>What is your favorite memory? Getting OOTP from the library when it was still super hyped, and finishing it in a single day. I miss that amount of binge reading, I haven't experienced it outside of fantasy. >Favorite Character Dumbles for sure, I love his characterization in the later books when we get to see "the man behind the mask". His interactions with Harry in the 6th book are probably my favorite scenes in the series. Bitch tears.
Lads, what the fuck were they thinking with Cursed Child?
I hate this "general thread" trend on Veeky Forums. It killed off /mu/ for good, and it will kill Veeky Forums as well if it's not stopped. So I politely ask you to fuck off back to wherever you came from.
Bentley Carter
What do you mean about "the man behind the mask"?
I read it so young I can't remember much about the later books.
Carson Reyes
>you will NEVER live on a small quad of old stone buildings with leaded windows >you will NEVER steer a gondola as your qt RP-accented gf giggles and tells you not to crash >you will NEVER take a walk along the river with your qt privately educated girlfriend on a frosty February >you will NEVER attend a formal ball with your qt Hermione-esque gf who blushes when she sees your reaction to the dress she's wearing >you will NEVER have an hour-long discussion with a jaded, witty professor who finds you "utterly intriguing" and leave his office to find your qt gf pretending to read an advertisement pinned to his noticeboard >you will NEVER ride old-fashioned bicycles across cobblestone streets beside your qt gf and laugh as you speed down a hill with your legs outstretched >you will NEVER share a cheap bottle of red wine with your qt Home Counties gf while listening to Cocteau Twins in her dorm with candles providing the only light >you will NEVER arrive a little late to a raucous, controversial debate at the Union and sneak in with your qt gf, ducking and offering whispered apologies as you make your way to some spare seats >you will literally, unironically NEVER take a slow walk beside your qt vaguely artistocratic gf through the fallen leaves of a quiet park and make her smile as she clutches her coursebooks across her chest >you will NEVER sit in a small concert theatre and watch your qt gf playing viola and experience a overwhelming feeling of pure love for the girl you one day hope to marry >you will NEVER run through heavy rain to your qt elite gf's dorm and have her hug your drenched coat and hair as you provide whispered encouragement about her exam the following day >you will NEVER stand on the lighted porch of your home watching your parents through the frosted glass as they approach to open the door and feel your bookish gf squeeze your hand a little tighter >you will NEVER read Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in bed with your refined intelligent gf and try to stop yourself from laughing as she adopts different and exaggerated accents for the characters she's voicing >you will NEVER sit at the dinner table in your qt posh gf's home and have her mother express her genuine shock at the fact you're from a poor background and have her father respect you a little more for turning out the way you have despite that >you will NEVER sit up in bed still half-asleep and slowly unwrap one of the gift's your qt attentive gf got you for your birthday and have her stand with her hands behind her back with her lips pursed in anticipation of your response to the books she has spent time researching in the hope they will be ones you enjoy
Hunter Perry
Julian Bell
I went to college in New England so I actually did a few of these
Austin Rogers
just get into a good uni and do these
Wyatt Perry
>jus b urslef :)
Carter Cook
>implying secondary education is in any way challenging
Carson Gomez
List of boads killed by generals. /a/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums /jp/ /g/ /mu/ /co/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums What else?
Kayden Harris
Being at Space Camp when GoF came out and stealing it out of my counselor's bag for 15 minutes.
I don't think I've ever been so excited over a book.
Brody Anderson
Well if you were to read only say, the first few books you might think Dumbledore was the paragon of goodness and Wizard Gandalf or something. The truth is that he feels extremely guilty for supporting anti-muggle ideas and being infatuated with Grindelwald, abandoning his dysfunctional family to pursue his own ambitions and magical talent. He's basically buried his past as much as possible and tried to redeem himself through his various responsibilities and influence, but his actions in the series portray a man forced to make very difficult choices, like condemning Harry's happiness and being aware that Harry's most likely fate is death. I mean the Wizarding World either worships or fears him, he rejects becoming Minister but everyone wants him to be a leader and fix everything anyway, it was impossible to shoulder all that burden without manipulating a lot of people and events. Harry is the "hero" of the story and someone instrinsically good, it was never a real threat that he would stray from his path, but Dumbledore is the one who sets up all the dirty work and is much more interesting. In the end he allowed the Hallows to tempt him and become his undoing.
Really just read the conversations between Harry and Dumbledore at the end of OoTP, the cave Horcrux scene in 6 and Harry's "afterlife" experience in 7, they're really emotionally powerful to me.
Cameron Ortiz
I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.
Gabriel Sanders
Nice pasta
Landon Diaz
>"You just gotta b urself and go talk to her man. It works for me every time!"
Daniel Parker
Maybe u should take a leaf out of Cedric's book and try a bit harder :^)
Carson Ramirez
Harold Bloom is my Harry Potter crush because
Hunter Cox
>"O fank you mista, fank you so much. I'm sure Hermione will fall in love wiv me if I just go up to her and be myself!"
Jonathan Robinson
How old were you when you moved from Harry Potter to Stephan King?
Connor Harris
OP here.
Please ask this in another thread, your questions risks de-railing what promises to be an interesting and immersive online experience.
Ethan Morgan
Who sed dis?
Dylan Ross
>your questions risks de-railing what promises to be an interesting and immersive online experience. So apparently Hermione was black.
Thomas Fisher
When my parents thought it was satanic and banned me from reading it. They did the right thing for the wrong reasons, God bless their patrician souls. I'm glad I didn't grow up to be an airhead plebiean who can't go beyond Sanderson/fad trash fantasy like most of the HP readers.
Joshua Sullivan
>implying Neville wouldn't be a top-tier boyfriend
I'm fairly surprised I turned out alright. I loved Harry Potter when I was kid, but managed to make the jump past YA which it seems a lot of Pottertards never end up making. Maybe it's because I also read Lloyd Alexander as a kid? Much more patrician than HP.
Asher Morris
I wish I had read Lloyd Alexander. Seems like the kind of stuff I'd have enjoyed. Which country do you live and in how were you introduced to his books?
It's lame to blame other people for your faults but I wish someone had introduced me to books at a younger age. Always feel like I'm catching up.
Lincoln Russell
>Favorite character outside the main three? Hagrid
>Who was / is your Harry Potter crush? No one. My lit waifu is from the classics.
Gabriel Watson
But user, I never moved to Stephen King
Elijah Gonzalez
Believe it or not, I got into actual literature from anime.
Dominic White
>be me >be 5 years old or so >hear about some guy who let his pet snake down the toilet bc he couldn't keep it anymore >his neighbour found the snake in his own toilet the next day >Terrified by this story >Getting paranoid every time I had to go take a piss for months >Years go by >I'm 8 now >Reading the second HP book >It's about a huge damn snike runnin through toilet pipes >The nightmare starts again
Nicholas Long
"A Cadmean Victory" is better than HP itself from any point of view.
Ayden Collins
Literally who?
Jonathan Ortiz
HP fanfiction.
Jackson Williams
Opinion discarded. You sound like some disgruntled HP fan who didn't like how the series went.
Ayden Martin
The point is, even fanfics are better than HP
Ryan Murphy
Yeah, no.
The only HP fanfic that is as good as HP itself is that DnD crossover fic.
Hudson Bell
HP and the natural 20 is awesome, hands down. But it really is too different thematically to compare. Just like HPMoR is too autistic to be rated, even though it's great at times.
Landon Cooper
Voldy pensieve stuff Would have been Voldemort, until she truly made him into the least interesting character in the series. Herms, obviously. Mostly because at first I thought she would be a hermaphrodite
Eli Sanders
I've just been offered an unconditional to Kings at Cambridge so you're wrong there
Caleb Williams
wtf why would you release a snake into a toilet they're not fish??
Dylan Johnson
>and it will never be updated ever again
Fuck me.
Dominic Bennett
Why does everyone idealize Hermione so much? I guess it's the movies. IMO she would be a much less interesting character if she wasn't such an overbearing bossy nerd, you can totally see yourself making fun of her. Hell, I had females like that in HS, obsessed with grades, getting into shrieking hysterics after every exam even though you just know they'll get a perfect score. Annoying as hell desu. But she's a good friend and that's cool. I love all the delusional Harmony shippers though, there's literally zero indications that Harry finds her desirable.
Christopher Ward
>IMO she would be a much less interesting character if she wasn't such an overbearing bossy nerd
That's the point. I liked her because of that.
>you can totally see yourself making fun of her
Exactly. She can be hilarious at times, which is also a bonus point.
>I love all the delusional Harmony shippers though, there's literally zero indications that Harry finds her desirable.
Yeah, Harmonians were delusional as fuck.
Juan Ward
We're not delusional, though? There are plenty of reasons to think Harry and Hermione are perfectly suited, and far better suited than Ron and Hermione. I mean the name, Hermione Weasley, for a start just doesn't click. But again and again we see Harry and Hermione being the mature voices of reason while Ron continued throughout each novel to be little more than comic relief and an occasional source of Samwise-esque sentimentality. Honestly it broke my heart that Rowling would consciously avoid the risk of being perceived as "cliched" and shipping Ron and Hermione when clearly Harry and her would make an ideal couple.
Liam James
Harry ending up Ginny is just silly
Ryan Sanchez
Umm no. Read the books again. It's clear from the start that there's chemistry between Harry and Ginny.
Jordan Wright
you can bet she will.
Carter Gonzalez
The chemistry of Ginny blushing and dropping things? Yes, I recall.
She worked fine as a little-girl-in-love-to-be-rescued, and could've made a great friend in later books instead, but her being a romantic interest has no merit. Then again, not that Harry has much personality.
Jeremiah Harris
I'm a burger, my mom had read The Chronicles of Prydain as a kid and recommended them to me.
Connor Gutierrez
>not that Harry has much personality.
Can you f**k off please!? It's clear that you're trolling. Just leave. Oh my god.
Aiden Ward
This. It's also obvious that Hermione and Ron were a thing since book 4, I think there's even some things hints in 3.
Having a waifu is one thing, but claiming the MC and your waifu should be perfect is just weird. Harry and Hermione would obviously be dismal partners. Harry literally says at one point that spending time with her without Ron around is a whole lot of boringness. And they were mostly depressed when Ron stormed out in 7. I ain't see any chemistry here. Ginny, on the other hand, gets Harry in a way no one else does.
Caleb Gray
was it implied that snape raped lily's corpse while baby harry watched?
Landon Hughes
I went to Oxford, I lived this life.
Post university life is terrible.
Joseph Reyes
Not only is it not /tv/ related it still manages to be one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though "No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Nathan Bennett
>Ginny, on the other hand, gets Harry in a way no one else does.
This made me feel sad and lonely.
Jordan Foster
Is this a pasta?
Jacob Stewart
How old are you and what do you do now?
Michael Gonzalez
I'm 26 now and I work three days a week as a reader for Hodder & Stoughton. Taking six months off though to go travelling with my girlfriend.
Ian Fisher
>It killed off /mu/ for good nothing of value was lost
Ethan Bailey
wow that sounds like a cool job. are you involved in choosing who gets published?
Jaxson Kelly
i don't get it
Luke Torres
25, I'm a chef.
Isaac Long
Actually I am, yes. It's a fine job really. I mean I realize that most individuals with any sort of artistic interest would love to have it, especially considering I only work three days but still earn far more than the average full-time salary for London. I spend the other four days at the house my girlfriend and I bought last year. We have a mortgage but her parents are pretty wealthy (I'm from a working class background, which is of course another feather in my cap) and they've been offering to pay the rest of it off for a while now. I usually wake at 9am and spend the morning reading and exercising and being intimate with my girlfriend. I'm rather reserved and hermetic (I am much like Harry Potter, actually, something she remarked on when we first met, and something which contributed to her feeling the way she does about me) but occasionally I'll consent to a party being thrown. Then I have to help purchase the necessary snacks and drinks, put up the bunting and lights,organizing a gazebo and so on. It's an enviable life to most people, though my melancholy (itself evidence of my genius) does negate the pleasure it would otherwise afford me. Perhaps those of us most fated to success and claim are also those most incapable of appreciating it, observing life as we do from a heightened and detached perspective and appreciating that it is at best a trivial exercise in illusion and despair. However, I am rather content (though not in a sated or gluttonous way) at how my life has turned out. I make more than you ever will. I work a better job than you ever will. My girlfriend is more intelligent and beautiful than any woman you will ever know. My success as an author is something I am looking forward to following the publication of my debut novel next spring, provided that the response of the reading public will be as enthusiastic as the readers who have been granted an early look at the book. My memories too are far superior to anything that has taken place in your own life, and in some sense I could very well live a relatively cheerful life simply reminiscing on times past and enjoying those occasions second-hand while you lament at the regrets and failures which no-doubt define your existence until this point. But the travelling should be great, as I have said. The love I feel for this girl is beyond anything I have ever felt before, and thanks to my heightened intelligence and my superior capacity for empathy and emotional experience the time we spend together is the stuff romantic legends are made of. Only last night we strolled to the bottom of the garden bare-footed beneath a full moon and sat whispering on the riverbank with her head resting daintily on my shoulder. It's a great life if you have the intelligence to overcome the burden of mediocrity which plagues individuals like yourself.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Lincoln Myers
I am in Cornwall actually senpai.
Christopher White
I thought you were going to Canada?
Landon Gray
Josiah Bennett
In the autumn, waiting for my visa to clear. I'm currently drinking in a bar and reading If on a winters night a traveller and refreshing the canadian visa website.
Asher Morales
Do you have a job lined up there?
Brandon Collins
What did you do there, and which college? I'm starting PPE there in October so any advice would be nice
Nathan Williams
BA English Lit Jesus College
Hunter Hall
Oh nice, I'm going to Lincoln so right around the corner. Any decent pubs around that area?
Dominic Reed
Nope, but I know i'll find work easily, I always do.
Henry Edwards
Yes try The Leaky Cauldron, highly recommended.
Jose Wood
give me slytherin bitch
Jackson Murphy
OP here.
Can we please get this thread back on track??
Gavin Reyes
Hardly, if you have practical skills work is easy to find. Most graduates can't do anything but analyse poems and make spreadsheets so they worry about finding work.
Julian Turner
No, fuck off
Gavin Butler
*moved from SK to HP ;)
Ryder Thompson
NEET of eight months here.
you're literally retarded and delusional. sure you can find minimum wage jobs pretty easy but actual adult jobs aren't easy to find skills or no skills.
Jace Morales
I was talking about skilled trades but okay buddy, if that makes you feel better.
Carter Perry
name some example normie
also gryffindor get
Jayden Edwards
Electrician Plumber Chef Stonemason Carpenter Welder Brewers Metal working of any kind Mechanic Or if you want something more modern, programming computers.
If you want a job learn a skill dingus.
Mason Watson
I don't get it How do generals kill boards?
Jordan Perry
i's not the 18th century any more dumbass
if you go into computers enjoy being cucked by curryniggers
Henry Hill
author-insert mary sue
Daniel Russell
>Mary Sue
I thought Veeky Forums is better than this. I thought Veeky Forums would not use such a shallow, meme-tier criticism.
Evan Foster
shallow criticism for a shallow book
rowling herself admitted hermione was her self-insert
Jayden Smith
Really don't see what that has to do with anything.
Adrian Parker
Because HP haters on Veeky Forums are just butthurt former HP fans. They don't have the capacities for proper literary criticism.