Veeky Forums, where do you go for news, culture, etc...

Veeky Forums, where do you go for news, culture, etc? There doesn't seem to be any news outlets or magazines that are a good catchall you can go to if you just need something to get into to broaden your mind on the world, and to a lesser extent keep you up to date on current events. Anywhere besides the obvious like the New Yorker, Salon, etc? (I don't like or dislike those examples, just giving some). VICE still has a good game plan, but it too often turns into poorly written or poorly researched bullshit.

Definitely lost on where to go

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I just browse a bunch of different forums with different overall alignments and observe what people deem important enough to talk about. I barely ever browse content creators directly anymore.

Just stay right here friend :^)

>I'm sorry
>I don't
What? This doesn't make sense at all.

>something to get into to broaden your mind on the world
Can you get any more spooked?

The Alex Jones Channel

Joke on the original photo spread with heterosexual couples and then one homosexual couple at the bottom right to fight for gay rights. "I'm sorry" and "I don't" are just tumblrina vernacular

The Spectator

>The Spectator
Really, really variable.
The current editorial team is very good, but you still get some really Daily Mail pieces from other writers.
Their culture & arts section is as good as any you'll find though.

Al Jazeera.
But only for certain topics.

>The current editorial team is very good, but you still get some really Daily Mail pieces from other writers.

Same with most other papers. The flavour of sensationalism changes though. The "Independent" like to get real buzzfeed here and there.

Saved this from an old thread, haven't checked out much of it. Can vouch for The Atlantic tho:

N+1 , The Believer, Cabinet, The New Yorker, The Atlantic

Cultural Sites:
3quarksdaily, Boing Boing, Tor, HiLoBrow, The New Inquiry

Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone feed, The Intercept, The Guardian, The New York Times, Naked Capitalism, Vox, Jacobin

Crooked Timber, LieterReports, New APPs (Art, Philosophy,Science not Apps name is dumb cause...philosophers)

Other good magazines: New York Review of Books, London Review of Books

>The Atlantic
>"Big In Canada: Throwing Axes for fun"

Very intellectual, indeed.


Non-Russian here who lives in Russia. Every once in a while I watch russian news. I have no illusions about them but it's still interesting how they show their perspective of what's going on. And sometimes you see how much bullshit western news try to give you.

Oткyдa ты, чyвaк?

all news gives you bullshit

that's why it's best to a) read a range of sources b) read something that confirms your biases

Archaeology Magazine, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, NYRB, New Hampshire Public Radio, Reuters, Spiegel

Ya nemez. Zhivu v Pitere.

It's one thought: "I'm sorry, I don't see a difference"

beat me to it

New Hampshire Public Radio?


meant for

Its good stuff. Basically day to day reporting of Americana, Breweries, mountain sport, etc

Honestly, my diary desu

Reading non western country news is interesting.
Japanese news is funny but tells you almost nothing. I switched over to it on a business trip one day and there was a man in a chicken suit arguing with the newscaster. Thet were talking too fast for me to follow along as I was new to the language at the time.
There is normal news too but fuck that

Seriously, this shit about Vice is for real, it began to feel like I was reading a middle school newspaper, had to stop reading it for good.

They wouldn't print all that stuff about sex and drugs in a middle school paper

What are you autistic? Taking what I said so literally? The depth and quality of the writing is to be charitably referred to as shallow and amateurish.

Vice is like Nat Geo trying to be edgy.

>I'm sorry "Fags."
>I don't "Love

Cool. Thanks.

It sucks since they have a wide reach and the concept of an idgaf news and culture magazine is cool, and sooometimes they'll have an interesting 25 minute video, but it almost always falls flat. And now a chunk of it is filled with "sponsored content" (such a dumbass term) and cringey left wing stuff (I'm left wing, but goddamn, it's out of control almost everywhere).

They pay their staff total bullshit, so that may be part of it.