This bothers you, why? Have you even tried to engage with the students who are less active?
Am I being trolled right now?
Is someone screencapping my hilarious naiveté for the "lulz"? Will I be an internet legend?
My name is Tommy, so put that in the meme please 9gag.
by active you mean disruptive?
calm down dumbass, just some faggot being edgyasfuck2016
>Frogposters on Veeky Forums are educating the young
>>most active students are the blacks and the females
by active do you mean sexually?
>literally projecting
No they're 'participating' alright. They're just so stupid
>Some old dude (probably WHITE) on some anime image forum chat is complain about some dude who have a REAL job.
Teacher here. No black students where I work, but girls are usually working better. Boys are thinking and talking about vidya and probably struggling with their hard ons all the time.
holy shit, do you honestly think like that outside of Veeky Forums?
Do you also sniff the chairs of the hot girls after class?
Nah, I got other issues and am more into older women.
Sometimes you can smell their buttholes, though
>sniff the chairs of the hot girls after class?
fucking disgusting
Are you some sort of homo, kid?
That's not a good thing though.
>hot girls' butt scent isn't intoxicating
This is how I know you're a balding numale feminist low test liberal
i'd love for a hot girl to sit on my face all day but sniffing a chair is disgusting
History, anthropology, linguistics teacher here
Best students are girls
Do you fantasize about licking the assholes of the hot ones?
yeah cause lib arts faggots are mostly chicks
Naw. There's some cute ones but the idea of sexualizing my students weirds me out. They're like my kids
clearly you havent read enough of the Greeks
m8 you know some of the girls are absolutely gagging for your teacher cock if you're even halfway goodlooking
Most of my students are dudes who take the class because I'm a chill teacher who doesn't assign a shit ton of work and most of my classes revolve around note taking
> pedestry
Oh my
oh no, a white person
>you're either a chair sniffer or a numale
Which one is your dad?
Nice projection.
I blame Brazzers for this kind of thinking. In the real world it's the slightly chubby outsider girl with good degrees who get into relationships with 30ish loser guys. Hot girls in school want hot guys who are 2, 3 or 4 years older.
Well no fucking wonder you're stuck teaching imbeciles, you're a fucking retard.
I'm an English teacher and no lol
I'm a German teacher and yes lol
>different people can't figure out how it's possible to have different experiences
What did he mean by this?
no laughing out loud
>the females
You know how I know you're not at a teaching job, OP?