How do i write jokes

how do i write jokes

Knock knock

your autobiography would be a good joke

You ruined my joke m8.

BE the joke.

just be yourself

just comb through the most popular things and make funny and interesting observations on them. Compile them and pick the best. that is stand up comedy.

take the fucking redpill cucks

im an laughter major, it's not rocket science

You have to read Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and greater Logic, Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, Jokes and the Unconscious, and The Ego and the Id, then double back re-read the Platonic dialogues, the Sophoclean Oedipus cycle, and the complete comedies of Euripedes (you've already read all the Greeks, right?) Lastly, some basic familiarity with hermeneutics is by now de riguer for most neo-ironic stand up; Heidegger's reading of Nietzsche and Derrida's De la grammatologie should be enough though. Then you should be able to write an original joke. They'll be a little long though; check out Quine if you want a more Steven-Wright-esque routine.



step 1: think of joke
step 2: write it down

Unexpected connections are humor.

"I'm thinking about opening a plus size women's clothing store.

Their demand is expanding."

Bam. Easy, I just made that one up.

develop a sense of humor through experiences with the real world, then poke fun at annoying or irrational experiences that you have

It's not the 90s anymore user

The trick to success in comedy is to find unique analogies for opinions everyone feels. One example is the slew of analogies to gay marriage we had before the legalisation:

Opposing gay marriage is like sitting in a restaurant, and the guy next to you orders cake. And you lean over to the waiter and say "he won't have cake." isn't that sooooo ridiculousssss??????


So just find some other opinion everybody holds and draw an analogy and you're suddenly a standup comedian.

>Voting for trump is like waiting in line for a snow cone
>Wearing basketball shorts is like going to a beach party without any beer
>Fighting people on the internet is like trying to snake charm if you've never been to college

etc. etc.

Humor usually lies in absurdity, contrast, surprise, and misfortune. Simply possessing these qualities doesn't make something funny, but starting from one of these tenets as a core is a good start when constructing a joke.

in reality, the jokes write you

Read all of Woody Allen's books. Study your favorite comedians jokes. What angle do they take? How are they thinking? Is it shock value? Have they thought of a clever pun or made fun of a silly stereotype? Then start writing them. They won't be good at first, but you will improve.

the way i see it most jokes have a three part structure

1. context of the joke
2. audience's sociocultural expectations causes them to expect something to be said before the punchline
3. something else is said with the punchline and the discrepancy between expectation and actual response causes them to laugh

punchline should obviously somewhat follow from the context

With a biro.

perfect description of '00 comedy. But come on, it's 2016.

Analogies are a death horse, they will mostly get a little grin, but are disregarded for a lack in creativity and inovation.

Imo, since 2 year the hostile comedy is doing well. Like attacking individuals and using course words whils smiling. Benign and relation humor is death

Can I get an example of this? Having trouble coming up with examples of what you're saying.

look at this bishh.... LOOK AT HER EYEBROWS