
This rustled my harambes.

Other urls found in this thread:


>But that's the thing about aesthetics; there isn't a single standard, or a single agreed-upon rubric for what is "good."
Stopped reading there, any critic who resorts to this loses all credibility in my eyes.

Amelia Bassano Lanier was technically black because she was of Hebrew descent (do a quick google search on the ancestry of Hebrews, they all have Canaanite blood). But they lessen their argument by depicting her as that black.

>>As just one example, most of the classic children's literature books—Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Narnia, Treasure Island—look very dated
But they don't, which is exactly why they are still being read. That's the very timelessness these idiots find unconvincing.

>Narnia...look very dated today by virtue of their overwhelming whiteness, their time-bound, helpless inability to imagine that people come in more than one skin color.
Fucking casual only read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

You literally cannot be is retarded.

Time to get of Veeky Forums mate

The relativists will be the death of us all, brother.

If you didn't know the Hebrews had Canaanite blood, you lack a very basic understanding of the biblical truths. A few examples you didn't realize, Moses and Solomon also had Canaanite wives and produced children, and one example way before then, among many examples in the bible:

You know nothing of the bible, kid. Chances are, your reply is out of the fact that you're atheist, in which case, you already know the Hebrews were "black" in the mixed race sense of the word, and that's why you ran away from the religion.

There is one interpretive framework which at once claims final validity in literary criticism and establishes solid, non-relativistic criteria for aesthetic and ethical judgments. It is called Marxism.

Yeah, if you reduce the sum of all Human experience to money and power relations.

What Marxists don't realize is that in doing so, they cheapen it to death.

those poor deforesting, raping, genocidal native americans

>Diversity is more valuable than anything else

Well lads, I guess I'm going to write a book with a character of every ethnicity I can think of. I can't write and it'll be utter shit by every metric but diversity, but that'll be enough for classic status

b-but the common reader who reads for aesthetic beauty and wisdom will always exist, right?

>You know nothing of the bible, kid.

Good lord this level of edge.

This entire post and your shitty crop too.

You haven't actually read the bible yourself it seems.

And no I'm not an atheist.

>muh heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism

>Nobody ever does anything for reasons other than money or power!

Who are you quoting?

>can't into greentext

hi newfag

You're the newfag you jackass. You didn't know greentext can be used for things other than direct quoting someone. You're too new.



I'll go ahead and help you out, newfag. Lurk moar, faggot.


"Who are you quoting?" is a meme you rapebaby.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>dyslexia is seen not as a failure, but as a mark of specialness or heroism

I hate everything


equality is so disgusting and soul destroying

>But that's the thing about aesthetics; there isn't a single standard, or a single agreed-upon rubric for what is "good."
>As just one example, most of the classic children's literature books—Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Narnia, Treasure Island—look very dated today by virtue of their overwhelming whiteness, their time-bound, helpless inability to imagine that people come in more than one skin color.


This is why ISIS is gonna win

No, because it is an opiate of the masses. Inside the literati sneer at the unwashed boorish masses who now get tenure based on gender and skin color while they work a high school level job, knowing that when push comes to shove eugenics will rise up again and destroy the inutile lowest common denominator welfare affirmative action state. I can't wait.

Yes, but they can't write articles about him because they can't find a way to turn it into a bad thing.

If you kill your enemies, they win. So we just need to stop bombing them to prevent their victory.

What a douche nozzle. Blast the primitive hate mongering culture to atoms. (No irony- do it for civilization and white man's burden, which is not to feel bad but to civilize these ignorant savages for their own good and kill them when they get out of line. Racial and national guilt is a two way street. When a dog rebels against its master it must be put down. These liberal limp wrists are a disgrace to testicles.)

>look very dated today by virtue of their overwhelming whiteness
Literally stopped reading.

we can date this multicultural shite by a good racial purge ... just sayin'. Oh a black dyslexic trans protagonist ... must be before 2018 lulz

>>I was only pretending to be retarded
badly memed

I have no problems with relativism but to then go ahead and say those other works are dated is hipocrisy of the highest degree.

in the future these PC books will be so dated. It's like a bad trip. Like women winning almost all of the nebula awards the last three years ... and then celebrating what is clearly a pendulum over-correction that is equally sexist, promoting superiority rather than parity. Celebrate, you silly bitches, knowing that inside your hollow emptiness will never be filled, as you deny yourself of the things you actually want: a strong man to tell you what to do in your uselessness, while you complain about all the weak-willed sissies and smelly lesbians in your life. Look what you have made the world: a whimpering sycophantic cauldron of the pathetic and the inane. That one could smile, and smile, and still know the lengths of their imposture at work, that all of this success is cultural appropriation of the white man's work, who established an ordered civilization so that the weak could rise up and take it over, making it soft all over. their successes are simply ineffectual dancing on the graves of generations far superior to those that still cling to ever more feeble life.

>dated because there aren't enough black people

Modern children fiction sucks ass because it's poorly written, a diverse cast can't change that.

I had to read "Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters" for a young-adult fiction class in college.

Let me tell you, the grown-ups do not need to be reading Rick Riordan. He was completely artless and took no risks. There's literally a scene where Percy gets turned into a hamster while hanging out with this other teenage girl, and then he scurries around awhile, and when he finally gets turned back into a human his pants "magically" reappeared (thank goodness! he thinks). This random act of magic has nothing to do with the story whatsoever, and it's never explained. It's just so obvious that Riordan was afraid to write a scene that might depict -- gasp! -- teenage nudity.

Riordan DOES write his books for adults: for the parents who want to buy books for their kids that are wholesome, nonthreatening, politically correct (but NOT honest about the workings of the body). The story was garbage and the characters were garbage.

I know Lewis Carroll was probably an old diddler or at least a pothead, but he has real imagination. If you only give kids books that teach them what is "right" (accepting diversity, learning disabilities, etc.), and never expose them to any psychological or moral danger, then they're not reading literature at all.

why are you showing this to us OP? do you enjoy looking for things to get mad over?

I disagree with his liberal bullshit, but 9/11 was pretty funny.

>digging up a two year article for (you)s

Dude's irony level is insane. Someone get this guy a Veeky Forums account right now.

jew brains are something else lmao


He's not wrong.

Khazars don't have Canaanite blood in them do they?

Seriously though, why do they depict her as coal black? Even though Hebrews were considered "black" because of the mixed race, strangely enough the most common attribute attributed to them was red hair before the 19th Century.

I hate how goddamn profound people seem to think it is to say that shit.

this guy isn't relativist you dweeb

Nor is he right

It's interesting that in his denunciation of America he still talks as if America and its pseudo-capital of New York are the centre of the universe. God sent a smelly brown lightning bolt out of the sky to punish them for their bad stewardship. Yet United States really didn't have that much to do with the current mess; the British and the French have a lot more responsibility but for some reason they dodge the blame. If you look at the actual weapons being used in the Middle East they're all Soviet. Kalashnikovs, T-55s, RPGs, all imported by the shipload for bargain bin prices because the Russians wanted to curry favour and had nothing else to offer. The only valuable resources the USSR had were oil and weapons, and guess what the ragheads already had oil.

They would hand off all sorts of top of the line weapons systems basically free of charge if the dictator at the time promised to give the Americans trouble. The dumb slavs bankrupted themselves shipping weapons to the Iranians to use against the American backed Iraqis, for example.

Nevermind that the towelhead's basic culture revolves around tribal loyalty, he's right that they live in plastic countries because the meaningful divisions are between tribes, not nationality. Even religious heresy can be forgiven in someone if he or she belongs to the same tribe as you. They have no concept of patriotism or democracy or any of that made up bullshit. Nine times out of ten they'll vote for their chieftain without even looking at the other names on the ballot.